✦✧𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 12: 𝕱𝖆𝖈𝖊✧✦

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"Can you please let me know if you are uncomfortable with anything I do before somebody else does?"

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"Can you please let me know if you are uncomfortable with anything I do before somebody else does?"

"I will make sure to do that, overthinking potato" I giggled.

"Now you need to do some overthinking before calling me potato" he said and I stared at him. He was such an arrogant senior.

"What do you think of yourself, then?" I asked squinting my eyes.

"A delicious snack" he smugly said.

I broke into laughter.

"You are hilarious" I ruffled his hair.

But he caught my hand and took a good look at me.

"Why are you acting like you don't admit it?" His rude self was exposed again.

I took my hand back. We were in front of my house for quite a long time. We did not go inside. We were sitting in the car, resolving our issues.

"Park Jinyoung!" I called but he looked ahead.

"Why are you doing this?"

He turned toward me. He seemed frustrated.

"Doing what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You know it well" he pursed his lips.

"Trust me, Jinyoung. I don't" I stated the truth.

Jinyoung's eyebrows furrowed.

What troubled him so much?

It felt as if he faced this situation for the first time in life. He was stressed. He seemed upset with people, with himself.

He bit his bottom lip.

"Can you not call me Jinyoung? It doesn't let me think, especially in these situations" he mumbled the last part.

"Are you that much bothered, because of me calling you by your name?" I was taken aback seeing him petty like that.

"You know it's not that" he quietly said.

"I don't know anything. Not a thing. You need to explain me. If you can't, then I am going" I unlocked the door.

"Hana" he called. I did not look at him.

"You are hurt. Wait a sec" he came to my side of the car and picked me up in his arms.

I did not have the energy to forbid him anymore.

Dad checked my leg and prescribed an ointment for me. He asked me to do an x-ray to avoid any kind of risk.

I was advised to rest in bed. Jinyoung left early since he still had his dance practice.

I thought about him the whole day, specifically about he said.

What could he possibly mean by that?

I pondered. His words were getting played repeatedly in my head.

"Why are you doing this?"

What was I doing?

"You know it well."

I didn't know a thing.

I answered to his questions in my mind. I was too engrossed into collecting my thoughts. I did not even notice that someone knocked on the door.

Suddenly the door opened revealing my mother.

I sat up quickly.

"Mom" I called.

"Lie back down" she advised me gently.

"What are you doing here? Dad will see you" I was worried. I tried to look past her.

"He called me. He told me that you got hurt" she said and I looked down.

I was calculating the chances of him actually saying that. In my brain the percentage was pretty low.

I felt guilty for thinking that dad was petty. But it was the fact. He did not even let me meet mom the last time.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked me in her soft voice.

"It is not that serious. Dad said that it will be okay if I apply some ointment on it" I said blankly, a little embarrassed that she was worrying so much for such a small injury.

"I heard that he asked you to do some x-ray" she said proudly, assuming that she caught my lie.

"Don't get so worked up. He said that it was just to be sure" I reassured her.

"Yet. You need to be more careful, Hana. And from now on let me know whatever new happens to you, okay?" She looked at me with concerned eyes.

"You want to meet her" Jinyoung suddenly said.

He was clearly talking about my mother.

"It was not a question" I said giving him the hint that I did not want him to assume anything about me.

"You know it" he said not regretting it at all.

I remembered that incident all of a sudden. It was the day, I went to my mother's house.

"I went to see you" I muttered.

"Huh?" She asked, not understanding.

"I went to meet with you, at your house. But you were not there" I complained.

"When?" She asked, sitting down.

"Last week, in the evening" I looked down again.

"Hana" mom held my shoulder,

"Look into my eyes" she said to me.

It was hurting me. My eyes were stinging. I had the urge to cry.

The strangest thing was that I wanted Jinyoung beside me.

I looked up at her.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

I did not know the reason. It was probably because I did not want let anyone know that I was stupid enough to go to a person's house without telling them or I just did not want to tell her that I cared.

I cared so much. She did not even bother to call me once in a month. But I just went to her house without even telling her.

It hurt me to feel that I needed to make appointment before seeing my mother unlike everyone else.

Jinyoung's POV:

I could not concentrate on practicing at all. Hana was the only thing on my mind.

I took out my phone from my pocket and hovered over the dial icon on Hana's contact.

But it was not justifiable. I was in her house just five hours ago. It did not make any sense to check up on her again.

Then I changed my plan to send her a message.

But I had no suitable word to say to her. Everything I would say would make her feel that I am caring about her.

It was the first time for me to worry about a girl like that.


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Hana finally decided to confront her mother about her feelings. Jinyoung's efforts did not go in vain.

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