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"Stay away from me you monster"

"Be careful now kid." Changbin said as he ran back into the woods. He was trying to catch his breath and steady his mind as he reached the small grassy clearing. Changbin lay there in the grass for sometime thinking about what had just happened 30 minutes prior.

"Why, why now?" He asked while looking up at the shy, almost begging the Moon Goddess to give him an answer. His question was met with silence. Finding his mate at this point in his life is troubling, at least that's what Changbin believed. He felt like he was in no state of well-being to take care of someone, especially his mate. Hell, the boy couldn't even take care of himself properly, how was he supposed to protect his mate?

"He smelled so good." Changbin's wolf said, he was clearly upset at Changbin for running away instead of confronting the omega.

"It was finally our time to be happy with our mate, and being the idiot that you are, you decided it would be a better idea to run off like a coward instead of running after our MATE!"

"Well I'm sorry, but we both know we aren't in the right state to be thinking about that right now, so why don't we just drop it yeah?" Changbin sassed back.

"If only I could drop your ass, I'd be a lot happier."  His wolf grumbled unhappily, but nevertheless, shut up about the situation and started talking about a different one.

"So are we going to talk to him?" Changbin laughed at his wolf and continued to walk further into the woods, nearing the edge of the cliff that Felix and Jisung had jumped from.

"Of course we're going to go talk to that asshole, he nearly killed Jisung and he had our baby crying in fear!" Changbin didn't mean for that last part to come out and expose what he was really feeling for the small omega.

"Oh, OUR baby you say, I thought we didn't want him." His wolf teased, he knew that Changbin couldn't resist the mate pull that every other wolf went through when they meet their mates for the first time.

"Shut it, I thought I told you to leave it be?" Changbin was annoyed at his wolf because he knew that he was right. Though he still refused to do anything about it.

Changbin kept on walking, making it to the edge of the cliff. He stood there for awhile, just observing the forest and the scenery below him. This forest is truly a sight to see, and Changbin took as much time to admire it as he could. The peaceful nature of the forest lulled him into a calmer state, taking his mind off of that small omega for the time being.

Then he dove, right into the lake below him. Unlike our friend Jisung, Changbin knew how to swim, so this was less reckless than Jisung's attempt. He landed in the water and started swimming to the other side of the lake, still looking for a certain someone. He got to the other side and started drying off as he scanned his surroundings for anything unfamiliar.

"Well long time no see Seo, what brings you to this side of the forest?" A voice questioned. Changbin turned around so he could face the voice, looking at the person in sheer disgust.

"You know why I'm here, Lee." Changbin seethed.

"Because of your stupid antics, I had to get wet saving an omega from drowning!" Changbin growled at the boy in front of him.

Lee Minho, son of Lee Yongsuk, the leader of the Black Wolves pack. Minho was a true-blooded alpha, and he made sure that everyone knew it. You could get mad at the boy, but don't you dare to piss him off, you'll live to regret it.

Ashes and Roses {Minsung}Where stories live. Discover now