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Present day-2 weeks ago

"Hurry up, don't be late!" Chan said as he saw the two omega boys run off. Chan had given up on being on time for class, so instead of running, he decided on a little detour.....only to find his friends having the same idea as him.

"Changbin, Hyunjin, what are you guys doing out here, shouldn't you be in class?" Chan scolded. He really was the dad of the group, even if he didn't listen himself.

"Says you, hyung. You skip all the time, what's one class?" Hyunjin sighs. It's not like Hyunjin hates school......okay he did. But it's the first day, what would skipping one class do?

Chan had different ideas though. He knew what both boys were skipping for, to find omegas to bother. You could say that both boys were players. They each had a different girl/boy on their arm each day. And frankly, Chan was getting sick and tired of it.

"A lot okay! You know your education is important, and it's your first day, DON"t try me on this." Chan threatened. Even though they were all the same rank, Chan was scary, plain and simple. So they decided to listen.

"Fine dad, we'll go, but if we go, you have to go, it's only fair." Changbin whined. It was like children fighting over the tv remote. The argument went back and forth, some hitting, mostly Changbin and Hyunjin getting slapped by Chan, and ended up with Changbin and Hyunjin going to class and having to do extra work when they got home. Yeah, Chan was really good at negotiation. Also, Hyunjin and Changbin were kind of stupid when it came to deals.

"Now go! Or more work will be waiting for you!" Chan yelled as the boys scattered off to class. Wait, Chan thought, where's Minho?

"Please stop, I promise I won't do it again!" Ah, there he is. As Chan rounded the corner, he saw Minho slam a small boy against the wall, nearly knocking him out. He held the boy by his throat, and his eyes were blood red.

"If I even see you near me again, I will not hesitate to kill you, now leave my sight." Minho sneered as he let the boy go. The boy disappeared almost immediately.

"Minho! What are you doing!" Chan exclaimed. He knew the boys issues, but every time he tried to reason with Minho, he'd get glared at and decided to leave the issue alone.

Minho just stared at Chan and brushed past him. He wasn't in the mood to deal with Chan after the altercation. Chan wasn't about to let this go though.

"Minho answer me, what happened? Who was that kid".

"An omega, that's what. You know I don't like their kind, the more of them that are scared of me, the better." Omegas were hated by many alphas in general, but Minho's hatred ran deep, even looking at an omega made his blood boil with hatred. Minho had instilled fear in most omegas throughout their university. He would never physically harm the girl omegas, but if you were male, and you were an omega, staying clear of "Lee Know" was in your best intention.

No one besides their pack and the staff at the university knew of Lee Know's real name, and he wanted to keep it that way. Anyone that knew his real name would know what pack he's from, and that could be very dangerous for all involved.

Anyone who knew of the infamous Black Wolves pack that wasn't in the pack already, faced many dangers. AKA, the threat of dying. It's wasn't a peaceful death either, it was always a fight to the death......and you never win against the Black Wolves pack.

Minho hates omegas, but he doesn't want to see innocent people die. So keeping his identity secret was the best option for all parties involved.

"Just leave it Chan, I'm not in the mood to fight you too." Minho then briskly walked past Chan, outside into the woods.

Lunar university was unique, it had a vast woods near the edge of the college that ran for miles. You could get lost in that woods very easily, so not many decide to explore it. Most wolves that run through the territory grew up around it, and Minho was one of these wolves.

Minho's pack house isn't far from the wooded area, per his families request(order). His family wants him close so if anything were to happen to his father, Minho would be ready to return and take his place as pack leader. Even though his pack home is closer than his liking, Minho finds the wooded area calming. It's quiet, no one besides him runs deep enough into the woods. No one with a brain that is, especially NOT omegas.

A horror story that every omega is taught at a young age is to NEVER explore an area that you don't know, ESPECIALLY wooded areas, alone without another omega or alpha present. There are many different accounts of omegas going missing in those woods, never to be found.

This would comfort Minho, he never has to worry about another wolf intruding. He could blow off steam by running around in the woods. He was all alone..........for today, at least.

Minho, being sufficiently cooled off, headed back towards the university. He never attended classes, but still persisted against his parents to go to the university. The professors were too afraid of Minho's pack to fail him, so he passed every class without doing anything. But, today was the first day, so classes would be pointless today anyway.

Minho got back around lunch time and decided to head to the crowded lunch room for some food. He assumed he would find his friends in there somewhere.

As he entered the lunch room however, he saw something interesting. Two boys, both omegas he presumed, were getting beat up by someone. A boy with black hair, a little taller than him, sharp nose, and chiseled jaw was yelling at the omegas and kicking them to the ground.

Good, Minho thought, someone else is doing my job for me. A professor soon stopped the boy, and everything went back to normal. Students went back to their own conversations, and Minho headed to his friends table in the corner of the room. Students cleared the way, not wanting another fight.

As Minho passed the two boys, he glanced sideways to look at them. Both boys were small, one with red hair and one with blond. He scoffed at them and continued on his way to his friends. What will it take for these omegas to know their place? Minho thought.

What he didn't know, was that this wouldn't be the last time he saw those two omegas, and it wouldn't be the last time he saw them in tears.

That's all for this chapter!! Thank you for being patient with me on these uploads, I'm really trying my best to come up with plot lines. Are you enjoying the story? Please leave me any thoughts or comments on how I could improve!

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