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Third person pov

they were standing by the tree,holding their presents from one another in their hands. "where's changmin?" she asked. "you'll see." haknyeon smiles. "let's open out presents!" kevin cheers.

they opened their presents one by one. "who bought me tampons." aeri cocked and eyebrow. sunwoo smirked sheepishly and laughed. "thanks sunwoo, these are gonna be handy for when my baby-birther starts to bleed." she chuckled.

"baby-birther? don't you mean coochie—" "shut up eric." she glared. they continued to open gifts and laugh. "wHO BOUGHT ME UNDERWEAR?!" sunwoo yelled. "you keep stealing from others woo. you told me that." aeri smirked. "i really hate you." "but hey! my gift is convenient too!" she complained.

"yeah, sure." he muttered. "oH MY GOD I GOT A SKETCHBOOK!!!!!" kevin cheered. "thank me later kev." aeri smiled. "thanks so much riri!!" he smiled, hugging the sketchbook. "why did jacob give me a letter?" kevin asked.

"read the letter kev!" jacob said. kevin cocked and eyebrow and opened the card. he read all of it and looked back at jacob, blushing harshly.

hey kev,

this letter isn't gonna be long but as long as you read it, i'll be satisfied<3 kev, do you remember when we always met up in canada, no matter how far from each other we've been? you never left my side, never ever. i love you for that kevin. so with that, will you be mine?

kevin smiled and nodded at jacob, hugging him tightly. "that is the gayest shit i've ever seen," aeri spoke, "i LOVE IT! MOONBAE CAME TRUE!!!!!" she cheered. all of them smiled and jacob kissed kevins forehead softly. "that's so cute." sangyeon cooed.

haknyeon looked at the red box he had received from sunwoo as a gift. "what's this sunwoo?" he asked. "open it" sunwoo smiled. haknyeon curiously opened the box and saw a blue bracelet.

he looked at the post it on top and it read "be mine?" Haknyeon chuckled and nodded. "hAKNYEON I NEVER KNEW YOU WERE GAY?!?!?!?!!!? ALSO WHATS UP WITH ALL OF THE CONFESSIONS WHAT THE FUCK?!" aeri cursed. “i dont know aeri, but i guess you know now, do you accept me?" haknyeon asked.

"yOU FATASSED BITCHASS HOE IF I WOULDN'T HAVE SQUEALED OVER MOONBAE I WOULDN'T BE ACCEPTING GAYNESS OF COURSE I ACCEPT YOU BITCH!" aeri screamed. the boyz laughed. haknyeon placed himself next to sunwoo and hugged his waist. sunwoo snaked an arm around his waist.

this time it was erics turn. he opened his gift and saw that a playstation was located inside. but there was a letter.

hey youngjae,

i hope you enjoy the gift i gave you. just so you know, during the holidays last year, i'm sorry that everyone left you by yourself. i should've been there and taken care of you. but as soon as i came home, i caressed you softly and said that i was sorry i left you. you were looking adorable sleeping on the couch though. anywho, i love you eric, i hope you'll accept me, and if you don't it's fine<3

love, LJ

eric smiled and sat next to juyeon, hugging him and kissing his cheek. "wHAT IS UP WITH THESE CONFESSIONS IM GOING TO SCREAM" aeri shrieked. "WHY AM I STILL SINGLE?!" she screamed. all of them laughed at her behavior and calmed down.

"this is from changmin," we noticed that chanhee disappeared for a few minutes and he gave aeri a letter. "huh?" she hummed. the girl opened the letter.

hey aeri,

this is gonna be a little scavenger hunt. you look for all of the clue, and get your prize at the very end.

first of all, the room you slept in when you were unconscious. i took care of your bruises and treated your wounds, mind going there and search for the clue?

she groaned and stood up, walking into the shared bedroom of changmin. she looked through his drawers and eventually found the clue under the sheets. "why would he hide it here?" she raised an eyebrow. "i mean it's the most obvious place, what ever." she unwrapped the ribbom and read the next clue.

oh you found it! it was pretty obvious wasn't it?

go to the spot where you sat next to me, in this apartment. are you confused? i think you might know haha.

she stood up from her kneeling position and ran into the living room, almost tripping on her way. she searched under the cushions and found another envelope.

oop— you found another one!

just one word alright? food.

aeri walked on over to the kitchen as the boyz' heads followed her steps. she searched through the cabinets and found a clue between the cereal bixes to which she assumed belonged to jacob.

last one,

come outside and you'll see your prize. don't be too surprised yeah?

she made a confused facial expression and walked into the hall, putting on her shoes and her coat. the boyz followed her and saw that there was no one. a sign stood there it said,

look behind you.

she looked behind her and saw changmin. she blushed as his forehead was shown. he was dressed up in a flannel red and green shirt and a pair of jeans.

he held a box in his hands and held it out to her. she took it and ripped it open, seeing a nintendo switch inside. she widened her eyes.

"c-could you set that aside?" he asked. snowflakes started falling. she set the box onto the floor of the complex and looked at him. he took both of her hands in his and made eye contact.

he took a deep breath before speaking up.

"aeri, i'm sorry for being so rude to you a few weeks ago. it wasn't my intention, i didn't know how to express my feelings well, it's hard for me to show my true self, and not my cold self. you've heard about my past and actually listened, unlike others, i appreciate your company whenever i was alone. i'm sorry that i used to be an asshole when i talked to you, i'm sorry i kept ignoring you, i'm sorry for avoiding you all the time. i'm glad that you're a person who actually listens to my problems and doesn't ignore any of it. i cherish you being annoying to me and thank you for being there. i'm sorry for snapping with my panuc attack, it's my trauma. please, i beg for you to make me feel like a human again and not a monster. will you cherish your moments with me and be my girlfriend..?"

aeri looked at him with wide eyes and a blurry vision. tears started to block her sight as she hugged him tightly. she cried into his shoulder and he hugged back. he sniffled and looked at her.

"so? what do you say..?" he asks. "i'm sorry for bothering you this whole time. i just want to say...the gift you gave me doesn't matter to me right now. your health concerns me and i worry for you. i loved the way you finally opened up to me about your problems and didn't bicker. my final answer is... " she paused. "yes, i'll be yours changmin, forever." she answers

he cupped her cheeks and locked eyes. he leaned in and placed his soft lips onto hers. she kissed back and the kiss lasted longer than expected.



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