✦✧𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 6: 1 𝕯𝖊𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖊✧✦

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"Do you think coming on time is a joke? We do it for fun?" I got up and took long strides towards her petite self in the huge practice room.

"Obviously I don't take it as a joke" she also stepped towards me, confident as she spoke,

"I already have told you that-" she suddenly slipped and I quickly caught her by her waist.

Thankfully I was already near enough. For some reason I really could not bring myself to imagine to see her fall.

My arms were by her waist and hers around my neck. Our faces were only some inches far from each other.

My eyes were on Hana's eyes until mine shifted to her lips. Her lips were thin with a few curves.

Your POV:

His gaze went down to my lips. I also looked at his lips. His lips were plump, peachy, perfectly shaped.

I was about to gape at his perfection. But then my eyes flickered to his eyebrows. I loved those the most. For some reason those eyebrows attracted me more than I wanted those to. I had never seen eyebrows like his.

"Is it the new campus couple?" A lean guy commented. They were clearly not interested in me.

Jinyoung made me stand straight.

"Who was the professor?" Mark asked me coming forward. I just noticed the visual one. Was he sitting there all along?

"I should not tell you that" I said fearfully.

"I bet it must be Professor Ok" Jinyoung said proudly.

"Don't say names like that" I warned him.

Jinyoung shook his head in disappointment.

"We won't tell anyone that you said the name" Mark said ruffling my hair.

Jinyoung stiffened all of a sudden. He said,

"It doesn't matter anyway. We should start practice again."

"Did I miss anything?" I asked pressing my lips together into a thin line.

"I made sure it didn't happen" Mark said smirking.

"How do you even do this?" I asked one of the girls beside me about the moves.

They tried to show me how to do it. But I was too stiff as always.

The practice hours got over and I went to my classes again. After those finished I came back to the practice room.

I took off my jacket and started practicing in my tank top which was underneath my jacket.

"Well hello there, wooden bench" it was Jinyoung's smooth voice saying mean things.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I am trying my best here" I said still keeping my eyes closed.

Suddenly I felt a hand around my waist. My eyes shot opened.

I looked at the reflection of myself and Jinyoung. And without letting myself realize, I kept staring at it.

"Relax your muscles here" he whispered huskily in my ear.

His cold hand was touching my bare waist since the tank top was not large enough.

I could not think much. I quickly thought about the necessity to wear jacket right then but did not know how.

His another hand touched my shoulder. He said,

"Flex here."

Then he released me.

I closed my eyes again unknowingly for a surprise to come which never did.

"Practice that move again" his voice softer than ever as he requested me thinking I would never fulfill it.

I tried to do it as he said. Jinyoung monitored me sitting on the floor a little far from me.

"Much better" I looked at his smiling reflection in the mirror.

"Thanks" I smiled too before grabbing my jacket quickly in that chance.

I shuddered thinking what just happened here.

Jinyoung tilted his head to read my expression and maybe a bit taken back from my haste. He said,

"Wanna go home together?"

Why was he so admirable? It seemed that he stole my ability to speak for the moment.

"Yeah" I surprised myself by not stammering.

"Naeun I swear" I yelled.

"I have ears. And they work just fine you know?" She said getting pissed off at me.

"But mine don't" I said and she looked at me weirdly,

"I bet my ears get red whenever he is near me" I said but shrugged quickly.

"Mine too. But I don't get to be near him that often" she said sadly.

"I am sorry. But I swear this tension we have between us, I never felt it before, not like this" I said thinking deeply.

"It is fun for you" she said bitterly.

"No. It isn't. Trust me. I never wanted this feelings to exist. I thought he was a jerk the first time I met him" I said honestly,

"And now he is giving me butterflies."

"What exactly happened today?" She asked me.

"He made me dance" I said and hid my face.

"Or made your butterflies dance?" She asked again.

"Or worse" I said getting sad again.

"You can still quit dance club. You know?" She said making me a bit doubtful.

"Should I? How is your dance practice coming along?" I asked her too.

"We are practicing hard to throw your team down" she said passionately.

"Oh woah. Calm!" I said and indicated her to breath.

"Come on Hana! You don't even know how hard it is! We always are told how good your team is and all, how your team always wins. So that we also work hard and give it our best to win too" she said forgetting to breath again.

"Okay I get it. But don't worry with me in the team, our team is most likely to lose" I stated the truth according to me. My dancing skills were too poor despite Jinyoung's little coaching.

"No. There are Mark sunbae and Jinyoung sunbae in your team. There is no way you will lose even if you try with your life" she said completely stating me wrong.

"I don't know" I said and plopped on the bed. Jinyoung was taking away too much of my time.


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