Chapter 7: Catastropika

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Popplio's P.O.V.

I was hiding myself inside the restroom while blushing madly and covers my face with my hands, I wasn't sure how to process everything that has happened to me.

Popplio: "That was so embarrassing..."

???: "Hey, Popplio? It's me, Litten."

Popplio: "Uh umm! Popplio is not here! Leave a message after a beep!

Litten: "Popplio, come out already. I know it's you behind this door."

Popplio: "Just go away, Litten. I'm so embarrassed..."

Litten: "Look, just explain to me what happened. Please?"

Popplio: "Look, it's not like I like Chairo and all, okay? I-It's just... an accident, okay?"

Litten: "Accident? What do you mean?"

Popplio: "I uhh... fell off from the tree?"

Litten: "WHAT?! What were you doing on top of that tree?!"

Popplio: "Look, Chairo is helping me train to walk on walls but I slipped and fell so he had to catch me."

Litten: "Why were you doing such thing?! You know that's dangerous, right?! And why didn't Chairo stop you?!"

Popplio: "Hey! It was Chairo that taught me how to walk on wall."

Litten: "Why did he taught you that?! Isn't he aware that it's dangerous?!"

Popplio: "Look Litten, I know you're worried about me, but please don't blame Chairo. It was me who wants to learn that cool technique."

Litten: *Sigh* "Please don't get yourself in that dangerous situation again, I'm worried..."

Popplio: "Thanks for worrying about me, Litten. But I'm fine."

Litten: "Can you please come out now then?"

Popplio: "Alright alright."

I walked out of the restroom but then I was hugged by Litten which made my eyes widen in shock and I blushes a bit.

Litten: "Don't do that again okay?"

Popplio: "U-Um... okay."

Litten: "Come on, let's go. We're going to be in a same class today."



Chairo's P.O.V.

I was walking down the hall while I was rubbing my cheek that has a band-aid on it, who would've thought that Popplio can punch me pretty hard. Then again, Shiro's punch was more powerful than this. Too powerful in fact that I was sent flying towards a mountain.

Chairo: "Ouch... For all the call backs that I wanted, I didn't want this..."

I was walking passed the lab room but I notice Pikachu was there and he seems struggling to mix some chemical liquids.

Chairo: "Huh? Pikachu?"

Pikachu: "Oh! Hey Chairo, you mind helping me for a bit? I need some extra hands to mix these chemicals."

Chairo: "Umm... I'm not good at chemistry, but I'll try."

Pikachu: "Don't worry, just stand beside me and I'll tell you what to do."

I walked towards Pikachu and stand beside him, I was looking at the chemistry paper that he was writing down which I don't understand at all, it almost feels like my head is smoking.

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