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aeri's POV
After a few hours of hanging out in the mall, it was finally time to go home.

My legs were already cramped as we were walking for almost 5 hours. Having some breaks in between.


Me and Haknyeon have entered our house again and slipped out of our shoes.

"What's up with you and Younghoon?" Haknyeon questioned me as I was sitting on a stool in the kitchen.

"We've became friends! He's such a nice guy, literally, if he weren't, I wouldn't have gotten two iced americanos." I chuckled lightly at myself.

But then I heard my phone ring.


"Speaking of which he's calling me right now!" I smiled, picking up the phone call. "Hi Younghoon!" I grinned.

Haknyeon shook his head, holding a glass of water in his hands and walked off into his room without another word escaping his mouth.

The call ended a few minutes later and I walked back into my room to change into something comfortable.

I chose a pig onesie that is the same as Haknyeons because, we're siblings. That doesn't make sense, Alright moving on-

I jumped onto my bed, my face landing in my soft pillow. A sigh had escaped my lips as I checked my phone to see if any new messages had popped up.

There was nothing there. I set my phone aside carefully, plugging it in before I do and drifted off into bed.

No Ones POV

Ji Changmin sneaked into his old house where he used to live with his parents to get more stuff from his room to move in fully with the other boys.

As he carefully went upstairs into his room, the floor started to creak which startled the boy as he was trying his best not to wake anyone in the house.

However he had been caught.

One of his older sisters crossed their arms. Her bed hair was standing out and she shot a furious glare at Changmin.

"Where have you been? Me and Yoomin have been worried sick!" The older whisper shouted at the younger boy who was now standing hopeless and defenseless in front of his old room.

"I ran away. Haemin Noona. I couldn't live with our parents any longer, they keep abusing me, mentally and physically, but you and Yoomin noona were never home! Go away and rest yourself. Don't tell anyone please, I beg of you." Changmin responded with a blurry vision. The truth had been spilled.

"Alright Ji Changmin, Do whatever you want, I won't tell. Go and take your things, I'm going to bed." She heaved a sigh and hugged the younger tightly. "I'll miss your annoying self." Haemin chuckled and went off into her room.

Changmin ran into his room as quiet as possible to quickly collect his stuff. He took out his backpack and took all stuff he wanted to keep, the things he didn't want to keep, he left them there.

He did not care if his parents were suspicious of the now empty room in the house. He didn't care if his parents found out he ran away. Although he told Haemin not to tell them, he didn't care.

Changmin has been used to all the pain by now. Physically and Mentally. Never did he trust another woman in his life, besides his older sisters. He didn't even trust his own mother.

Changmin heard footsteps. He didn't care. If it was a parent? He didn't give a single fuck about it. He continued to pack his stuff peacefully.

The bedroom door burst open.

The boy turned around to see both of his parental figures standing by the door frame. He gulped harshly, he knew he was gonna get hurt again. It didn't matter to him. They've left endless wounds and scars on his body and heart.

"Why the hell are you packing, Ji Changmin?" His father questioned. Changmin was speechless. Not a single word could find its way out of his mouth. He sat silently on the floor, ready to be hurt.

"I asked, why the hell are you packing?!" The male got closer to Changmin, raising his voice at the younger boy who was defenseless on the floor.

"You want to know why I'm leaving huh?!" He raised his voice in return. "I'm leaving because I don't want to be called your son anymore! You treat me like trash! The only thing you want from me is money! That's it! How many times do I have to tell you that I do not have enough money to even take care of myself?!"

"Do you think it's okay to abuse your only son in the family?! Do you want to be treated like this in the future huh?! DO YOU THINK THAT I AM OKAY WITH BEING SCARRED BY MY OWN FUCKING PARENTS?!" Changmin couldn't keep in his anger, he gathered enough courage to yell at his own parents.


He slapped Changmin across the face, making sure to leave a mark. "Honey, grab the scissors." He told to his wife.

The woman left and came back with a pair of scissors.

His father took them and started to leave small scratches on Changmins arm. The poor boy screamed in pain and agony. "YOU ARE GOING TOO FAR PLEASE STOP IT!" Changmin tried to stop his father from doing harm. But his father cut his outfit with the scissors as well.

"Leave this damn house Ji Changmin! Never come back!" His mother yelled and pointed towards the front door. The boy was in tears and walked away. "I fucking hate you." Was what he said before he left the building, slamming the door shut.

The scarred boy ran all the way back into the apartment complex to find the boys he trusted the most. He cried on his way there.

As soon as he entered the apartment, he kicked his shoes off, ran into his room and locked himself into his room. Changmin sobbed silently, breathing heavily. He panicked as he had the most traumatic childhood among his friends.

He started to hear voices in his head, they wouldn't stop saying things like,

You're not enough!

Kill yourself, no one will care!

If only I haven't given birth to a useless son like you!

I shouldn't have dated a poor idiot like you, die in a hole Ji Changmin!

"MAKE IT STOP!" He screamed as he started scratching his arms and tugging on his hair. "PLEASE STOP IT!" Changmin screamed as he continued to hurt himself more.

Sangyeon burst into the room to find the boy crying on the floor, he was in pain. He crouched down and tried to calm the boy down.


"Changmin please snap out of it! You're safe with us!" Sangyeon was still trying to convince Changmin that he was safe. But his panic attack blocked him from thinking so.

"MAKE THESE VOICES STOP! I DONT WANNA HEAR IT ANYMORE!" Changmin was still panicking. "Ji Changmin please listen!" Sangyeon furrowed his eyebrows.

"Please...make it stop.." Changmin sobbed as he fell to the floor. He closed his eyes shut and drifted off.

Sangyeon frowned at the hopeless boy. "Poor boy, everything will be over soon, just believe in yourself and everything will be okay, you are worth it Changmin, we are here for you if you need us." Sangyeon carried Changmin into his bed and tucked him in.

He saw a red mark on his cheek.

His parents..

Sangyeon looked at the youngers arms, seeing cuts everywhere, his clothes were destroyed. He decided to treat his wounds, carefully as he was still asleep.

"Everything will be over soon Changmin, just wait.." was all he said, before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

1342 words!
I do not know Changmins older sisters' names so I chose random ones. Enjoy this chapter!

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