Uchiha Itachi

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Sorry that my Title kinda sorta gave it away....hehe.... enjoy this chapter and remember, Akatsuki is still the same in this story as it is in the canon series.

"Uzumaki Naruto, I will need you to come with me now."

"U-Uchiha Itachi?" The boy says, shocked by the man in front of him.

A murderer.

A psychopath.

Or at least, that's what he thought of him.

"You....You get away from me you MONSTER!!" Naruto screams at the man.

"I don't want to have to use force, but I will if I have to," the Uchiha says to the boy.

"Okay, I guess we're using force then."

Naruto's body turns yellow with some black Marks around his body.

"What you're seeing right now is only half of what my true power is capable of."

"Bring it on, child."

Naruto rushes towards the dark-haired man to punch him, but misses the punch.

"You are still weak compared to me, child. Give up."


Naruto throws a punch to Itachi's stomach, but Itachi blocks it and throws his fist into Naruto's stomach, sending him flying into the trees of the forest. Naruto coughs up blood and runs back to Itachi and tries to go for yet ANOTHER punch, but Itachi blocks it again, and kicks him in the stomach, sending him into a tree, knocking him unconscious.


The former ANBU leader turns around and sees his younger brother, staring daggers at him.

"Foolish brother. Why are you here?"


Sasuke runs towards the man and tries to punch him, but Itachi grabs his arm, breaks it, and knees him in the gut. Sasuke coughs up blood and slowly gets back up, gasping for air and clutching his broken arm.

"You'll pay for that, YOU'LL DIE FOR THA-"

Itachi kicks the boy away and almost hits someone running down the dirt road they're on.



"Leave Itachi," the silver haired ex ANBU leader says in a serious tone.

"I'm only here to capture him," the Uchiha says, pointing to the yellow haired Jinchuriki.

"Well unfortunately for you, I can't let that happen, Hokage's orders."

"So the old man's still alive? I figured he would've died of old age. Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama are rather old as well, so it would be obvious that the third is ol-"

"The third is dead, Itachi. Danzo is the new Hokage."


"AAAAAAAGH!!!" Itachi turns around to see a screaming Sasuke running towards Itachi, screaming murderer and stuff like that.


And that's all that was said, before Sasuke's world went black, and Itachi dissapeared.

"Naruto Uzumaki, go. Hurry. Before Hokage-sama knows your here."


"That doesn't matter. Go."

Naruto darts toward the opposite direction of Konoha to go to Suna.

"I guess it's good that Sasuke didn't see Naruto, he would've freaked out even more."

Kakashi picked up The Duckbutt Uchiha, and walked into the gates of Konoha.

"I wonder why Naruto would be near Konoha anywa-"


He hears a man scream those words, and he drops Sasuke on the ground, and tries to pin what he just heard.

The. Hokage. Is. Dead.

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