Chapter 6: Lesson Gone Wrong

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Both Popplio and Chairo arrived at school and they went off to meet with their respective group. When Popplio found her group standing near the lockers, she notices that her friends were laughing about something while looking at their phone.

Popplio: "Hey there guys!"

Rowlet: "Oh! Popplio! Glad you can make it in time!"

Popplio: "What's with you guys? What's so funny?"

Comfey: *Giggles* "We were actually looking at this!"

Comfey showed Popplio what's on her phone, it was actually the online survey that Incineroar made this morning and they were looking at the picture of Popplio sleeping with Chairo.

Popplio: *Blushes* "Wh-What the?! How did you find that?!"

Pikachu: "Well, we did follow Incineroar's social media account so that's how we found this survey."

Popplio: *Grits her teeth* "I'm going to kill him..."

Hyde: "If I have to be honest? You and Chairo looked perfect."

Fennekin: "Yes! You two are like match from heaven!"

Comfey: "I totally ship it! No doubt!"

Popplio: *Blushes madly and hides her face*

Rowlet: "So you really do like Chairo aren't you?!"

Popplio: "Sh-Shut it!! It's not like what you guys think!"

Pikachu: "Yeah right."

Popplio: "Look, I-I have to head to class, I'll see you guys later..."

Comfey: "The Cheslio ship will sail! 100%!"

Popplio: *Groans* "Damn it..."



It took a while, but Chairo manages to find his group hanging around near the restroom while they were laughing about something on their phone before he walk up towards them.

Snivy: "Hey Chairo! We've been waiting for you!"

Chairo: "...?" *Tilts his head*

Zorua: "We want some explanation from you. Do you know anything about this?"

Zorua showed his phone to Chairo, he was shocked to see it was the picture of him sleeping with Popplio, he quickly realized that it was from the online survey that Incineroar made this morning.

Chairo: *Blushes madly*

Tuki: "We found this picture from a survey online, is it true that you and Popplio are..."

Chairo: *Looks away while blushing*

Shinx: "Aww~ You like Popplio, don't you?"

Chairo: *Shakes his head*

Snivy: "I'm shipping it, no second chances."

Shinx: "I ship it too!"

Chairo: *Groans and walks passed them*

Tuki: "Aww~ He's flustered."

Zorua: "Seems like it."



(Time skip)



Popplio's P.O.V.

It's finally lunch time, but I decide not to eat with everyone else at the cafeteria because the words are spreading wide about that photo of me and Chairo sleeping together. I swear if I see Incineroar again... I was sitting under the tree outside while eating my lunch all by myself.

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