The Chunin Exams part 1

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This has been the longest chapter yet and probably the longest I'll ever make. Enjoy and I love you all


I wake up the next morning with Temari in my arms. She must have either chose to come in here, or what happened the other night happened again. I blush at the thought. She must have woke up while I was thinking because I hear, "Naruto are you okay? Your face is really red." She puts her hand on my forehead and she sees how hot it is. She tells me to stay in bed for a while longer while she makes breakfast. I love her food. She made dinner with Rasa and it was GREAT!! Way better than any ramen I've had!! I stay in bed until the blush goes away and I get my usual clothes on and walk into the kitchen. I see her in her regular clothes.(she wears her chunin exam clothes. Also she is only a year older in this story.) I walk up to her and I say good morning, and I look into the living room to see Kankuro and Gaara sitting on the couch. We all eat breakfast and head out to the academy. I learn that Gaara is the same age as me and Kankuro and Temari are a year older than me.

We head to the academy and I see a LOT of kids. More than in Konoha!! I also see a new teacher, which is kind of obvious. I mean, I dont think Iruka-sensei would just randomly move to Suna and become a teacher. I end up sitting beside Gaara, my best friend, and in front of us is Kankuro and Temari, which is weird because in Konoha only kids of the same age would be in the same class. At least I'm in the same class as Temari. I wonder if Gaara would approve of me being her boyfriend. Kankuro wouldn't care, we've become friends also.

---Time lapse---


It's been 5 years since Naruto came to Suna and moved in with us, and I think I have a crush on him. Hes cute, kind, he can cook good, probably better than me, and hes nice swee- 'SNAP OUT OF IT TEMARI!! YOUR BEING PROMOTED TO GENIN SO DONT ACT LIKE A FANGIRL!!' I yell at myself. Me, Kankuro, Naruto-kun and Gaara, along with other kids have been promoted to Genin and are heading their way to the Academy now. The four of us are walking towards the academy when someone walks up to us. "T-Temari-Chan c-can I-I t-talk to y-you?" He asks, Obviously nervous. He must like me. I dont like to hurt people mentally, but I dont know this kid and I dont like him at all. "Sure, you three go on ahead, I'll meet you guys there," I say. They all nod and head to the academy. We start walking and I look over at him and hes twiddling his fingers. Yup. Knew it. "Sooo what did you want to talk about?" I ask. "T-Temari-chan I've w-wanted to ask y-you about this f-for a long t-time. I-I want to ask y-you, w-would y-you would like to date m-me?" UUUUUGGGGGGHHHH!! Jeez why do people like me? I know I'm pretty but still!! "I'm sorry, I like someone else. And I dont even know you. Maybe you'll find someone who loves you and who you'll love. Have a great day!!" I walk off hearing him cry. My heart dropped. I hate doing that. I've had to do that 4 times in my life. That's gonna be the last. Or at least I hope so.

I meet up with the boys. While I was walking up to the academy I saw Kankuro and Naruto play fighting. Naruto was wining, of course. Naruto has gotten so strong, considering hes the host for the Nine tails. He talked to him and found that his name was Kurama. He says they're friends. He taught gaara how to talk to the Tailed beast and how the tailed beasts can communicate with each other. So they say they have a conference every Friday. I think its cute. Naruto-kun really helped out gaara and hes stable and doesn't have any more "moments," as we called it. They're like brothers, and that's great.


I think after we get promoted to Genin I'll tell her. Maybe. I'm just so nervous she'll say no. What do you think, Kurama?"I dont know kit, do what you think is right. I like her, and apparently you do too. Shes nice, you guys sleep together every night anyways, so that wouldn't have to change." "KURAMA!!!" I say out loud. Not cool, Kura. "My bad, kit." "What did he say now, Naruto?" Kankuro asks. "Nothing, just thought he was funny and said a dirty joke." I say, blushing. We walk in and sit in our usual spots. Kankuro and Temari-chan in front of me and Gaara. The teacher gives a speech about what it means to Become a ninja and stuff like that. I wasn't really listening really. He calls our teams by number. "Team 1.....Team 2........Team 3........Team 4.......(the periods are for the persons names. Too lazy to think of names lol)Team 5....... Team 6 Kankuro, Temari, Gaara, and Naruto. Those are the teams, you all are officially ninja!!" The crowd cheers. I just smirk, along with Gaara and Temari, while Kankuro acts like an idiot and cheers. Hes stupid, but hes family.

