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third person pov

changmin sat by the rooftop, crying silently as the voices in his head wouldn't stop talking. the boy lowered his head to his knees and proceeded to cry.

he was still crying when the classes were over.
what he didn't notice though, was that the door had opened.

aeri had skipped happily out of class with younghoon. her smile was bright, but the reason behind that was unknown to him.

"you've never smiled like this around us, what made you so happy?" younghoon chuckled softly. "changmin befriended me! now i just need to find him." she replied. "alright, see you after school then shortie." he smirked and went off.

she walked around the whole school building unable to find changmin at all. it made her worry. aeri saw the group of boys standing by the vending machines.

her figure skipped closer to them as she started to pant, sweat forming on her forehead. "where's changmin? i've searched for him everywhere." she worriedly asks.

"we haven't seen him either, let's split up and look for him." sangyeon suggested. all of them agreed and split up.

they've searched everywhere. the cafeteria, kevin searched in the boys' bathroom, empty and abandoned classrooms, the schools' abandoned basement, the janitors closet, everywhere. but he was nowhere to be found.

the last place he could be at, was the rooftop.

aeri didn't hesitate before running up the stairs, not caring if she bumped into students or not.

as soon as she reached the door, she opened it, letting the cool breeze hit her figure. aeri looked at her surroundings, seeing a curled up boy leaning against a fence, faint sobs heard.

she slowly approached the weeping boy, being careful not to scare him. "hey," ,she spoke, "are you okay?" her soft voice rang in his ears.

"go away," he sobbed. she refused, "no," the girl heaved a sigh, "are you okay?" she asked once more. "does it seem like it?!" he yelled and faced her.

a frown printed onto her face as she saw that it was changmin this whole time. "c..changmin?" the girl stammered. "yes it's me crying, now go and leave!" changmin didn't even deny the fact that he was crying.

aeri had wanted to do a specific thing to changmin, but hesitated. she didn't want to leave. "i said leave!" he shouted again. "please..let me help you.." she pleaded. "you can't help me aeri! stop acting like you care!" changmins red eyes stared in to her soft ones.

"please..i don't want you to stay here.." changmin finally calmed down. "tell me why you're crying.." she looked at him with worry. "these voices in my head.." he started off. "they won't leave me alone..they haunt me.." changmin sobs.

aeri stopped hesitating and pulled the weeping boy into her embrace. he stared in shock. "you can tell me anything, i promise to not tell anyone, alright?" she pulled away and looked at changmins heated face. he nods.

"look," he stops, "i'm sorry for being so's just a trauma of mine talking with girls.." he sighs. "and why is that?" aeri asked. "i'm sorry for being so curious—"

"my ex girlfriend..." changmin looks back at the hard ground. "she.." he bit his lip and closed his eyes. "she told me that i was useless, that i meant nothing to her. she had cheated on me with 3 other guys, she killed.." he looked up with tears eyes, "my grandmother..."

the girl looks in shock and bites her lip. "why would she do such a thing?! that's absolutely horrendous!" she exclaimed. "she said that no one cares about me, and when i mentioned my grandmother, she went psycho. she would kill every single girl i talk to, except for my mother. because she is a psychopath. she doesn't want any other girl talking to or looking at me."

"wow.." she blurted, "that must have been harsh..she wants you all to herself and then call you such words?!" aeri almost shouted. "i can help you changmin, we can get through this together, you just need to gain my trust, just like how you trust the other boys." she smiled softly.

he returned a smile for the first time, it made her smile even brighter. "alright...just don't tell anyone about this alright?" he said. "it's not like i can tell anyone about this anyway, i have no friends and no parents." she pouted. "hey, you have us i guess." he muttered, "i'll stay with you for as long as school lasts, then i'll go chase younghoon."

changmin and aeri continued to talk, killing the time until it was finally time to go home.

"see you tomorrow! you can always message me, yeah?" she told him. "yeah, bye." he nods and goes off. aeri ran over to younghoon and smiled. "still so smiley. come on, let's go." he leads the way.

soon enough, they had arrived at a small café that wasn't too far from the complex they lived in and school. it had a floral like aesthetic to it and some pink embellishments were included as well. as soon as they entered, the little bell at the top rang, notifying the baristas that new costumers had arrived.

"noona!" he called out as he leaned onto the counter. then came a short girl, maybe a few centimeters taller than aeri with a blue gradient in her hair. "what is it younghoon?" she raised a brow and looked at the girl who had been standing next to him. "oh! you've brought a girl i see?" she teased and winked. "noona, don't think of it that way, this is aeri! aeri meet my older sister, chungha." he pointed at the girl.

"hi unnie!" she bowed at the girl. "there's no need to bow darling! just call me chungha, we don't need to be formal." she smiled. aeri nervously scratched her nape and nodded. "alright let me take your orders, the usual, right younghoon?" she looked at the taller. "damn right, aeri, what would you like?" younghoon faced the girl next to him.

"a vanilla latté please." she answered. "alright, tall, medium or small?" chungha asked. "medium." aeri looked around the café. "alright, take a seat, i'll be there in a few minutes~" chungha winked again and turned around, preparing the drinks.

younghoon signaled for the girl to follow him, and so she obeys. "i like this place" aeri smiled, looking around. "i do too, they've really decorated it well" younghoon replied. "i like the floral aesthetic they have here"

chungha soon came in with a tray with two drinks. "here's your order~ enjoy it!" chungha set the cups down and left. "that was fast" aeri widened her eyes. "yeah, she'd usually take half an hour for just one" younghoon teases. however, once he turned his head over to the counters, he found his elder sister glaring at him.

she mouthed the words: 'you are dead meat once we're home' and turned back around. aeri giggled at the behavior at the siblings and drank her latté. the girl hummed in delight. younghoon who was sitting across her, watched in awe as he also drank from his drink.

a few hours after, younghoon brought y/n to her apartment and faced her. "i really enjoyed it today hoon! let's do this again some day." aeri beamed a smile. "i did too, see you tomorrow at school again shortie." he ruffled her hair and hugged her.

she hugged back until he pulled away and waved goodbye as he disappeared into the elevator.

a huff had escaped her lips as she entered the apartment. but soon enough someone broke the silence in there.


1318 words!
i'm sorry it's been a while since i've updated, just been busy with a few things haha

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