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she opened twitter and was shocked to see what was on there.

she widened her eyes in fear and covered her mouth.


anonymous_  i found @portablecharger and @halfanhourfake hugging each other in an apartment complex~3 replies, 1

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anonymous_ i found @portablecharger and @halfanhourfake hugging each other in an apartment complex~
3 replies, 1.253 likes and 645 shares

honeyhani please delete this! you're posting this without their consent and they wouldn't like that so please!

harakim of course. she's gaining his trust so that she can throw him away like trash. this new bitch doesn't deserve him.
honeyhani hara you cant just say
such things!

she gulped harshly and set her phone aside. the girl attempted sleeping but that post couldn't get out of her head. aeri was shivering in fear as she wouldn't stop thinking about it. how would changmin react if he saw it? how would he take care of himself after seeing that?

well since aeri isn't stupid, she had planned on telling changmin when she woke up.

the next day ~

aeri woke up, drenched in sweat as she dreamt about changmin hurting himself further. aeri sat up, looking at her lap while breathing heavily. the girl went downstairs to drink a glass of water to calm herself down. it seemed like it was already sunrise.

changmin awoke and saw the girl in the kitchen, filling a glass with water. her face was oily and her hair was messed up. questions clogged up his mind, but he ignored them. just like how aeri did. "aeri, you look worked up even though you just woke up, what happened?" he asked.

aeri took out her phone without any hesitation. but she showed the post hesitantly to the boy. her hands were shivering in fear and panic. she wanted this post to be taken down immediately. she didn't like the fact that it was posted without their consent.

"get ready for school aeri, i-i'll head back to my apartment." changmin then left the apartment without another word. he sounded rather more furious than panicked. she furrowed her eyebrows and got herself ready for school. she sighed heavily and couldn't stop thinking.

aeri left the house instantly with haknyeon. her sibling was confused on why you weren't as noisy as you seemed to have been. "aeri. what's wrong?" he asked. "someone posted a photo of me and changmin hugging in the complex, i have a mission for you and the boyz." she commanded.

"hm?" he hummed and looked at her. "find out whoever is taking the pictures and record every single trace of them. i don't want them to bother me nor changmin or any of your guys' privacy any longer. it may have only been one post but i'm not satisfied with how the person took this picture without our consent." she spoke, clearly infuriated and walked on over to the school building.

haknyeon kept quiet and was surprised by the words of his younger sister. but he nodded and they met with the others. "did you see the post?" sangyeon asked. aeri sighed and nodded, so did changmin. haknyeon shook his head because he didn't receive any news.

"look, it's the new bitch. that one girl who likes to trash changmin around right?!" she laughed hysterically. "hara please just leave us alone. what has she ever done to you for you to be acting like this anyway? are you that thirsty for changmin huh? assuming that any girl would only want him for his looks again?!" sunwoo spat as if it was one sentence.

"who told you to speak now baby boy?" she smirked. "disgusting rat. who do you think you are to be giving my friend such a horrendous nickname? are boys really a joke to YOU?" aeri furrowed her eyebrows and bit her cheek. "our wish is for you to kindly piss off and not have anything to do with any of us. or do you have a death wish huh?!" the girl was about to tackle hara until haknyeon held her arms to prevent her from jumping onto hara.

"maybe if you never went to this school you wouldn't be acting like a total whore around 10 boys!" hara shouted. and that's where aeri lost it. she broke free from haknyeons grip and tackled hara onto the floor. she sat on her stomach and slapped her across the face multiple times until her cheeks are glowing red. hara then tackled aeri to the floor and punched her face until her nose was bloody and her face was bruised. aeri again tackled hara and proceeded to beat her up. jacob and sangyeon tried to stop her from the commotion but she kept breaking free so it was no use.

a teacher came in and started yelling at aeri, telling her she'd get detention for the rest of the school day. "sir let me tell you the whole story first!" aeri talked back. "this girl came up to me and my friend group, calling me all sorts of names! she called me a whore! she gave sunwoo the most disgusting name ever! she assumed that i was only trying to throw boys away! and you put ME into detention?! can't you just do your job correctly and put the one who hurt my pride into detention first?!"

"oh and also! this girl wants to ruin my friendship with the only friends i have at the moment! she won't leave us alone and caused for me to break out! do your job right for once and let at least her go into detention too! her cheeks are only fucking RED! what the fuck happened to my face huh teach?! am i that less fucked up than her?! is she so much more important to this school?! look at me! she's completely ruined me! and that made me ruin her so please! my fucking face hurts and my bridge is numb. i can still feel blood running from my nose i hate it! do your job right for fucks sake!" aeri yelled at the teacher and was about to leave the school building until someone grabbed her arm.

changmin spun her around and smiled at her. he took a tissue and wiped of the blood that was dripping from her nose. the boy treated her bruises and glared at the speechless teacher standing behind them. "let's run." he told you and mouthed the same words to the boyz. they got the signal and were ready to run. jacob and kevin felt iffy again about the situation but it was for their own good.

all of them ran out of the school platform and jumped over the gates.

this was one hell of a chapter wtf—

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