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third person pov


Haknyeon yelled at the girl as she had just entered the apartment. "calm your tits Hak, i was out with younghoon!" Aeri responded. "YOU BETTER HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING FISHY WITH HIM!" haknyeon scolded. "nothing happened. just hanging out at a café."

haknyeon checked her body from head to toe to find any traces of the deed. "alright you're free to go." he said as he finished checking. "where are we? the security at the airport or some shit?" she scoffed and went into her room.

the girl swiftly went up to her closet, taking out a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants she bought yesterday. she then went into the bathroom, grabbed a towel from the cabinet and opened the tap with hot water.


after a few minutes of just standing in the shower and washing herself, aeri has finally stepped out of the shower and dried herself off, putting on a new pair of clothes.

the girl was now laying on her bed, scrolling through social media, until a message had interrupted her spree.




hey, what's up giraffe boi?

anyways, i'm kinda feeling uneasy again, the others r asleep and i've got no1 2 talk 2 so now i'm here.

aight whatchu wanna talk abt?

my childhood trauma just
clogged up my mind

ouh...wanna talk abt it?
also i'm still kinda
kunfused over that hyunjoon dood y'all
talk abt

sure and how
tf do you know hyunjoons

y'all think i'm deaf or what
anywho, continue abt ur trauma

aight so my
parents only care about money
and treat my sisters with care
and then there's me..a complete
outcast from them,
it's always because i'm the only son
in the family which makes me feel like
an outsider, i'm not treated like my siblings
they always await money from me

wtf? just because ur the only boi in the family
don't mean u  r supposed to b treated differently
ure a human 2 and that's not fair.
ngl ur parents are huge ass mofos for not
treating you like a human but an alien :/

i think so 2 most of the time

aye let's meet up rn

but it's 8pm?

idgaf lets meet up


i'll be in front of ur apartment in


and so aeri put her phone away, quickly going up to the front door grabbing a coat and slipping on her shoes. "now where are you off to?" she heard her brothers voice echo throughout the hall.

"i'm going out for a walk..?" she responded. "be back by midnight, that's the curfew." he glared at her and went back into his room, the floor creaking beneath him.

without another word, aeri left the apartment and made her way over to the boyz' dorm.


heyy, wheres ur apartment?

4th floor and the first door u see

aight ty


aeri disappeared into the elevator, pressing on the button that was labeled 4 and waited for it to stop at the correct floor. after a few seconds, the elevator stopped and the doors opened to reveal a door standing straight in front of the girl.

she exited the elevator and was about to ring the bell, until she realized the others were now asleep. instead of ringing the bell, she knocked three times softly onto the door, careful not to wake anyone up. the door opened and there's he was, changmin standing in casual clothes by the door.

"come on, let's go before the others disturb." changmin whispered before grabbing the keys, stepping out of his apartment and closing the door. they went into the elevator again silently, until one of them had decided to start speaking.

"where are we gonna go?" changmin asked, "let's go to the grocery store near the complex and buy some foods and beverages. then we'll sit down in a park and maybe have a little picnic while talking everything out that's been bothering us, is that okay?" she explained. "sure" he replied and walked out of the complex.

they made their way on over to the grocery store and bought the things they were craving or just wanted to eat. soon, they payed for their things and ran on over to the park. they sat down peacefully on the grass and started eating.

"so, what's been bothering you changmin?" she asked, out of the blue. "i just feel like i cant satisfy anyone..i can't make anyone feel well because of my cold personality.." he admitted. "changmin, you make all of us feel satisfied just with your presence. you are very important to your friends and we want you to notice that. don't forget that you're no longer with your parents but free. you have to start trusting us." she explained.

changmin looked down, nodding slowly and faced the girl again. "thanks a lot aeri, thanks for encouraging me." he smiled. "you can always talk to me when you have a problem alright? you can even rant in my messages when i'm not even awake. i'm always available yeah?" aeri advised. "yeah." changmin chuckled.

after a few hours of talking, the both of them eventually took photos of each other during the picnic. more like aeri convincing changmin to take a picture.

"alright let's throw all of this away and then leave, my brothers gonna kill me if i don't arrive by curfew time." she giggled. "alright." he insisted.

they threw everything away and walked back into the complex.

"hey aeri.." changmin spoke, stopping in his tracks as they arrived. "hm?" she hummed. "thanks for today, i appreciate it a lot." the boy grinned. "no problem." she replied. "can i do something?" he asked shyly. "what could that be?" she tilted her head.

the boy approached her slowly and wrapped his arms around her small body. she widened her eyes in shock of the sudden action and her cheeks tinted pink. she hugged back hesitantly and rested her chin on his shoulder.

"thank you.." he whispered into her ear.

a few seconds later, they heard a camera snap and saw a flashing light.

1033 words~
oooohoooooo this is getting interesting

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