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The doorbell rang to which I thought was the delivery guy, but it was someone else..

"Changmin?!" I yelled. "New kid?!" He was just as shocked as me. "I have a name you know." I rolled my eyes and looked at the box he was holding in his hands. "I knew Sangyeon hyung shouldn't have picked me to greet our new neighbors." He muttered under his breath. "Just take the damn gift and let me go home." Changmin scowled. Hesitantly, I took the box from his hands and he left without a goodbye. "Who was that?" Sunwoo asked. "Changmin." I answered. "Oh Sangyeon-hyung must have sent him here to send you a gift." He said, pointing at the box in my hands. "You never told me you lived here though?" I questioned. "Right, I forgot." Sunwoo scratches his nape. The doorbell rang again and I went to open it. "Delivery!" The delivery guy said, smiling. OMG WHAT THE FUCK HE IS SO CUTE WHWHWHASHSJHSHSJSJAKQ. He handed me the pizza boxes. "That will be 1800₩." He was still smiling. HIS EYE SMILE I SO CUTE TOO AGHHHWWHWWHWWHWHHWSHHAHGHQKAOO. I was fangirling inside. "May I get your name?" He asked. AERI YOURE THE LUCKIEST GIRL ALIVE!!!! "I'm Ju aeri!" I cheered. "Lee Seoho." He answered as he took the money from my hands. "Here." He handed me a piece of paper. "I'll talk to you then." He winked and left.

I stood still, shocked. After a while of staring at nothing, I closed the front door and jumped onto the couch, face first and trampled my feet onto Sunwoos lap. "OWW WHAT THE FUCK AERI?!" He exclaimed. "aeri? You okay?" Haknyeon asked. "THE CUTE DELIVERY BOY GAVE ME HIS NUMBER AHAHWGAHWHAGWHAJEKKIEWKKWOWODO" At this point my brain was broken. "Woah calm down, you've just met him aeri." Haknyeon furrowed his eyebrows. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled and threw an old cereal box from under the couch at his face. "OW! YOU DIPSHIT WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" "I CAN LOVE WHOEVER I WANT!!" I crossed my arms. "Wow okay lover girl." Sunwoo chuckled. "I have to get going now. Sangyeon hyung will beat my ass till my last if I don't get going." Sunwoo pushes my feet off of his now swollen lap and stood up. "Bye, see y'all tomorrow, maybe we'll text." Sunwoo left the apartment and went into his.


Sunwoo you just left acting chill as fuck
and now you're being your crackhead self
again tf


The fact that Haknyeon isn't even on the floor
Laughing and is wearing a
resting bitch face sends💀

don't expose me like that😞

bitch lets head to bed we gon' be late tmrw
y'all also hv 2 meet my friends

o shit i forgot abt that

@jejuboihak is your sister always
this stupid or somn

yeah don't mind her anywho
imma head to bed, now aeri
if i hear your ugly ass
wheeze again from your
bedroom i will yeet you off of the
Empire State Building

jejus christ haknyeon i'll go
to bed now grandma bye y'all

ight gn hoes

I shut off my phone and set it onto the bedside table carefully. I then drifted off into dreamland.

Next morning ~

My phone alarm started ringing and so I groggily sat up, rubbing my eyes and shut the really fucking annoying alarm off. I got up and started banging on haknyeons door. "JU HAKNYEON GET YOUR FATASS OUT OF BED BITCH!" I yelled. He opened he door in my face and glared at me. I sent back a threatening glare and walked into the bathroom to take a warm shower.

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