✦✧𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2: 𝕽𝖚𝖓 𝕬𝖜𝖆𝖞 ✧✦

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It was still early in the morning when I came to the university

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It was still early in the morning when I came to the university. So I thought about spending some time in the library.

I did not get enough sleep last night. So after reading a few lines of a novel, I put my head down on the table to get an eye shut.

"Mmm" I heard after quite some time.

I raised my head and looked beside me.

It was that third year prefect, Park Jinyoung. His head was kept down too. But it was facing me resulting his face to be really close to mine.

His eyes were closed. His light fluffy hair was moving slightly. He looked like a prince from some fairy tale.

But the thing that caught my attention the most was his eyebrows. I have not seen such beautiful eyebrows in my whole life time.

But that should not make me forget that I was supposed to be upset with him because of the prank that he pulled on me. I shrugged.

He opened one of his eyes and raised another eyebrow.

I was observing his facial features so intensely that I did not even notice what I was doing.

I quickly moved away.

"Why are you sitting beside me?" I said after I was in a safe distance.

"Well hello! I did not see you. But you clearly did. Since you were literally gawking at me" Jinyoung said proudly.

"Well hello you! I was still in daze because I just w-woke up" I lied.

He got quiet after that. Thank goodness he thought it was true.

"By the way, why are you still talking to me informally like that?" He asked me.

"Maybe because I am older than you?" I said after a few moments.

"Obviously not. No one would behave with me like you did in this university. Because everyone adores me. You are surely a crazy freshman" he said eyeing me.

"What do you mean by crazy?" I snapped.

"Let's go, Nyoung."

I looked at the owner of the voice.

"Mark?" I said.

"She talks to you informally too, hyung!" Jinyoung complained.

Oh yeah! I forgot that Mark was three years senior than me.

"Oh" I could not say more.

"Hey, Hana. See you after you get free" Mark said to me smiling.

"I am free now. I mean-" what was going on with me?

"Don't you have classes now?" Mark asked me again.

"I do. But I can bunk a few. No?" I said.

Mark let out a laugh.

"Then let's go with us. We are going to have dance practice now" he said.

"No. Why are you asking her to come?" Jinyoung whined again. He lowered his voice and told Mark,

"She is kind of crazy."

"Shut up" I said to him.

"No. She is not. Have you applied for the dance club though?" He asked me.

"Nope" I said the truth.

"See? Let's just go now" Jinyoung again tried to abandon me.

"Then let's get you in" Mark said and I smiled.

"Okay. We don't have much time before the show. So we really need to practice hard these days" Mark said to the dancers of their team.

Apparently, the whole dance club was divided into a few teams who will compete with each other. I was sitting in a corner on the floor, just watching them.

"It's not gonna happen. Since Mark hyung just added someone into our team who does not even know anything about our choreography, or theme, or anything" Jinyoung started his thing again.

"Can you stop?" Mark said to him.

"Whoo" I clapped for them after they performed the part which they choreographed till now.

Mark sat down beside me. He said,

"You can practice with us from tomorrow. Just get to know about us today."

"I am doing nothing anyway" Mark smiled looking down.

"Are you that tired?" Jinyoung called Mark and said that.

"Cut it out" Mark said to him before getting up and practicing again.

After the practice got over, I attended a couple of classes. But I was thinking about the dance club over and over again.

Because it just occurred to me that I can not dance.

I watched some of their videos after I came home that day. They were a big deal on internet too. They upload their dance videos on YouTube.

I tried to learn a few steps watching them. But it did not feel like I was doing it right.

"Wait! What is Min stiff Hana doing?" My friend Naeun said coming into my room.

"When did you get here?" I asked her.

"When you were trying to break your body?" She joked.

"Don't try to be sarcastic. You are no Chandler. I just wanted to prepare myself" I said to her.

"For what?" She asked me.

"I might have kind of joined the dance club?" I said looking down.

"You go, girl! I am in dance club too. I haven't seen you yet" she said.

"Oh. I am in Mark's team" I let her know.

"No kidding! You are in Jinyoung sunbae's team?" She yelled.

"You are gonna make me deaf" I covered my ears.

"How? I did not get to be in the same team with him. I signed up the next day I came to the varsity" Naeun continued.

"It just happened to be. Mark made me apply" I said remembering about him.

"Well then, can you tell Jinyoung sunbae about me?" She said coming closer to me.

"Well I don't think so" I said getting away from her.

"Why?" Naeun started whining.

I wondered even if it was a good idea or not.


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Congratulations to Jinyoung for winning two awards in AAA tonight. He totally deserved it.

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