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"Am I supposed to say thank you?"

Mind empty, head full of nothing

Mind empty, head full of hatred

Mind empty, head full of wonder

Mind empty.........please

"Please help me." Jisung voice was starting to crack the more he yelled. The alpha above him was beginning to get impatient with all of Jisungs screaming and kicking.

"Tie him down to something; I'm tired of my toy moving around on me. Gag him too." The two henchmen obeyed and started shifting around to find things to tie Jisung down with. While the other two were busy searching, the alpha stopped and glared at Jisung before speaking.

" Ah, now we have a little alone time." Jisung squirmed from underneath him and kept fighting, anything to get out of this hellhole of a reality.

"You know, last time we met, I wasn't this nice." Jisung looked confused. The alpha above him just cackled at Jisungs confusion.

"Oh, don't you remember me? I'm so upset." He slowly traced around Jisung's hip as he reminisced something. It made Jisung's skin crawl in disgust.

"I remember it as clear as day. I think you had a cute little friend with you, and I beat you both so hard that you didn't show up for two weeks." Jisung looked up terrified, staring into those cold, black eyes that were so expressive at that moment, recounting one of Jisungs most hated memories. He made Jisungs' horrific reality sound like a fun story to tell your friends at a sleepover.

"But after, I felt guilty for beating you two up, and when I saw you at the party, I figured out the perfect way to make it up to you." The alpha reached down to kiss Jisung again, but Jisung whipped his head to the side to avoid the unwanted kiss.

"You know what, fuck it. Since we're alone, I think it's the perfect time for me to make you my little whore. He climbed on top of Jisung and pinned his arms and legs to the ground.

"What do you say?" The alpha started kissing Jisung everywhere and touching him in all the wrong places. There wasn't a part of Jisungs body that wasn't shivering in disgust. He just laid there frozen; his body wouldn't move. He felt like the world was moving in slow motion. His brain was swimming with memories that floated by as he lay there. Every laugh, sob, cry for help.

His mind was clouded with memories of Felix, his best friend, the boy that gave him everything. His brain went through every memory; them meeting each other for the first time, their first fight, leaving the orphanage. Felix couldn't live without Jisung, and Jisung couldn't live without Felix.

Jisungs' brain started running all over the place, trying to fight the devil above him while trying to stay calm enough to figure a way out of this situation.

What would Felix do?

Where is Changbin when you need him?

Am I going to die out here?


"FELIX!" Jisung used all of his energy to scream one last time in hopes of anyone hearing his pleas.

"Get off me!" Jisung thrashed with one last attempt to get free.


Ashes and Roses {Minsung}Where stories live. Discover now