✦✧𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 8: 𝖂𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚✧✦

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I was literally pissed off at Jinyoung

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I was literally pissed off at Jinyoung. How could he talk about the topic as if it was no big deal.

Fine. I had told him about my family matters, when I did not even know him.

But it did not mean that he could talk about it anytime he wanted.

The main reason of me being pissed off was I actually made plans to meet my mother today. But it was painful that he got to know it without me even telling him.

But I could not say that to him. I could not let him get me anymore.

"Isn't she that girl?" I heard someone saying in my class and looked at them.

"Which girl?" I asked the chattering group of people.

"No one" a girl with short hair said looking elsewhere.

"Umm. My friend wanted to ask if-" another girl was talking to me,

"No don't" the previous girl interrupted her.

"It's okay" the new girl reassured her.

She turned to me again.

"Are you and Jinyoung oppa going out? Dating?" She let it out.

Woah. My worst fear had come true, the thing I dreamt about last night.

"Uh. It's not anything like that" I said but it felt like it tore something apart from me to say that.

As if I wanted to answer positive.

"Oh. Thank goodness. Actually we saw how you both go home together after college. So we thought-"

"No. We are just neighbors" I said cutting her off.

"To your left" Mark instructed.

Jinyoung did not come in the dance hall yet.

I wondered if he even came to the college at all.

I shrugged my thoughts off.

I did not need to think about him. It did not make sense.

"Hana" he called me.

"Yes, Mark?" I waited.

"Are you lost?" He asked me.

"Huh?" I did not understand.

"I had been calling you for a few times" he said. His expression was clearly annoyed.

"I'm- I am sorry" I apologized,

"I was a bit zoned out" I said again.

I did not even know why I was doing this. I could easily bail. I also needed to go to meet my mother that day.

"Mark" I called him this time.

He looked at me, his eyes softer than before.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Of course" he replied.

He came to me and I said,

"I don't feel really well today.  Can I go home now?"

"Do you need me to take you?" He asked worried.

"No. You don't have to. I can manage on my own" I said to him.

"Okay then. Goodbye Hana. Get well soon" he said and ruffled my hair.

I did not know the reason for him to do this. It was like he was reminding himself that I was younger than him.

My father and I were not talking for a while then. So even if I got late, he would not directly ask me the reason. In this way I would not have to lie.

He would probably assume that I was practicing dance in college.

I took the subway to go to my mother's house. In the subway I kept thinking about what I wanted to tell her.

"It's locked" I whispered to myself.

I turned my heels and got prepared to return. I was going to take the subway. It was already really late since mom's house is pretty far from the city.

The subway was somewhat empty except some thug looking people. I tried to avoid eye contact with them but it was hard as they were kind of gawking at me.

"Hey sweetie" one of them called while I was waiting.

I pretended to not listen to them.

"I know you are listening" the same guy said again.

"You should say sweet body. Probably then she will understand" this was a voice of another guy.

"I wonder how that body would look under me tonight" a completely other guy said.

That was it. I turned toward the direction where they were.

"This sweet body?" I said pointing at me with my index finger.

They looked dumbfounded.

"You would never be so fortunate" I gritted through my teeth.

A guy with a piercing in both of his ears, smirked.

"That is a tough one, huh?" He said to their mates. My blood boiled at the word 'that'.

They came forward.

"We thought about sparing you, you know?" One of them said while walking towards me.

I did not know what to do.

"I didn't" a guy said throwing his hand up in the air.

"That will not get you the girl any less" another guy said before stepping forward.

I thought about what to say. But my lips quivered.

"It makes me kinky" the one who was closest to me said as he moved even closer keeping half a feet distance between us.

I wanted to run away. But my legs did not move at all. I wanted to scream but failed to do so.

I looked down and closed my eyes before opening them again when I heard loud footsteps behind me.

I saw someone kicking that guy in his stomach and tackled the other guy.

"Run!" That desperate voice echoed as the eyes below my favorite pair of eyebrows were looking at me.

"Hana! Run!" I struggled to recall his name. Probably it was because I was too focused to admire him as himself.

"Jinyoung" I breathed.

The other two guys also came to him.

"Can't you hear me?" He yelled before punching one of them.

As far as I knew I heard him but how could I leave him alone?

Three of the four guys were down because of Jinyoung.

The last one landed a punch over his right eye. Jinyoung stumbled.

I could not think much. My mind was blank. I took the bottle of my Tom Ford perfume out of my purse and broke it on the last guy's head.

"Let's run!" I took Jinyoung's hand and made our way out of the subway.


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I'm so sorry for updating so late. It's been months.

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