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Hey eveyone!! I just wanna say merry *late* Christmas to everyone and I just hope you all got what you wanted under the tree this year! I hope you enjoy this chapter, and see ya later UwU

Naruto walks in the direction of Suna, thinking about the events that happened moments ago. 'Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't be alive. I mean, Itachi Uchiha was there, Hatake Kakashi was there, and Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke wouldn't be a problem, but the other two would be difficult to handle.'

"Uchiha Itachi is a Challenge, he's just like Uchiha Madara."

'Uchiha....Madara...? Who is that?'

"He was my old master. He treated me with no respect. He used me to tear down opponents, and never gave me credit for it. He was a horrible person, but an amazing ninja."

'Wow, that's crazy Kura. Well, I hope he never shows up.'

"He won't, hes WAY too old."


-- Back at Konoha --

Kakashi, the great copy ninja, stares at the body of the fifth Hokage, wondering how Shimura Danzo, died by the hands of Uzumaki Naruto, the same man who almost died from Uchiha Itachi.

It just didnt add up.

He is about to walk away until he hears a grunt.

And then a voice.


His eyes open wide.


"Where...is Uzumaki Naruto?

His heart skips a beat. He knows where Naruto is, but he cant say, because if he does, his life would be in danger. But why is he worried about a person who isn't even a man who lives in the villiage. Then it hits him. Its because he's the fourths son. His old sensei. The man he respected. His father-figure. That's why.

"I dont know, hokage-sama."

"You let him get AWAY?!"

"No, sir, Hokage-sama. I arrived here a few moments ago from my mission."

"Baka, you should be killed, but since you're a value to the villiage, I'll let you live. Next time you make a mistake, your as good as dead."

"Yes sir, Hokage-sama."

Kakashi dashes away, startled by the two's encounter.

"Phew, I really can't mess up now since he's around."

The silver haired Jounin goes to his house to lay back, and he falls asleep.

-- back to Naruto --

Naruto gets out of his mental conversation with Kurama, to see a big gate with guards. He knows those guards all too well. He also sees Gaara, Temari, and Chiyo. (Chiyo's brother died.)



They both run to each other meeting each other half way. They kiss, pastionitly, tongues meeting, fighting over dominance.

"Naruto-kun, I missed you so much."

"Same here Temari-chan."

The two just hug there in silence, not wanting to end it. The two break their hug, and Naruto looks towards the village to see a smiling Gaara and A teared up Chiyo. Naruto walks over to Gaara and gives him a hug.

"Welcome back, Naruto."

"Thanks, Gaara."

"No problem. We were going to send ANBU in a few days if you didnt return, because we know you, and we knew that you would try to fight out of it, and you did. Well, let's go back to the house and let's celebrate!!"

Naruto hugs chiyo and they all teleport to Naruto, Gaara, and Temari's house.

"So what happened?" The Kazekage asked the blonde haired boy.

"Well, they captured me and put me in a cage, and I escaped. They tried to fight me and capture me again, but obviously to no avail. Danzo tried to fight me, but I killed that old hag."

"I'm glad your okay Naruto-kun."

"Yeah, so am I Temari-chan."

Naruto tells the three about things that happened while he was making his way back to Suna. He tells them about his encounter with Itachi and Hatake Kakashi.

"Gaara, Akatsuki is on the move. They know the both of us are in this villiage, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were to come here at any moment."

"Your right, we need to be prepared for an attack from the Akatsuki. We only know of one person in the Akatsuki, and that's Uchiha Itachi."

"They could bring all of the members for all we know. Did you feel any other chakra signatures?"

"Yeah, he wasnt as strong as Itachi, but he was strong."

"Okay, I will send Jonin and Chunin to guard every single gate, just to be sa-"


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