✦✧𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 11: 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖍✧✦

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I opened the door to get outside and closed it after I saw that it was snowing

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I opened the door to get outside and closed it after I saw that it was snowing. Little wet snowflakes were coming down from the sky.

I changed to a turtleneck sweater and took the umbrella with me. I wanted to see the snow but just in case if I did not want to be under it. It was the first snow of the year.

"Let's make ourselves sweat enough to keep warm without heater" Mark said as I came inside the practice hall.

It was the weekend. We did not have classes but yet we came to practice.

"Shall we, one?" Jinyoung's figure came in front of my eyes.

"It's Hana" my expression did not give anything away.

"Of course" he grinned and brushed off snowflakes from the top of my head with his hand.

I did not use the umbrella.

I tried to do the same to him.

"What?" He questioned, raising one eyebrow.

"Doing some social work" I said and he chuckled.

"Or just copying me?" He said.

"Whatever" I still kept a poker face.

"Then would you do this too?" He stepped towards me. I did not back away.

He smirked.

He slid his t-shirt up his neck and took it off.

I scoffed seeing his childishness.

"It's really chilly outside Nyoung" Mark said.

"I am covered in sweat" he replied.

"He came a lot earlier to practice than us" Mark explained.

'Oh' I mouthed to him.

"You didn't copy me" Jinyoung said as soon as Mark walked away.

"Shut up, Pac-buff" he was way too buff. It was hard to get him out of my eyesight.

I could swear that the other girls were swooning over him.

"Just put it back on" I tried to tell him.

"A little troubled there, aren't we?" He mocked.

"No" I coughed, "It's practically snowing."

"So? Worried?" He smirked again.

"Worried about what?" I was not sure if he understood that I was worried about the other girls staring at him.

"Worried if I might get cold?"

I suppressed a laugh.

"Of course not" that was for sure.

"Ugh" I winced as I felt my ankle getting sprained because of trying to do a twirl standing on one foot.

The others were able to do it perfectly fine. Everyone looked at me. I smiled at them sheepishly. I was down on the floor at that time.

Mark turned the music off.

"What is it?" He said after coming near me. He sat beside me on the floor and held my wrong foot to check.

"I think that I might have sprained this one" I said pointing at that leg.

"Let's go to the hospital" Jinyoung said to me.

His eyebrows were furrowed. He looked adorable getting worried like that. But at the same time he was not wearing any shirt.

"My dad is a doctor. He studied bones. It will be enough by just going home" I let out a laugh.

Mark gave me a weird look.

"Why were you laughing?" Jinyoung asked bluntly.

"Nothing, just-" I stuttered. I was flustered at the sudden question. For me, ankle sprain was really common. I tended to fall down a lot as well. But they were not familiar with it.

"Get on my back" Jinyoung said and crouched down.

I was about to do it. But then I hesitated seeing his bare back.

"Wear something first" Mark knocked some sense to him.

Jinyoung looked at him being confused for a bit. Then he put his t-shirt back on.

He got in the same position and I rode on his back. He walked with me and made me sit in a car.

He got into the driving seat.

"Is it your car?" I asked him surprised since I never saw him with a car before.

"It's dad's. I brought it since it was the weekend and he does not have work today" he said keeping his eyes ahead.

His one hand was on the steering wheel and other one on the window. He was driving with a speed around 80 Kmph.

He did not look at me even once the whole ride while I was glancing at him frequently enough to get caught if he looked at me even once.

I sighed.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I can not drive" I replied.

"Your license should not expire so soon" he said throwing a quick glance at me.

"No it's not that. I don't even have any license" I said.

"So did you learn illegally?"

"Can you let me speak?" I was frustrated with his wrong guesses, regretting the decision of telling him.

He nodded slowly.

"I could not learn driving" I gulped.

"What?" He almost yelled.

"What's the big deal?" I shrugged.

"No. It's- it's not very common, you know?" He said.

"I do" I pouted. I wanted to learn as well.

"What's the reason by the way?" He was suddenly serious. He somehow managed to get serious whenever it was time to talk about my personal things.

"Well, we don't have a car. That's all. There is no dramatic story behind it" I rolled my eyes.

"Do you actually think that I am kind of nosy neighbour who is just interested to have fun hearing about your personal life or something?"

"No" I could not come up with anything else.

Jinyoung just shook his head.

Jinyoung halted the car after we reached home.

We sat for a few moments like that.

"Can I ask for something?" Jinyoung broke the silence.

"You already did once last night, remember?" I said and looked at him.

He grimaced before saying,

"I am so sorry."

Was he really that innocent?

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can you please let me know if you are uncomfortable with anything I do before somebody else does?"

I understood that it was about him wearing something before carrying me. I thought he was just teasing me.

I wondered how quickly he was able to switch himself from being childish pervert to some soft, kind, honey dropping person.


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