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aeri landed weakly onto the hard concrete ground of the pavement as she was too weak to keep herself up anymore. she tried getting up by herself but her muscles tied together and made her yelp in pain. bruises started forming on her knees and upper arms. a bruise was seen on her cheek as well. the girl was weak. all she wanted to do was act tough, just like her mother said. but instead, she failed at doing so. the helpless girl glanced at the sky with a blurry vision. tears clouded her eyes as they started streaming down her cheeks.

one of the boyz reached out his hand for her to take. she looked at the boy and saw his squirrel like features. a smile curled across her lips, she wiped away the tears that had fallen and gladly took his hand, trying to stand on both legs again. they started walking slowly, however, the girl was limping and weak. jacob seemed to have noticed her limp and walked up to her, his back was facing aeri as he crouched down.

"get on," he said. she hesitated but he kept on insisting. the girl eventually gave up and jumped on his back. her eyelids fell heavy as if she was about to pass out. she ripped them wide open, just for them to close shut.

jacob slowly started walking and so did the others. they saw aeri sleeping peacefully on the second eldest back. changmin smiled softly at her slight snores. he found it adorable of her. "where are we gonna go?" asked eric. "your place, she needs to rest." haknyeon suggested. they nodded and walked on over to the apartment complex again.

the boyz has soon arrived at the apartment. they kicked off their shoes and walked into the living room, sitting down aside from jacob. "where are we gonna let her rest?" he asked. "let her sleep on my bed," changmin answered rapidly. jacob smirked at his younger and brought the sleeping girl up into changmins room.

he carefully put her down onto the soft mattress of the bed and tucked her into the silk sheets. the girl started twisting and turning while squirming in her sleep. he left the room, closing the door shut and walked on over to the boyz. "we need someone to treat her bruises and wounds...who's gonna do that?" the eldest male asked again.

"i'll do it," the squirrel faced boy stood up immediately, walking into his room with a first aid kit in his grasp. he looked at the girl sleeping soundly on his mattress, approaching her slowly. "aish...if only you didn't get yourself into the inconvenience.." he tsked and started treating her body. he put ointment on the bruises and hoped for it to heal soon.

changmin saw her flinch softly in her sleep, so he stopped until she finally slept soundly again. he stared at her features, tracing his finger along them, not knowing why. he subconsciously did so. changmin chuckled while looking at her, before seeing that she had already woken up from her nap that only lasted a few minutes.

"o-oh you're awake.." changmin muttered. "where am i...?" she asked, obviously very confused on where she may be laying down. "you're in the boyz' dorm and on my bed." he replied calmly. "oh you might want to lay down as well! i'll move-" "no need to do that, i insisted on letting you stay here and rest after that huge commotion that happened," he chuckled softly.

"oh..thanks.." her cheeks tinted a soft pink color. "not a problem at all," he smiled at her. "listen, what ever hara did, we'll talk about this tomorrow, as for the teacher..we'll do the same. and about the post.." he scratched his nape. "we'll leave that to the others.." changmin giggles. "alright then, i'm kind of hungry.." she pouted before her stomach started rumbling.

"you really are, i'll tell chanhee to make something," he gave a signal for her to wait and ran into the living room. "chanhee she's hungry and you're literally one of the only good cooks in this dorm so please make her something to eat before i turn your pale face red." changmin smiled. "whatever," chanhee scowled and made his way into the kitchen slowly.

"you care about aeri a lot, do you perhaps like her~?" sangyeon teased. "i honestly don't know..." changmin mumbled. "hm?" sangyeon asked. "nothing.." he ignored the question his elder asked earlier and ran into his shared room. he saw the girl fiddling with her fingers, looking rather anxious. "are you okay aeri?" changmin looks at her.

"huh? oh i'm fine.." she replies weakly. "you sure? your bruises are really dark..." he glances at her bruises that were colored a dark purple. "i just didn't want this. if i didn't get so violent and snapped, then you wouldn't have taken care of me...i'm sorry...." she whispered, her eyes getting blurry. "it's okay..don't apologize. we know you lost your temper and couldn't control it, so what else could we have done?" he answered.

a tear streamed down her cheek. she felt sorrow, cause aeri didn't want to trouble anyone. "i'm sorry...i shouldn't have done it.." aeri sobbed. "don't cry!" changmin panicked and wiped her tears away. "it's okay! what else could we have done? you've already done so much for me...so why not do something for you as well..?" the male furrowed his eyebrows.

"you know, you don't have to be my friend—" "aeri." he looked at her in the eyes, with a rather serious facial expression. "you've made me feel so warm and comfortable around others. it's something that not even the guys could have done. so please.." he looked at aeri with glossy eyes.

she smiled softly and pulled him into her embrace. "i'm s-" "you've apologized too many times. i already told you it's okay." he said. "alright.." she grinned.

someone then snapped a picture of the two while standing at the doorframe. "that's really cute but the food is ready." chanhee spoke and left without another word.

the both of them faced each other and laughed it off before leaving the room to eat.

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