The Crush of Konoha

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Heyyyyyy everyone!! Most of this part is in the canon but instead of suna betraying it's just a LOT of sound ninja. And also Sasuke has already had ties with Snake boy (Orochimaru). Enjoy and peace


I wake up the next morning feeling an arm around me. Its my wonderful blonde boyfriend Naruto. I turn around, kiss him on the cheek, get up, and put my clothes on for the final exam. ( She wears her early shippuden clothes now.) I turn around to see a sleepy Naruto getting up, stumbling in the process. I giggle a little. "What's so funny Tema-chan?" He says in a sleepy voice. "You look so cute when your tired. It makes me love you even more."I say walking towards him. I put my hands around his neck and kiss him on the lips. He puts his hands on my hips and started kissing me back. We separated to get air. I put my head in the crook of his neck and he put his head on mine. We stood there for about two minutes until we heard a knock on our door. "Naruto, Temari, you guys ready?" We hear Gaara say in his usual monotone voice. "ONE SEC!!" I yell through the door. "Hurry up and get ready Naruto-kun. If you don't, Kankuro's gonna yell and whine and neither of us wants that, Right?" "True." He responded. He gets ready and we walk out the door to go to where the exams gonna be held. We get there quite early, considering we are the first genin team there, along with some citizens who are gonna be watching the fights. We go into a room where the Kazekage, Hokage, and the leader of Taki. We walk up to our father and the third Hokage, since the leader of Taki apparently isn't showing up, which is kind of weird. Oh well. "Hello father." Gaara and I say. "Hey Dad." Kankuro says. "Hey Rasa." Naruto says. "Hello children." "And who are you?" He asks Naruto, the kid he thinks of as a third son. "Its..... shouldn't you know this? I mean we talk all the time. It should be obvious. Nevermind. When did you arrive?" He asks. Hes right. He should've known Naruto-kun's name. Eh, whatever. "I arrived early this morning." He says in a nervous tone. Why is father acting so weird? He shouldn't be acting like this? Is he embarrassed by Naruto-kun? I'll ask him once we get home

THIRD PERSON POV.......Probably forever idk

The rest of the kids make it to the stands, the eliminated genin on the stands watching. The 4 sand ninja are making their way up to the top of the stands. " ok guys I'm up first." Temari says to the 3 boys. "Be safe and do your best Temari-chan." He said, kissing her on the cheek. She blushed a little bit and made her way down. She was going to face Shino Aburame. The bug boy made his way to the arena. He immediately made a swarm of bugs fly towards the wind kunoichi, which she blew away with her fan. The fight kept on going like this until she wasted most of her chakra. She then took out two kunais and threw it at him. She then ran towards him behind the kunai, ready to attack once he blocked the kunais. It was successful, he blocked the two kunais, then she landed a punch on him. He went flying into the wall. She had won. The next match was Gaara vs. Sai. Gaara had a tough time with him, but eventually beat him with his sand coffin, breaking his right arm and leg, forcing him to forfeit. The next one was Naruto vs Neji. The fight lasted pretty long, with Neji's amazing defense, and Naruto's amazing offense and speed, they both put up a good fight. Naruto eventually when into bijuu mode, tired of playing around, and broke cut off Neji's left hand with his sword, then broke his right arm, forcing him to forfeit. Then it was Kankuro vs Fuu. Fuu put up a good fight but ended up getting beat by the amazing speed of Kankuro's puppets. Kankuro is making his way up the stairs when a sword goes straight through his body. Temari immediately burts into tears, while Gaara and Naruto are angry as fricks big brother.

Gaara immediately teleports to where the sword was thrown and sees the ninja running away. His sand engulfed the Sound ninja. He brings the man over to Gaara and snaps each bone until all that's left is his head. He snaps that as well. Then he sees about 40 around ninja that are around chunin level. "NARUTO!!!!" Gaara yells. "Temari-chan it's ok me and Gaara will get our revenge on every man involved in Kankuro's murder. I love you." And with that he kissed her on the cheek,  brought her to the nearest Jonin that wasn't fighting, and went with gaara. "I know already. Let's do this." They both go Bijuu mode and destroy every Sound ninja that they could find. They then see the Sound ninja five. "Gaara I know these ones. They'll be harder but we can do it. Turn into your shukaku avatar, then it'll be easy." "Gotcha." The red head replied. They both turn into the Shukaku and Kurama avatar and obliterate the sound ninja five almost like they were a genin team.

They reach where Orochimaru and Hiruzen Sarutobi were fighting and what they saw destroyed Naruto forever. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third hokage, dead. He. Was. Dead. Who he saw as a grandfather was now dead. Naruto bursted into tears, falling onto the floor beside the dead Hokage. "WHY?! WHY ME?! WHY HIM?! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO DIE BY THE HANDS OF SOME EVIL PERSON!?! I DONT UNDERSTAND!!" He then turns around to see the snake man himself, Orochimaru. "Looks like the old man couldn't hold his former student down. Oh well. Too bad, he was a challenge indeed." He said, laughing, which turned into fear. "So your the one who killed gramps, huh? Oh well. You were a challenge. Oh wait, you weren't." Chakra theninvades Naruto's system, and In a blink of an eye, Orochimaru was sliced in half by Naruto's sword. He then cuts him into 50 different pieces, blood everywhere. He then Rasengan's the remains to make sure he doesnt somehow come back to life. Naruto then wipes his tears, and looks at Gaara, who went wide eyed. "Bro, you just destroyed him. But like, on another level." "Well that type of stuff happens when someone kills someone you love. You did that to the man who killed Kankuro, right? Well, we both killed a lot of men today. Let's go wash up and check on Temari-chan." "alright then."

The two boys make their way to Temari to see her and comfort her. They walk by to see her by Kankuro's dead corpse. Shes crying in his chest. "You were by far the dumbest out of all of us, but I still loved you. I really miss you Kankuro, and I will miss you till I die. WHY KANKURO?!? IT COULD'VE BEEN ANYONE ELSE BUT NO!!! IT HAS TO BE HIM!! HIM!!*Punches ground* HIM!! *Punches Ground* HIM!! *Punches ground* HI-Hi-him....." "Temari-chan!!" Right when the two tailed beast hosts met their girlfriend and sister, she passed out from the shock of a loss right in front of her.

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