Meeting the girl of my dreams

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I love the woods. It's a nice place to clear your mind and it's a nice walk too. I always wondered why ninjas wanted to go on missions beyond Konoha. I now realize how beautiful the world around Konoha is. I hope that in other villages people won't know about me and the thing inside of me. I can't wait to find the girl of my dreams and become the Mizukage, or the Raikage, or the Kazekage. I want to be a Kage so I can do good things for the village. I know of the paperwork that I would have to do, but that doesn't matter. As long as I learn some sort of technique for me to create more of myself.

Before I left Iruka-sensei was teaching us Clone Jutsu. I wasn't doing very good. Sasuke, the highest in the class, did it perfectly. Along with Sakura-Chan. I love her, but she loves Sasuke and I understand that. I leave my train of thought to see sand. Just. Sand. And of course, more sand. Just kidding. There is a wall with a gate, just like Konoha. There are two gaurds who look way different than the gaurds who guard Konoha's entrance. I walk up to them, and they draw their Kunai knives. I look at them like they are idiots. "You do realize I'm only 5. I would like to enroll into the academy, become a citizen, and live here." They let me In and almost immediately I find a kid, alone, crying. I run over to him and say, "hey are you ok?" He looks up at me, his eyes puffy. "Your not gonna run away?" He says sniffling between a few words.

"No, silly!! I dont run away from people that cry!! I want to know there problem and help them figure it out." He looks at me and smiles. I smile back at him. "Are you new here?I dont think I know you," he says. "Yeah, I got kicked out of my old village because I have a monster inside me. Why do people run away from you?" I ask. He responds, "I have a monster inside me too. It's called the one tailed beast. People are scared of me because they think I AM the one tailed beast. But I'm not!!" " I have the nine tailed beast inside of me. I'm like you, except you didnt get kicked out of your village like I did," I say, with sadness in my voice."Its okay, you can live with us!! At least, if you want to. Also, will you be my freind?"

Freind?!?! No one ever has asked me that!! "YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!" I say so excitedly I think I scared him. "YAY!!" I WANT YOU TO MEET MY SISTER TEMARI AND MY BROTHER KANKURO!!" He said excitedly as well. He has siblings? COOL!! While we are walking towards his house we talk about our likes and our dislikes and how life went for both of us. I told him that since he has a freind he won't be depressed and angry at people all the time. We would have each other's backs when someone would hurt one of us. He took us to his house, which is HUGE!!! I think the size of his yard is the size of my apartment!! I can't wait to live here, if his parents let me anyways.


I just got finished beating up Kankuro for trying to peek in the bathroom while I was drying off, and that's when I heard gaara laugh. And I hear another voice laugh with him, a voice I didnt recognize. I walked into the living room to see a boy with blond hair, a blackish green shirt with a swirl like symbol. He looked kind of cute. "Hey gaara who's this kid?" J asked. "Hes my new friend, Naruto!! This is my sister, Temari!! And Theres Kankuro, the one on the floor. He probably got beat up again for peeking at Temari naked. He does that sometimes. I look over at Naruto to see him staring at me. I blush and look away. Father comes home a couple hours later after we all got to know more about Naruto.


We are talking to each other, I get to know more about the three, and Temari is very cute and I think I like her. I wonder if she would date me. Maybe, we'll see. Although she is very stubborn because she wouldn't tell me much about her personal life. Girls do that alot. Oh well. I wonder if she would hate me if I told her I was the Kuubi. Maybe not since she has a brother who also has a tailed beast in him. I love her.

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