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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! A new year and a new chapter from author-chan!! (〃゚3゚〃)

I just wanna say that as you can see, most of the POVs are now in third person cuz I lately found out that it's more comfortable for me to write that way. I hope it doesn't bother y'all but I'd still try doing first person POVs anyways continue~ ( ╹▽╹ )


(y/n)'s POV

I'm surrounded by darkness. The air is thick that it makes it hard to breathe. I don't feel any platform below me. It's like I'm floating at the bottom of the sea.

'Am I dead?' I thought to myself. For a second, I really considered myself as a dead person until my surroundings flashed brightly and it made me cover my eyes. When it felt like it calmed down, I slowly removed my arms that covered my vision and adjusted to the brightness of an image in front of me.

No... It's not an image... It's a memory...

'Where am I?' I glanced around before I felt being pulled down towards the memory. I grunted as I fell down on all fours and felt the moist green grass tickling my legs and hands. I stood up while ridding myself of any dirt I may have had after that fall.

"Wow, it's been so long since I've seen this place." I mumbled to myself as I looked around. The forest is still there, right in front of me. What am I doing here? I don't remember memory walking... Is this some kind of a jo-...

"Mommy!!" I tensed at the voice. My eyes widening and my body shaking. My hands turned into fists as I started breathing quite heavily.

"Oh hey there cherry, I was calling for you multiple times but you didn't respond immediately. Where have you been?" Sweet. It's so sweet. Oh how I miss that voice. How many years have already passed since I last heard of that? I shut my eyes as buckets of tears attempted to fall.

"Oh, I just explored the forest again! And I made lots and lots of friends!"

"Oh really? Are they kind?" I took a deep breath and slowly turned towards the two oh so familiar voices.

"Of course! Everyone has kindness in them it's only up to the one you're asking whether they'd acknowledge it or not! But to me, they are very very kind! They are all animals though." I opened my eyes as I fully turned to them. The tears threatening to fall a while ago now flowed down my cheeks like an endless waterfall. Sobs can now be heard from me as I attempted to hold back myself from bawling my eyes out.

"Ahh~ my little cherry is super wise and kind. I can't wait to see you grow into a fine young woman." The person who talked, is someone she was once called mother. Those kind eyes, her warm smiles, and her loving words. It made my heart break apart for missing her this much.

"What are you saying mommy? You should wait because I'm pretty sure you'll be there when I grow up like what you said!" The little girl, was me when I just turned 3 for a couple of days. It wasn't noticeable, but to me, even though she's far away, I saw that my mother's eyes and smile saddened but she abruptly masked it with a brighter expression.

"Of course my little cherry, I just love you very much okay?" She hugged her little daughter so tightly that it seems like she doesn't want to let go. The little girl replied with a muffled "I love you" as she also hugged her mom back.

3rd Person POV

The lady watching the two of them now had both of her hands covering her mouth holding back multiple loud sobs and endless tears. Why is she watching this memory right now? She didn't bother thinking of an answer as she took the time to once more memorize the loving features of her beloved mother.

A couple of seconds later, a man walked closer to the little girl and her mom. His eyes tired but filled with passion and love. His smile so bright it can light up the whole world. This man, is the one she once called father. How can she ever forget those strong arms that holds her tight when she cries over something so petty? Those large hands that held her own when she's scared of something? Those smile that tells her "everything's going to be alright for I am always here beside you"? She can never forget.

The man moved closer and embraced the two ladies of his life. He squeezed them once as a sign of 'I love you' and smiled at his little daughter who glanced up at him with those big curious eyes. Kisses soon came without getting out of that tight loving hug.

The memory soon vanished as it ended with a laugh from the whole family. Everything around (y/n) is now once again black. She can't stop crying as she reminisced on the memories of her and her parents.

A few moments, she calmed down. She doesn't know what to do. All she could think about was "Can I ever feel that kind of love again?", "Will I be able to meet them again?", or "How can I have such happiness again?". She stood there unmoving, but then a voice snapped her out of her trance.

"You never give up right?" A feminine voice echoed around her as a white figure suddenly appeared. Her tear-filled face glanced up to it. She thought that the voice sounded familiar but she didn't thought of it further

"Never..." She mumbled slowly.

"You said it yourself, never, so why not snap of your daze right now?" The white figure raise what is supposed to be its hand and wiped the little tears still falling from her eyes.

"I don't know what to do..." She honestly replied.

"You know what to do, just believe in yourself. Besides, there's a family waiting for you."

"Family? What family?" Her confused expression made the figure chuckle.

"Well, of course those who took care of you and love you. Aren't they your family?" It said.

"Of course." (y/n) aggressively wiped the tear stains on her cheek and took a deep breath before smiling at the figure.

"Thank you for that memory walk and the nice talk miss I-don't-know." She grinned widely as her consciousness slowly slips away. The figure chuckled but before the last bit of her consciousness disappears from that dark abyss, the figure mumbled something she didn't get to hear.

"I'm so happy you grew up to a fine young lady even though we're not by your side as you went on. We love you with everything the whole universe can offer, our little cherry..."


A/N: I don't know y'all but I cried when I was writing this in the middle of the night
( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)

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