Chapter 11: The Secret of the Ghost's Power

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Chairo's P.O.V.

Me and Popplio is still walking around the swamp rather carefully because we are walking through a broken log on the muddy water.

Popplio: "Ah! I'm gonna fall!"

Chairo: "Relax. Just hold onto me till we get across the other side."

Popplio: "O-Okay..."

The two of us keeps walking on the log carefully while Popplio keeps holding onto my costume firmly. Just like her though, I don't want my Pichu costume to get destroyed since Torracat made it for me.

Popplio: "Hey... Chairo?"

Chairo: "Yeah?"

Popplio: "I'm sorry that I slapped you a lot these days... I'm just so embarrassed all this time and I can't help it..."

Chairo: "Well, you slapped me three times and I don't really mind it. Shiro has slapped me harder than that."

Popplio: "Really?"

Chairo: "Yeah. Believe me or not, she has some super strength hidden inside of her. She can slap me very far that I hit Mt. Molteau."

Popplio: "Wow, that's something else."

Chairo: "And the reason is actually the same as you, embarrassed. But I had to admit, it's cute that you are embarrassed."

Popplio: *Blushes* "Oh Chairo..."

Chairo: "Hmm? Were you blushing?"

Popplio: "Wh-What?! No I'm not!"

Chairo: *Giggles* "Whatever you- huh?!"

The two of us feel the log starts moving and the mud under it starts to turn black, I can feel some sort of power under the log. It's an enemy!

Popplio: "Wh-What in the-"

Chairo: "Popplio! Move away!"

I quickly grabbed Popplio by her waist then throw her off to the other side and she safely lands. She looked back and saw black tentacles coming out of the mud and was about to drag me down with it.

Chairo: "Nggh?!"

Popplio: "CHAIRO!!"

Just in the nick of time, I quickly run on the log before it collapses and I use the remaining to jump onto one of the tentacle then jumps to the other side and land onto Popplio to push her further from the mud.

Popplio: "Oof!"

Chairo: *Pants* "Th-That was close..." *Looks down at Popplio* "S-Sorry, I-"

Popplio: *Hugs Chairo while crying* "Oh thank Arceus you're okay! I was scared that you got pulled into that mud!"

Chairo: *Hugs back* "There there, it's okay, I'm alright now."

Popplio: "Please for the love of Arceus... Don't do that again..."

Chairo: "I won't. I promised."

Popplio: *Stands up* "What was that all about anyway?"

Chairo: "I sense some type of power from that mud, seems like we're not alone in this swamp."

Popplio: "Oh no... and we've scattered around the swamp, which means..."

Chairo: "No... This is bad!"


Chairo: "That's Dewott and Braixen!!"

Popplio: "Come on!!"

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