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third person pov

the two of them pulled away from the hug and looked around the complex to see no one there who was taking a picture.

"let's calm down, let's just go home and not think much of it alright?" aeri reassured. "okay.." he muttered and paced over to the elevator. she followed after him and started to worry about his act.

"are you sure you're okay? you seem so pressured." aeri asked once more. "i-i'm fine i swear!" he defended. though she could se the panic in his eyes when she stared at him. "let me do this," she took his hand and held it tight so that he could calm down. aeri could feel the boy shake in fear, panic and pressure after the picture was taken. "calm down changmin..." she tried to ease him a little. it seemed to have helped since he stopped shaking.

the elevator arrived and the both of them went inside. "are you okay you can stay the night all by yourself?" she asked again. "please stay for the night..it's always hard for me to cope when i'm alone." he pleaded. "alright, how about we go to my place? i cant leave haknyeon all by himself." aeri recommended. "okay.." "don't worry, i'll convince haknyeon to let you stay." she reassured him again.

the elevator stopped and the both of them exited. she took out her keys and unlocked the door. "Haknyeon! i bought changmin to stay for the night!" she shouted. "are you guys always this noisy?" he asked. "yeah." she chuckled. "I DONT GIVE A FUCK! THE ONLY FUCK I GIVE IS WHEN YOU GUYS-" "OKAY HAKNYEON I GET IT!" she cut him off.

"make yourself comfortable on the couch. i'll grab pillows and a blanket." she told him and dashed into her room. aeri came back with multiple pillows and a big fluffy blanket for changmin. "here you go!" she handed them over to him and grinned. "don't mind haknyeon when he randomly wakes up at 4am and searches for food." she giggled.

"i'll hand you a phone charger for your phone as well." aeri once again, ran into her room and came back with a charger. "i hope you have the same phone," she muttered as she handed him the he charger. "don't worry. i do." he smiled and gladly took the cable. he plugged in the charger and also plugged in his phone.

"i'm gonna head to bed, i'm tired. wake me up anytime if you need something alright?" she told him before walking into her room. changmin saw the girl walking away, he sighed out and took his phone from the small table next to the couch. he saw text messages from the group chat that were mainly about him.


changmin it's midnight where did you go?

we are worried! please reply changmin..


ji changmin get your ass back here before i personally throw you out of the window

hyunjae don't say it like that.

yah! ji changmin where are you?!

why are we all going by age order—

changmin answer rfn younghoon is running around like crazy.

uh my sister is gone as well—

doesn't she tell u if she's gonna leave


𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 ❥ 𝐣.𝐜𝐦Where stories live. Discover now