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A/N: A random chap to lighten up the mood regardless of what's happening around the world. Be safe guys and thank you for anticipating an update, forgive this lazy author ^ω^


(y/n)'s POV

I got so entranced by my wings that I forgot the Nomu speeding up to me.

"(Y/N)!!!" Midoriya's call brought me back to reality but it's too late to dodge its punch. It hit me on my stomach and threw me off to a random building then the last thing I heard before passing out is the arrival of All Might.

~Time skip ^o^~

I woke up in Granny Chiyo's clinic. I scanned around and saw All Might, well Yagi, by Midoriya's bed.

"Oi, Yagi." He turned to me and smiled. He stood up and sat beside my bed.

"How are you? I heard you quite fought that thing." He said.

"Nah, I'm fine, it just hurts a bit here and there but overall I'm fine. How's Midoriya?" I asked.

"He's alright, after you were thrown away, he bolted straight to the Nomu and fought a little while until I came. Despite his condition after I came, he hurried to the area you were thrown and looked for you. He was the one who took care of you all the way here until he passed out himself." He explained.

"I guess I owe him a thank you then." I looked at Midoriya's passed out body.

"Mhm, now you go take a rest I'll be out for a little while." He stood up and went out.

I glanced back at Midoriya and slowly stood up and sat beside him. I held his hand and smiled.

"Thank you for what you did. I guess I'll treat you out when you wake up." I let go and went back to my bed and slept for a while.

~Time skip when all is well~

I'm currently running to our classroom because, guess what, I overslept. When I reached the door, I took a deep breath and knocked thrice. The door was opened by none other than Aizawa....-sensei.....

"Sorry I'm late, I think I may have overslept he he." I defended.

"You think? Never mind just get to your seat." I walked past him and sat on my seat beside Todoroki.

"Hey hot frost, what's the lecture before I came?." I asked while arranging my stuff.

"Hot frost?" He asked confusedly.

"Yeah, hot frost, my new nickname for you, you like it? Such a small thing don't bother thanking the great and powerful me." I said without even glancing at him. A few moments gone by without the answer of hot frost, so I looked at him only to see a funny confused face of shoto todoroki staring at me.

"Pfft HAHAHAHAHAHA, what's with that face? Fell for me now just because of a simple nickname huh hot frost?" Emphasizing the word "hot frost".

"N-no..." He stuttered.

"HAHAHAHAHAH, okay, okay, enough. So about my question, mind answering it for me now?" I raised a brow at him.

"Nothing much, he just said something regarding the past incident. He said that we might wanna have a vacation for a week I guess." He then removed his eyes at me.

"Ohh is that so, okay then." I sat properly and waited for classes to end.

~Time skip brought to you by your slow updating author-chan ╥﹏╥ ~

"MIDORIYA-KUUNNN!!" I ran to him and put my arm over his shoulders. He yelped.

"Let's go out today!" I said with a closed grin not noticing the few glares darting at Midoriya.

"Oh and can I call you Izuku-kun orrrrr broccoli-kun. Which do you prefer?" And then the glares intensified.

"U-um-umm... Up to you." He stuttered silently.

"Eeehh, why are you turning red? Are you sick?" I was just about to touch his forehead to see if he has a fever but I was stopped by his sudden reply.

"N-n-no-no! By the way, why do you wanna go out with me?" With his hands moving sidewards in front of him.

"Oh! I just wanna thank you for what you did back there. I was informed that it was you who took care of me until we reach Granny Chiyo's clinic."

"Oh, that's nothing i-it's fine r-rea-real-.." But before he finish what he was saying I immediately grabbed his hand and ran outside of the school.


'How energetic... Cute....' -Broccoli-kun's thoughts

~Time skip to the parkkk (Just imagine there is)~

We walked calmly by the sidewalk watching children playing.

"I miss playing around like you don't care about anything in the world. No danger to think about, just enjoy every moment while it lasts." I broke the deafening sound of silence between us.

"I miss it too but I don't kinda have any friends back then so I guess that explains why I didn't play around like that when I was a child." He explained.

"Really? Same here, the only playmate I have is either All Might, Ash, or Veronica, sometimes some of the heroes go by our house to play with little me. I guess I didn't have any friends at my age back then."

"Why don't we do it now? Let's go." He grabbed my hand and ran to the playground.

We played a lot with the kids there. We played catch, hide and seek, and whatever game you could think of. We were all tired so Izuku and I decided to retire and end the day with an ice cream while watching the sunset.

"Thank you for today Izuku." I said then took a lick at my ice cream.

"T-that's nothing, you can ask me to accompany you at this kind of things any time you want." He said.

"Thank you really, I hope we can do this again sometime." I thanked once more.

"Yeah I hope so." He said with a lot of hope in his voice.

"So let's end the day here, I gotta go now, Ash might be looking for me. You better go home now too." I stood up and faced him.

"Yeah see you again when I see you (y/n)-chan." He also stood up and faced me.

"Goodbye then!" I leaned to him and gave him a peck on the cheek and bolted away leaving a flustered Broccoli.

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