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"Broken like glass"

Cold, that's all that Jisung felt at the moment. He was just about out of breath, and he kept sinking deeper and deeper into the black abyss. Jisung couldn't keep his eyes open. He felt so tired all of the sudden, him  felt like falling asleep. "I guess this is it", Jisung thought, "I'm sorry Felix, please don't blame yourself, I'll always be with you"............................

"I'm drowning"................

Until suddenly, he was pulled up to the surface. Jisungs head sprung up out of the water and he immediately started coughing and crying. He was pulled onto a small sand bar that sat at the edge of the canyon. He laid there for a while coughing up small amounts of water, but from what he could tell himself, he would survive.

"Jesus kid, what the hell were you thinking?!" This voice was one that Jisung had never heard before. It was sort of low, kind of growly. He turned to look at the person. He looked shorter than Jisung, but had a bigger build and looked strong, an alpha no doubt. He had shortish black hair, cut short in the back with it longer in the front. He had a strong jaw and nose bridge, with small pouty lips that were turned into a snarl at the moment. He looked pissed, as he should've, he was wet now because he had to save someone from drowning in the obviously deep lake.

"S-sorry, I was-"

"I don't need your excuses"  The male said interrupting Jisung. He was still annoyed at being wet, but at least the boy in front of him looked well enough.

"Well, you look fine, can you stand?" Jisung could, so he did. Even though he unknown alpha seemed short from where Jisung was standing, he was only around an inch taller than the unknown alpha. They just stood there for a minute, just kind of studying each other. Until the alpha started walking away. Jisung, not wanting to get lost again, decided to follow. The alpha took Jisung up a small path that hung of the edge of the lake, it lead to a small clearing, a lot like the small grassy area that Jisung and Felix had been laying in before they got chased by that thing. Jisung was starting to get tired, so he sat down for a little rest, the other boy, kept walking.

"Wait" Jisung yelled. "This guy might be short, but he sure does walk fast" Jisung thought.

" Keep up will ya!" The alpha still seemed annoyed, but he was slowly calming down. "What are you doing out here anyway, hasn't anyone told you about these woods?" The shorter boy stopped and looked back at Jisung, who was panting at the speed of the walk, he really needed to get out and exercise more.

"S-stop, I can't k-keep up, s-slow down!" As soon as Jisung got up to the alpha, he fell. Not on purpose though, even though he wanted to, a tree branch decided to help him out first and appeared in front of him just before reaching where the other boy had stopped. "Ow". It really wasn't Jisung's day.

"It's like babysitting a child." The alpha whispered under his breath. "Kid, what the hell are you doing out here?" This alpha was interesting to Jisung. He actually seemed concerned about Jisung, almost like there was something in these woods that could potentially hurt him.

"My friend Felix and I came out into the woods for some alone time away from the college and then we made it to this clearing then we heard this strange noise then Felix said run then we started running and Felix went one way and I went another way then-" Suddenly, Jisung cut himself off and started running.

"FELIX, FELIX WHERE ARE YOU?" Jisung screamed at the top of his lungs. He was still tired at this point but he didn't care, he needed to find Felix to make sure he was safe. The alpha followed behind him, willing to help him find his friend, also worried that the omega in front of him would get lost again. They started in the middle of the forest by the field of grass. Jisung kept scanning the area for any sign of Felix, but he couldn't find anything and kept running.

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