✦✧𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 10: 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝕭𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗✧✦

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"I am sorry

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"I am sorry."

"Ugh" Jinyoung winced in pain as the ointment touched the bruised place under his eye.

I sighed. I was trying my best to tap lightly so that I could avoid hurting him.

"Why?" Jinyoung said after I finished applying ointment there.

I took the bandaid and was going to stick it on his injury.

"It all happened because of me" I breathed on his face. We were too close to each other. I spoke in a low voice.

I looked in his eyes to see that he was already looking at me. Jinyoung did not blink just like me.

"I-" I wanted to say something but could not let anything out.

He was too beautiful. He waited for me to speak as he raised his eyebrows. He still did not take his eyes off of mine.

I gathered all my strength to move away from him.

"When did you get that one?" I asked about the bruises on his lips.

"The second guy did that before I could tackle him" he said without hesitation.

"How could I miss it?" I whispered to myself. But Jinyoung managed to hear that.

"You were looking at me the whole time, weren't you?" He smirked.

I squinted my eyes at him.

"I had not much choice, you know?" I grimaced and took a amount of ointment on my hand to apply it on his lips.

This was the hardest job for me.

I bit the inside of my cheek. I kept my gaze fixated on the corner of his lips.

I applied it lightly. Just then Jinyoung moved closer to shorten the already close distance between us.

It was getting harder for me to breath. I was sure that he was doing it on purpose but I was not sure about the reason. Also I could not look at his eyes to catch him red-handed.

"What happened, first aid doctor?" Jinyoung said.

The tension between us could cut a knife.

I managed to apply the ointment successfully. Then I quickly took the bandaid and paste it on the corner of his lips.

I stood up.

"It's finished" I said and was about to go away.

Jinyoung stood up too. He took the first aid box and kept it on the bed. Then he lifted me up and tossed me over his shoulder. My eyes widened in shock.

I stopped myself from yelling at him. He laid me down on the bed, gently on my pillow.

He hovered over me.

"I am worried. So I am not going until you tell me what was the reason for you to be in the subway so late at night."

"Is this the way to intimidate me to make me tell the truth or something?" I scoffed at him.

"I don't know. I don't care. I can do whatever it takes to make you spill the truth" he said, his eyebrows narrowed.

"Get away from me. I will tell you then" I said and he kept looking at me for a while.

Then he closed his eyes before opening them again. He got up.

He held his hand out for me to hold it but I did not. I got up on my own. He took his hand back.

"You were right. I went to see mom" I said after hesitating for a bit.

"And she wasn't responsible enough to make sure that you get home safely?" Jinyoung hissed.

"No. She was not at home. It was locked. I came back without seeing her" I looked down and sat on the bed. I was feeling fatigued.

I did not look at him. I just kept having a staring contest with the floor.

I saw Jinyoung getting down on his knees and his face flashed before me.

He examined my expression and I tried to read his. He seemed somehow hurt.

"Can you promise me one thing?" He said in his honey like voice.

I shook my head out of instinct.

His lips twitched indicating a hint of smile. But he was soon back to being serious again.

"Then grant me a wish?" He asked as if he almost knew that I was going to agree this time.

"What is it?" I asked.

"When you go to visit your mother the next time, please take me along with you" he finished.

I tilted my head to the side. I was puzzled.

"It will be like I am not there. I will not bother you or your mom at all" he tried to defend himself.

"I don't know-"

"Then I will take away your privilege to call me Jinyoung" he threatened.

"No. Don't do that" I finally got it. It had not been even one day.

"Then you have to let me come with you as well."

"I guess that will be okay" I smiled. It felt good to know that someone was trying to involve himself into my mess by his own.

I almost regretted for not taking him with me. I was kind of disappointed to not find mom. And the disappointment was clearly visible to Jinyoung.

I hated myself for opening to him so much.

"Also about the morning-" he started. He looked into my eyes,

"I am sorry if I had hurt you in any way. I am not sure how but-"

"Just drop it" I did not feel comfortable to talk about it anymore.

"I should get going" he muttered.

"I know" I replied.

"Hey. Is there any chance your father is keeping an eye on the door to see when I am coming out. If not, then can I stay here for the night? I am getting really comfortable here" Jinyoung grinned.

I squinted my eyes.

"No he is not. But still you can not stay here" I said and held his arm before dragging him out of my room.

"Won't you see me off?" He gave me puppy eyes.

"You just lost that by wanting to stay in my room" I shut the door closed.


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