---Timeskip 1 year---


We have hit a world record for the most missions accomplished out of all the genin this year. We are immediately put into the Chunin exams. Baki-sensei says that we are already at high chunin level. We are going to destroy the poor genin of the other villagers. Me and Gaara are basically even, and I even have a sick Chakra sword where I can put as much chakra in my sword as I want. I changed my hair color to a light green, since we are going to Konoha.


We get to Konoha and we stop to see an emo kid with a duckbutt hair style, a girl who looks like a fan girl for the duckbutt hair kid. The other one looks pale, and has a shirt that covers the top half of his shirt, but not the bottom. I get out of my train of thought to see Kankuro, being the idiot he is, walk up to them, and tall trash to them. Gaara and Naruto vanish and appear right next to Kankuro. The duvkbutt says something about not messing with an elite, and the fangirl saying not to talk to her Sasuke-kun like that. I wonder what Naruto-kun said. I hope we face each other some time. I'll pummel her.


"Dont mess with these rookies, Kankuro," I say. He looks mad but says nothing. "DONT YOU MESS WITH ME!! IM AN UCHIHA ELITE!! NOW SCRAM!!" "Shut up duckbutt," is my response. Gaara chuckles. "Dont mess with them. They'll understand who they're messing with later on," Temari-chan chimes in. "Fine. Dont talk to us like we aren't anything. For the royal Uchiha and his little fangirl with go down," I say. "Beware, Genin of the leaf," Gaara adds in just to scare them. We all disappear and head to our apartment. We all get separate rooms. I hope Temari-chan will get good rest.

---the next day---


It's the day of the first exam. We make it to the place its gonna be held at, we see the genjustu they placed on the entrance, obviously, and we see weird looking kids. We see one that has a dog on his head, a kid with insanely thick Eyebrows who's saying something like the power of youth will get us through or something, and the duckbutt and his squad. There are other kids but they're normal for the most part. The exams are over and most of the genin In the room are still here. The actual question was unexpected by everyone in the room, except for Me and Gaara. The four of us( Kurama, Shukaku, Gaara, and Naruto) decided that this was just some sort of trick, and that's what it was. A trick that us 4 solved.

We walk around the village, getting weird looks since we weren't from this villiage. We stop by Ichiraku Ramen, I used to eat there all the time, Hokage tower so that I could visit gramps, I couldn't tell him that it was me, of course, but it was nice reuniting. It was late so we went back to the apartment. I was about to go into my room when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Temari-chan looking at me with a Slight blush on her face. I turn red and ask, "Temari-chan what is it?" "Um Naruto can I s-sleep w-with you tonight? I-I didnt g-get any sleep last night. I've gotten s-so used to y-you sleeping beside me and I couldn't sleep." I must have been staring at her because she added, "I'm sorry I didnt mean to dis-" "Yes I would like that alot," I said to her. She turned beat root red, and so did I. We walked in, got in bed, and fell asleep in each other's arms. I wake up with the most beautiful girl in my arms. I blushed at the thought. "morning kit," Kurama said. "Morning, Kura." "No nicknames kit," he added, which is sort of dumb. "Well what's kit, then?" "A fox calls their Cubs kit, kit. I think of you as my cub, kit," "AWWWWWWWW thanks Kura," "shush, kit."

Once me and Kura stop talking, I look down to see her still sound asleep in my arms. I smile out of joy and love. "I love you Temari-chan. I always have. I will never not love you. I would die for you Temari-chan." I will tell her later. When shes actually awake. I get up without waking her up, then I go out to train. I go to the gates of Konoha to train. I practice my Taijjutsu, Rasengan, Rasenshuriken, (hes learned that already. He got his father's scroll on how to use the rasengan and rasenshuriken but that's it) i destroy about 20 trees and I end up scaring about 30 bunnies half to death.

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