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no ones POV

ji changmin awoke in his bed, he looked at his clothes, seeing that they were destroyed. flashbacks started to clog up his head from yesterday. he didn't want to talk about it.

he knew he had a panic attack after he had locked himself in his room. he looked in the mirror, seeing a bandage wrapped around his arm and his messy hair.

"who did this?" he asked himself as he stared at his bandaged arm in curiosity. he thought nothing of it and walked off into the kitchen. changmin saw his best friends by the living room as he was passing by.

"changmin," jacobs honey-like voice called out, "are you okay? your arm is damaged and so are your clothes. you also didn't sound well when we heard you scream. a panic attack kicked in again?" jacob worriedly walked over to the boy.

"i'm fine jacob, my parents don't want me anymore, i'm good," changmin reassured and made himself hot chocolate. "it was just easier dealing with my parents when hyunjoon was here." he heaved a sigh.

"you have us to talk to, we can confront your parents too. you just have to be open with us changmin, we are there for you. that's what best friends are for, right?" jacob smiled. changmin couldn't keep in a smile and so he nodded.


the boys including haknyeon and aeri started to walk to school together.

aeri glanced at changmin, she saw his red cheek and bandaged arm. "hey," she spoke, "hm?" sangyeon hummed in response. "changmin what happened to you? you look so, damaged.." her voice trailed off. aeri had sensed many traces of worry, but she shook it off.

"i tripped and fell by the stairs," was his answer. "but we were walking with you though? plus, we took the elevator in the complex." aeri pointed out. "i went for a walk, i tripped and fell by the stairs." he continued to answer.

"oh, alright, be careful next time changmin!" aeri warned. "sure whatever." he scoffed and looked at his arm.

why me out of all people? why do i have bad luck?

changmin shook the thoughts off and walked into his classroom. he was greeted by many girls swooning over him. "shut your mouths. i can see drool already forming." changmin solemnly spat at the girls.

"ugh, he should hangout with me, not with that new bitch, what was her name? ju aeri."

"i know right? that hoe just wants attention." the girls whispered.

it infuriated changmin somehow, he doesn't know why though. he didn't think much of it and put in his earbuds. changmin didn't want to hear another peep coming from anyone.

someone tapped his shoulder lightly. he groaned, turning around to see sunwoo and haknyeon. "what is it?" he asked, glaring at the both.

"why don't you give my sister a chance? she's been trying to befriend you." haknyeon questioned the boy. "i don't trust her." changmin simply answered and minded his own business.

"i can tell she worries for you, she's a trustworthy person, she cares for you changmin, please befriend her?" haknyeon begged. changmin rolled his eyes, he was sick and tired of the petitions and finally gave in.

"fine! i'll befriend your sister okay?!" he almost shouted at haknyeon. haknyeon grinned and nodded.

but did his plan work?

after classes, changmin had went over to his locker. he looked over at his side, a few meters away from him, there was aeri.

he was debating whether or not he should actually befriend the girl standing a few meters away. he had no choice but to do so, because he knew, if haknyeon found out that they didn't talk, he is gonna be dead.

carefully, he approached aeri. "hey, new girl." changmin narrowed his eyes at her. "i have a name you know," she sighed, "but what is it changmin?"

"your brother will kill me later on if he knows that we didn't talk, i've finally made my decision on befriending you." he had regretted his words, but at the same time, changmin didn't.

"you know, you don't have to—"

"this request will not happen anymore if you avoid it." changmin tapped his foot on the ground. "so? answer me, aeri."

her eyes sparkled as she heard her own name coming out of his mouth.

"alright." answered aeri. "are you free after school?" changmin asked, that was so sudden of him. "it's not like i want to actually hang out."

"i actually don't have time after school." answered aeri as she organized her locker. "and why is that?" he asked. "i'm hanging out with younghoon after school!" she smiled.

"aeri!" younghoon had called for her.

"sorry changmin, gotta go~ see you sometime soon!" she waved, grabbing her books quickly and walking away with younghoon.

changmin stared at the two. the both of them slowly disappearing from his vision. the boy turned away and walked to his next class. however, that couldn't happen in peace. a girl bumped into him. he knows it was on purpose.

"s-sorry!" she shuddered.

changmin rolled his eyes and walked away, keeping his cold face. "h-hey! i..said i'm sorry.." the girl fixed her glasses and looked at changmin.

changmin groaned in annoyance, turning around to face the girl. "did i ever care? mind your own business." he rolled his eyes and walked over to his class.

"interesting," muttered the girl under her breath, she took off her glasses, shoving them into the pocket of her skirt.

changmin somehow felt pressured again after he had bumped into her. that's how he felt with every girl, but he didn't feel anything when he was with aeri.

to calm himself down, he had decided to skip a class and go up to the rooftop. changmin checked to see if the rooftop was free. after he had seen that it was, he sat down, leaning on the fence of the rooftop.

he took out his phone and earphones. changmin leaned his head back, listening to calming music and shut his eyes. tears started streaming down his cheeks.

1034 words~

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