Help is on the way

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Naruto rushes towards Sasori in Bijju mode and attacks. Sasori dodges just in time. Naruto throws a number of punches and kickes but Sasori dodges every one. Sasori blockes a punch from Naruto and says, "My turn". He hurls his tail at Naruto but he jumps just in time. But Sasori takes advantage of this and attacks with his tail again. But just in the nic of time, he dodges the tail and falls to the ground on his feet.


Gaara is rushing into the city to see what is going on. He sees Deidara and asks, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING MY VILLAGE?!" He responds with a casual, "I wanted to show this Village, especially you and that Uzumaki boy my ART!!" Gaara turns Bijju mode as well and says, "You will not harm my village, or my family!!" And he rushes up to Deidara on a cloud of sand at lighting speed. He was so fast that Deidara didnt even see him coming. He hit Deidara so hard that he fell to the ground on his back.

Gaara gently lands on the ground and looks in confusion. "That was oddly easy, considering he was an Akatsuki. What do you think Shukaku?" "I think hes faking. Or maybe hes a clone. Or maybe hes just the weakest Akatsuki member. I don't know for sure. But that didnt seem right to me either."

When Gaara snaps out of his conversation with Shukaku, he sees a huge blob of clay. He then hears footsteps from behind him, and then everything goes black.

And quiet.

Back to Naruto

After many dodges from both Sasori and Naruto, Naruto finally lands a hit on Sasori. Sasori goes down, and when he gets back up he sees a peice of his face has been oddly..... broken. This made Sasori angry and he took off his coat. Naruto looks in horror at what he sees. Sasori rushes at Naruto with everything he has, and Naruto just barely dodges every attack. Once he finds an opening, he kicks Sasori so hard he gets launched about 30 feet and hits the ground hard.

"Kurama, I did it!!", Naruto says as he gets out of Bijju mode. "Kit, you still need to be aware of your surroundings. Expect the unexpected."

"Your right Kurama, I need to pay attention-"


Naruto looks up to see the whole entire city in flames, and walking out is Deidara, with a knocked out cold Gaara. He sees this and is overcome with anger.


He transforms into Kurama mode and stomps Deidara, and in the process, stomps Gaara too. Sasori emerges from the sand and, with lightning speed, punches Naruto through Kurama, stunning him. He replies back by grabbing him and making a rasengan, throwing Sasori to the ground, and shoving the super-sized rasengan into him, killing him instantly.

Deidara wakes up to see Naruto on the ground, and peices of Sasori on the ground too. Gaara was still knocked out and He saw Temari laying on the ground as well. He smirked, took Gaara and left.

All hope was lost.

Temari wakes up with a splitting headache. She was lucky that they had evacuated most of the people in the village, including herself. Everyone was huddled together, crying and hopeless. She saw Naruto still knocked out, and no one else. She ran over to Naruto, crying and screaming.

"NARUTO-KUN!!" She yelled. She turned him over to see a bloody and bruised Naruto. His nose was broken and had blood running out of it. He also had a few cuts on his head and arms with blood gushing out of those too. She cried and hugged him so tight it would choke him if he was alive.

That's when she heard a cough.

And another.

She smiled as she saw him get up and smile at her, before wincing at the pain he feels. She kisses him on the lips, and he kisses back. She let's go, and then hugs him tight. He winces again. He says in a faint voice, "hey beautiful".

And then he looks around and sees nobody but him, Temari, and The crowd of villagers.

And then it hits him.

Gaara's gone.

He shoots up and tells Temari all about what he saw and what had happened to Gaara. Then out of no where Granny Chiyo walks over to them.

"Where is the Kazekage?" She asks. "I don't know Granny Chiyo, but I know who took him." Naruto says in an angry voice.

Granny Chiyo looks over at the remains of her long lost grandson.

"Sasori...." she says in a mumbled voice.

"Granny chiyo?"

"Oh yes sorry Naruto-chan! I was just lost in my mind for a moment. Anyways I think I might know who can help us find Gaara. But I... haven't seen him for a long time. I think he died in battle or something. I think his son is a shinobi. Hatake was his last name..."

"Kakashi Hatake is who you want, right?" Asks Naruto. "Yes, how do you know him?"

"He was my old sensei."

"Perfect. But you go, because if I go then I might see him. And if I see him then I might... attack him. So you go Naruto-chan."

"Okay Granny Chiyo."

At the Akatsuki hideout

"Deidara, did you bring the Jinchuriki's?"

"Nah, I only got one. The other completely murdered Sasori so I backed off. I didnt feel like dying a horrible death today so I brought this one."

"Did you kill him?"

"Of course not. I'm not the Sharpest tool in the shed but I'm not freakin' retarded."

"Just because I'm an allusion doesnt mean I can't kill you."

"Uh- right yeah sorry boss. Anyways here is the one tailed Jinchuriki."

"Alright, let's hurry up and start the ritual."

2 hours later

With Naruto's amazing speed, hes able to get to Konoha at an extraordinarily fast time.

"Please let no one notice me..." he says as he walks close to the gates of Konoha. He puts on the disguise he got from Granny Chiyo and walked to the shinobi who were guarding the gate.

He got lucky.

It was Iruka sensei.

He tells him that its Naruto and that he needs Kakashi to help him find the Kazekage, who was captured by the Kazekage. He agrees to let Naruto in and talk to Kakashi, so he gives Naruto Kakashi's address. He jumps onto the roof of the houses of the village, looking for Kakashi's house. Then he finds it.

He steps down on the concrete and knocks on the door.

He opens the door with his (interesting) book in one hand, and the other free.

"Hello, do I know you?" Kakashi asks

"Actually, you do. I'll explain if you'll let me inside."

He let's Naruto inside and Naruto takes off the disguise. Kakashi looks at Naruto like hes seen a ghost.

"Don't....Don't tell me.....Naruto..? Why are you here? Your supposed to be banished."

"I came here because I need your help. Gaara has been captured by the Kazekage and we dont have anyone in the village who can summon ninja dogs like you."

"Even though the Hokage would dissaprove, I'll help."

Hope you all enjoyed, and if you did please vote and add this story to your reading list so you know when I make a new chapter! Again, sorry for the long wait, I promise I'll be more consistent. Stay safe and remember, ily ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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