✦✧𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3: 𝕮𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝕸𝖞 𝕹𝖆𝖒𝖊✧✦

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I was giving out flyers of a shop which just opened in our neighborhood

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I was giving out flyers of a shop which just opened in our neighborhood. I was just helping them out.

"Look at you, pretending to be good" I looked at the owner of the voice.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Jinyoung.

"Is that a way to talk to your senior?" He said ignoring my question.

"Woah. Is she your department junior?" A woman came and asked him,

"Nice to meet you. I am Jinyoung's mother" she greeted me.

"Oh. Hello aunt Park. I am Min Hana" I said bowing a little.

"You are so pretty. Are you two dating?" She asked me.

"No, mom! Why are you even saying that?" Jinyoung whined.

"Uh. We are not dating, yet" I said the last bit and winked at her. She smiled and said,

"Okay. I get it."

"What?" Jinyoung questioned,

"Don't say anything weird to my mom."

Meanwhile I was having fun seeing Jinyoung's reactions.

"Anyhow, we just shifted in this neighborhood today. This is our house" she said pointing at the house which was directly opposite of mine.

"We are neighbors then. I live here" I showed them my house.

"Please come over at our house. We will be happy to have you" she said sweetly.

"Why don't you care about my emotions too?" Jinyoung said and I laughed.

"3, 2, 1. Go!" The dance practice started today too.

"What's the thing with you?" Jinyoung asked me.

"What?" I asked.

"It does not seem like you want to dance. If you are here just because of Mark hyung, then I think you should leave as soon as possible" he seemed serious.

"It's not anything like-"

"Then practice properly" he said cutting me off.

I mimicked him after he looked elsewhere.

"I can see you in the mirror in case you don't know" he said and I sighed.

"What are you? A wooden bench?" Jinyoung continued to pester me.

"Hey! I am not that bad" I fought back.

"Nyoung, we are not supposed to discourage her" Mark stopped him.

"Hana, can you spend some extra hours with me after your classes end?" Mark asked me but I did not know how to respond.

"Umm. I guess?" I said and he smiled.

I was waiting the practice studio for Mark to come.

"Something important came up. Mark hyung had to leave" Jinyoung said not directly looking at me.

"Then, can you help me to learn it? I don't want to be a disappointment anymore" I said.

"Let me think about it. No" he said and started walking away.

"Come on! Park Jinyoung!" I yelled and I got a lot of stares.

"What are you doing?" He said stepping towards me,

"I don't know what you are up to and all but whatever you told my mom is not going happen. I hope you know that" he finished.

"I can't believe you even think something like that. Don't forget but you are the one who did wrong with me at first and did not even apologize to me" I said and stomped off.

I could not believe this guy. How could anyone be so self centered?

"Come on! I just talked to her once in this month!" I yelled at the top of my voice.

"It does not matter. I don't want to see you with her, ever again!" My father yelled twice lounder than I did.

"Fine. You don't have to see even me again" I said and opened the door to get some fresh air.

"Hana, come back here" he called but I did not look back.

"Anything's wrong?" I looked behind.

It was Jinyoung, the person who I wanted to see the least now.

"Not anything you have to know" I said and started walking away.

He held the strap of my bag and pulled me.

"I am sorry for whatever I put you through till now. I really am" he apologized.

"Nice to know that" I said and made myself free from him.

It has been a while now. I was walking through the lanes and Jinyoung was walking behind me, not even saying anything. He was just silently following me. I did not say anything to him too.

After some more walking, I sat on a bench in the park.

Jinyoung sat down too but keeping a lot of distance from me.

"Was that your dad?" He asked me and I took a glance at him.

"Not that I am being a nosy neighbour or anything. But it's just you both were really loud. I heard your voice and-"

"Did anybody else hear it?" I asked cutting him off.

"I don't think so. My parents fall asleep a little too early, you know?" He said and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What do you think my name means?" I asked him.

"One?" He said.

"Yes but my mom had another meaning in her mind when she kept my name. 'Sakura no Hana' do you know it's meaning?" I asked him.

He blinked his eyes before saying,

"Cherry blossoms."

"Hana (花) in Japanese is for flower. She named me a flower" I said and started tearing up.

"Hana. I-" Jinyoung caressed my hair to make me stop.

"It's okay. I am okay" I said trying to be okay.

"You know what, in Arabic 'Hana' (هَناء) means happiness. You must be your mother's happiness. She would not want you to see cry" he said.

"Then why did she leave me?"


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