✦✧𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4: 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌✧✦

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"Then why did she leave me?"

"To where?" He asked me.

"Another man" I replied.

"And I suppose, you are not totally distanced from your mother?" Jinyoung said.

"Nah. She has problems with my dad, not with me. My dad was more influential to get my custody. That's why I got separated from her" I looked at him.

"Do you want to lean on my shoulder?" He asked me seeing my pitiful state.

I nodded slowly before actually doing that. It has been a long time since I had opened myself up to someone.

"I know. I know that I am selfish for wanting her to stay. My dad was not a bad person. But my mom just did not love him anymore. Still. Sometimes I really want to be selfish and want to be with her."

I looked at him,

"Is that too much to ask for?"

He mouthed 'No' and started running his fingers through my hair.

"But my dad does not want me to meet her. According to him, mom broke our perfect family. Do you think so too?" I asked him again.

"You love your mom way too much, right?" He said this time and I looked down.

"My step dad is really nice too. He asks me too stay over with my mom sometimes. But dad will not let me" I did not answer to his question.

"What about your dad? Is he married too?" He asked me.

"No. But it's not like he is holding himself back or something. Actually I don't even know what he does all day. I will not be surprised if he brings his bride home any day" I shrugged.

"Would you like that?" Jinyoung's hand halted on my arm.

"I- I don't know. Honestly I don't think I would even care" I said.

"We will see about that" he said.

"Hey! What do you think of me? Some whiny little kid?" I sat up,

"I have watched my family breaking in front of my own eyes" I said.

"I never ever could think that, Hana. I just meant to say that if you do not want a step mom roaming around you now, then you should tell your dad about that" Jinyoung said sincerely.

"I don't know. Who am I to say anything to him. I myself don't obey him" I replied.

"Also, in case of your dad actually marrying without telling you, you can come over to our house" Jinyoung winked.

"Shut up! Didn't you forbid me to come there, earlier?" I asked.

"People change" he scoffed.

"In a day?"

"Thanks" I said to Jinyoung after he walked me to my house.

"Take care" he said.

"Yeah" I said but he was still not going.

"Something that's important?" I asked him.

"Nope" he put his lips together in a thin line.

"Won't you go, then?"

"Yeah. After you do" he said casually.

"Why? Is that supposed to be a thing?" I asked again.


"Okay. I don't think I need to know. Bye" I said cutting him off and went inside the house quickly.

"Let's take a break" Mark said. He was completely covered in sweat.

"Hey, Hana" he greeted me after grabbing a bottle of water.

"Hey. I am trying a lot to catch up with you all. But it won't budge" I said pointing to myself.

He laughed,

"It's okay. It is fully my fault. I am so sorry for not keeping my promise. I really had something important to do" he explained himself.

"I believe you. Don't worry" I smiled.

"Let's do it today" Mark said.

"I don't think I will be able to do it today. I have a class test tomorrow. So-"

"Oh. No. It's okay. I just wanted to make sure that we are good" he said smiling after.

"Yeah. We are" I smiled warmly too.

With Mark, I don't know if it's easy or not but it is always smiling between us. At least we don't bicker.

After my classes end, I left the classroom and ran to library to borrow some books I needed.

A loud thud was heard after I dropped a whole lot of books from the shelf.

"I'm so sorry" I apologized as soon as I took a hold of myself.

Jinyoung stood in front of me, looking straight into my eyes. I did not even know he was here. He got down to pick the books. His face had unreadable expression.

After a while, it hit me that he was picking the books up which I dropped. It was my fault. I should not give him another chance to be superior to me.

I got down too. But he already had picked a lot of those.

"You don't have to" he said not meeting my eyes.

"I caused it. So I must be the one who picks it up" I said looking at him.

He took a glance at me. Then he sighed before saying,

"Your dress is too short. Can you please stand back up?"

My eyes widened. I quickly stood up and straightened my 'too short' dress.

I wanted to look good. Who knew that I would have to be in this position today?

"Thanks" I whispered to him closing my eyes after he had picked all the books.

He left from there not even responding to me. I was not wrong. He was actually rude. I felt sudden sadness again. Why did he have such an influence on me?

"Jinyoung" I called him outside the library, not letting him go.

"Sunbae" he corrected me.

"Jinyoung sunbae" I said that time,

"I don't remember doing anything wrong with you" I said in clear voice.

"It's not about you" he said before turning to leave again.

"Then about whom?" I asked him.

He turned around. His eyebrows twitched.

"I don't know" he seemed tensed.

We both stood like that for a while facing each other.

Jinyoung took a deep breath before saying,

"Would you like to go home with me?"


Vote for the chapter if you like it.

I will try to update soon again.

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