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A/N: HAPPY VALENTINES MY BABY OWLETS!!! ♡(ӦvӦ。) 3 chapters for "I Love You" from author-chan (〃゚3゚〃) Can I be your date this Valentine's? ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭

Also, I would like to thank those people who noticed the character development of (y/n). I appreciate it because I didn't notice the change (ᗒᗩᗕ) I went back reading the first few chapters and she really changed without me noticing ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀) Thank you for pointing it out ♡(> ਊ <)♡


3rd Person POV

Waking up with a heavy headache, (y/n) was bombarded with hugs from what she now deemed to be her family. She was quite overwhelmed with the attention and affection at first but she slowly warmed up and gave them a big hug herself. After a few moments of those, they cleared up a way for a person she missed for quite some time.

"How are you holding up my lady?" Ash sat down beside her bed. She took a glance around the room and found out that they were in the inn. She trailed her eyes back to Ash and smile sweetly.

"I'm alright Ash. You're here now already? That's fast." He only chuckled at this.

"Like I said, I'd be arriving today right?" (y/n) only smiled as a response before tensing up as she remembered something and a worrisome expression began to fill her face.

"Where's my team? They were down when I last saw them when I fought that Mizuya guy. Are they alright? Where is Nix? Is he fine? I need to check up on them. Tell me, where are they?" Her eyes darted to everyone in the room. Momo decided to answer for them for she's the one in command for now since Iida is still recovering.

"The boys are in their room while Ochako is over there on her bed." Her other classmates made way for her to see Uraraka looking at her with a smile on her face. Bandages littered her arms and a few parts of her face.

"You're injured? How? I thought you went far from the battle area." The (h/c)-ette asked the brunette.

"When I retrieved Iida, he was out cold so I carried him using my powers and led us back to the crater. When we were close enough a large wave of water suddenly ambushed us then the next one is a very large fire that it burned most of the trees around us and even some of our skins." (y/n) then lowered her head in guilt when she heard the cause of her friend's injuries.

"Ah don't worry now I'm alright and I'm in good shape." Uraraka gave her a bright smile and a thumbs up. With the assurance of the aforementioned girl, she breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled as well.

This lovely conversation was interrupted by the opening of their door. There stood Iida with bandages over his torso. He glanced around before meeting eye to eye with (y/n). They both shared a smile before Iida limply walked towards the side of her bed.

"I'm glad you're awake now (l/n)."

"Why are you all so formal you can just call me (y/n) you know." The crowd around her dispersed to give them room to talk and privacy as well.

"Well then, the boys just woke up too and they ranted about having no recollection after doing the coordinated attack on that guy yesterday." He informed.

"He told me his name is Mizuya. Can I visit them?" She sat up with the help of Ash by her side and swung her legs over the right end.

"Of course, they also asked what you were doing and how are you so I came here to check up on you." Iida slightly blushed after revealing the intention of his visit.

"Aww, that's so sweet. I'll be there in a moment, let me just compose myself first." She chuckled.

"Of course, take all the time you need." He turned around and went back to the boys' quarters.

"Ash, can you help me up?" The mentioned male immediately went beside her to support her. She slowly stood up and swung her right arm to Ash's shoulders.

"Even if you don't ask for it, I would've still helped you, you know that right?" Ash cheekily stated. (y/n) only chuckled in response and started walking to the boys' room slowly. The fatigue she's feeling right now is the worst she has ever experienced. Compared to her trainings and exhaustion before, this is ranked at the top.

"Knock, knock, may I come in kind sirs?" Ash gently opened the door that revealed the guys huddled up on their beds with bandages on them and medications by their side.

"Did you hit your head or something wimp?" The blonde porcupine confusedly muttered.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you sir tsuntsun but as much as I can remember I didn't hit my head."

"MOTHERFUCKER WHERE THE HELL IS (Y/N) YOU SHITTY IMPOSTER??!!!" Katsuki started thrashing on his futon.

"C-calm down Kaachan, it's just (y/n)."

"Ahh right, you can sit over here (l/n)." Iida gestured over the futon beside the drowsy bicolor haired friend of hers. Ash led her and slowly let her sit down as he took a few steps back to give them some space to talk about what happened.

"He's strong, isn't he?" Todoroki said.


"That guy we fought." (y/n) suddenly had that guilty look in her eyes.

"Yeah, he is. I'm sorry to put you all down. I can't defeat him."

"It's not that you can't defeat him." Ash suddenly spoke up as he looked intently at (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes.

"You haven't retrieved your memories yet."

"My memories?" She tilted her head slightly.

"Yes." Ash averted his gaze to the side.

"What do you know about this Ash? Do you know that guy?" (y/n) carefully stood up with the help of Iida.

"I knew it that you coming here will make it sooner than later. The fact that you also found Nix early is a sign." He mumbled.

"A sign of what Ash? Tell me. Tell me everything you know about what is happening around." She unconsciously raised her voice. Ash trailed his eyes back to her shaking confused orbs. He sighed and walked closer to her.

"You might want to sit this out." The door suddenly slid open as the girls peeked their head inside.

"You can join too, settle down. It's time for storytelling."

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