The bad dream

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Their father comes in and I immediately recognize him as the Kazekage. Hes so cool. I wonder if he'll let me stay here. Hopefully he will. He sees me and has a suprised look on his face. Right when he was about to say something, Gaara says, "Hello father this is my friend Naruto. He just moved here so he doesn't have anywhere to stay and sleep. He wants to enroll into the academy and become a shinobi for Suna. His father responds," If he is okay with it. Then yes. We have a spare bedroom In the far corner in front of the bathroom. This was perfect. Finally a home, friends, family, a life without abuse and bad names, a life to be enjoyed. I can see a great future in this life.


Everyone has gone to bed and I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I leave the bathroom to hear crying and whimpering. It's coming from Naruto's room. My heart drops. I open the room to see him in his bed rocking back and forth crying and whimpering on his side. I walk over to the side of the bed and start rubbing his whiskers. He purrs a little bit which makes me want to cry. He grabs my arm and pulls me into his bed. I yipped a little bit out of suprise but he didnt wake up. I go to sleep in his arms, blushing. I love him.


The next morning everyone wakes up, except for Temari and Naruto. Rasa gets up first, since hes the Kazekage, and leaves without notice, which is normal for the family. For all the Naruto lovers, you all know what happened to their mom. Gaara then wakes up, followed by Kankuro 2 hours later. A couple hours go by and they haven't seen the two yet. They go into Temari's room and find no one. They are about to open Naruto's room when they hear someone wake up. It was Temari. They hear her say, "Naruto wake up, it's late." They go wide eyed realizing that Naruto and Temari were in the same bed. They hear him wake up and he says," Temari-Chan what are you doing in here?" He said, blushing. "I heard you crying so I came in here to comfort you. You pulled me into your bed in your sleep. I realized I couldn't get out so I slept in here." She said, blushing as well. Gaara and Kankuro just walked away, still suprised about what they just heard.


I leave Narutos room to go get changed. I get my regular clothes on and I walk out to see Naruto in his same clothes as yesterday. That's when it hit me."NARUTO IM TAKING YOU SHOPPING!!" I yell. I dont want to see that boy wearing dirty clothes every day. Jeez I sound like his mom. I wonder if he has a mom or a dad. He probably doesn't because his parents probably would've came with him. I take his hand and run to the nearest clothing store. He picks out a black jacket with orange stripes. He also picks out black pants and black boots. We leave the clothing store with five pairs of everything we bought. He blushed when I told him he looked amazing, and I blushed when he told me I looked more amazing than he did.


We leave the clothing store to go home. While we go she stops by the academy to say hello to her teacher. Once we reach the mansion I tell her about my meeting at 3:00 today about me becoming a citizen and enrolling into the academy. What a great day today was. I leave the mansion, go to the Kazekages office, become a citizen of Suna, and enroll into the academy. I fall asleep in my bed happy about what tomorrow will bring me.

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