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after eating, the girl sat on the sofa, looking at the mirror beside her. she widened her eyes at the bruise that had formed on her right cheek. a hand made its way to her face to trace the spot.
she hissed as she pressed on it quite harshly.

changmin appeared out of nowhere and sat next to her. "are you okay?" changmin asked. "i'm fine," she said. "this bruise just stings whenever i push on it roughly.." aeri frowned. "thats how bruises are aeri." he chuckled and looked at her. his eyes wandered on every feature of her face, from forehead, to eyes, to nose, and to lips. thats where he stopped his eyes.

changmin stared at her rosy lips and imagined his lips on hers for some reason. he got snapped into reality when aeri waved her hand in front of his face. "you're so spaced out changmin." she chuckled. "s-sorry...just thoughts, you know?" he smiled. "yeah," that's where it got awkward.

she sighed, "this is the first ever drama i've been involved in.." the girl looked down at her lap. "never have i had the urge to punch someone so hard until they bleed, i mean, maybe sunwoo the first time i saw him but thats off-topic." she laughed. he chuckled softly and nodded.

"sometimes..i just want to keep you safe.." he muttered. "i couldn't hear you." aeri chuckled. "oh, it wasn't so important anyway." he reassured. aeri nodded and smiled. "why didn't they send hana into detention? why's it always me who has all of the bad luck carried on her back.." aeri let a tear stream down.

soon enough, haknyeon came up to her and lifted her head. "are you okay sis?.. you're crying." haknyeon furrowed his eyebrows. "i miss mom and dad.." she whispered softly to haknyeon. haknyeons eyes welled up at the mention and hugged her tightly. "we have to do as they said.. keep strong and lift our heads, lets be happy, christmas is around the corner." haknyeon whispered back and reassured.

he pulled away and ruffled up his sisters hair, walking into the kitchen. she wiped away her tears and looked at changmin who was on his phone. she glanced at his phone screen and saw him typing something along the lines of,

"i miss you.."

to someone. she bit her lip and looked away, closing her eyes shut. "are you okay?" changmin asked. "i'm fine.." she answered solemnly. "i'm just tired, do you mind if i sleep in your bed?" she asked. "you already did once so, go ahead." he smiled slightly and payed attention to his phone. aeri went into his room, seeing one of his roommates sitting on his bed.

"oh, hey." sunwoo said. "hi," she answered coldly and sat on changmins bed, lying down. "you okay?" "i'm fine sunwoo." aeri tucked herself in the sheets. "alright then. have some rest, todays been a tough day for you." sunwoo reassured and turned off the lights. aeri closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber.


i was still sitting on my phone, aeri was acting rather odd, however, i can't seem to figure out the reason why. i shook the thought off and continued to text with hyunjoon. he is currently studying abroad in the philippines and let's be honest, all of the boyz miss him a lot and can't wait until he comes back.

okay but theres something that i have wanted to get off of my shoulders for a while. recently, aeri has made me feel some type of way, like i'm in love with her. but i always tell myself not to fall in love just in case she tries to manipulate me as well. in case she treats me like trash. i tell myself, 'don't fall in love, you'll regret it soon' but, when i'm with aeri, i can't help but do so.

it's kind of embarrassing to admit but i just had to hah.

sunwoo came up to me and slapped his hand onto my shoulder, gripping it. i looked up at him and tilted my head because he looked really mad. "aeri is acting strange and i'm skeptical about you," he said, "why is she acting like she's upset?" sunwoo asked.

"that's what i'm trying to figure out, i was on my phone and she randomly left, after asking me if she could use my bed." i answered, however, sunwoo didn't believe me. "what was the last thing you did?" "is this an interview or some shit-" "i aSKED WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE LAST THING YOU DID?!" sunwoo screamed.

"geEZ SORRY IS THAT HOW YOU TREAT YOUR ELDERS? i was talking with hyunjoon." i answered. "what the fuck— why did she leave then?" "you half assed raccoon i don't know?!" i exclaimed. "whatever, i'll try to figure this out then, jacob is taking care of her at the moment. althought she's sleeping.." sunwoo mumbled.

"oh alright then," i nodded.


sunwoo went off into his shared bedroom and saw aeri sitting on the bed, crying as jacob cupped her cheeks, wiping away her tears. "hey, but changmin isn't dating anybody, plus he's no longer interested in his ex." jacob reassured. "so it can't be her. don't think much of it, i know you like him. you just don't know aeri." jacob smiled.

"keep your head up and stay strong" the elder boy said as he lifted her chin and cupped her cheeks again. she nodded and hugged jacob tightly. the boy hugged back and buried her head into the crook of his neck. "let it all out, let the tears out and tell me when you're stable again, yeah?" she nodded and cried everything out.

sunwoo left with wide eyes and heaved a heavy sigh. "i knew it," he muttered and smirked. sunwoo continued to walk until he bumped into a wall that connected to the kitchen.

haknyeon looked at him confused and shrugged it off, walking over to the room where his sister was kept.

another hell of a chapter wowie

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