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3rd Person POV

The (h/c) haired girl followed the trail deep in the forest with her bird right behind her. It has been a few minutes of her walking but the trail shows no sign of ending, but this isn't enough to lower her guard and to stop looking around for anything unordinary. A few minutes became a full hour when she found out that she was on the edge of the top of a hill. The mark continued down until her eyes landed on a much more bigger crater than the last one. It's like the forest is murdered from the lack of a number of trees because of the hit and the fire, if it was a fire that's responsible for the burn marks.

She carefully descended the hill while the phoenix flew above the trees looking out. The dent on the Earth's surface started getting deeper and deeper. Eventually, she reached the crater and she also met up with the rest of her team. They all looked at one another in surprise as they all ended up on the same place at the same time. Coincidence? They thought so.

"IS THIS SOME KIND OF FUCKING JOKE?!!" Bakugou angrily shouted from the other end of the crater. Kirishima, who used his quirk to block out most of the explosions coming out of the irritated boy's palms, tried his best to calm him down.

They all went to the center and looked at one another, inspecting each and every one in case there's an impostor among them. Luckily, they didn't seem to see any signs that might prove that they're an impostor. All took a breath before asking what they have discovered during their own patrols.

"We saw some scorch marks on trees a few seconds after we entered our side of the forest." Uraraka pointed at the direction of where they came from.

"Same thing but ours are on the ground, they look like dead spots surrounded by green grass." Izuku commented on their part.

"We also found evidences of a previous fire accident, or it might be an incident, on our side. It can also be seen on the bark of the trees." Kirishima also pointed the direction of their part. Surprisingly, they all reported the same exact thing, scorch marks that are visible on the barks of the trees which led them to where they are now.

The only report left to be heard is (l/n)'s. Her eyes squinted as her mind processes what they all said. Finding a large trail from the houses that leads to that place is suspicious enough but to find out that the fire, if it is even a fire, to reach even the trees far from the trail it passed through is a very suspicious thing. How large and hot is this fire we're talking about? Not even thinking about the medium the fire used to live, what a great destruction!

"When I went to the backyard of the last house that I would investigate for the day, there was a crater and a trail that led me here. I think the source of the scorch marks you're all talking about is the one that hit that trail." She then faced and pointed to the trail she ventured on. The rest of her team took steps forward to get a better view. (y/n)'s report is the only one different as she followed the large trail of something, not just scorch marks.

"Let's take a good look around, there might be something that might help us solve this case other than that long and large trail of a burning something." Todoroki suggested. They all nodded and began searching for possible clues around.

What is quite intriguing in their search is the blue shiny shards littered around the crater and a couple of silvery brown stones. The team took samples of both of the unknown objects and decided to stick together as they go back to the inn.

Nighttime fell, all are dressed comfortably and once more sat around in a circle but in the ladies' room this time. The other two teams which are responsible for the west and east side saw nothing suspicious to the eye. A couple of interrogations they had all revolved around burglary and sudden disruptions of villains during their job hours. Even so, they didn't encounter a single problem today about that, that's the only weird thing they encountered.

"That sucks, petty villains got no fucking action." Bakugou complained as he crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall.

"That statement means that you want more trouble for the village." Mina sweatdropped once she heard this.

"We still got a few days to solve the mystery of this town. As much as possible, we shouldn't attract attention and lay low. The villains not showing today during our patrol just proves that they're smart and wouldn't want to get caught on act." Iida stated.

"I have something to say." The (h/c) haired female who was quite the whole time took their attention with squinted eyes.

"If you see scorch marks wherever it is, I want you to mark that place on your mini-maps." The west and east teams all raised a brow at this. They knew from the report a while ago from the south team that the scorch marks are very suspicious but to label them all on the map? That's a lot!

"All of it?" Kaminari loudly asked.

"Yes, all of it." (y/n) knows that this is a very busy work to do but if they want to solve this mystery, they should better listen to her. All contemplated whether to follow or not, but there's no problem on following on what she ordered so they all wholeheartedly obliged after a few seconds of thinking.

Ending the meeting at 9 sharp, the boys went back to their room and they all peacefully slept not knowing that the next day won't be as peaceful as the previous one.

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