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"Leave me, I dare you."

"Sungie, wake up, babe; we're home now."


"Just leave him, Felix; we'll talk to him once he wakes up." Felix sighed and left his best friend on the bed as Changbin pulled him out of the room. They sat on a small loveseat in the living room. They glanced at each other but didn't speak. Felix was too angry to talk right now.

"He's going to be okay, Felix. You know that, right?" Changbin looked at Felix worriedly and bit his lip, trying to understand what had transpired in the last two hours.

"How can you be so sure? We don't even know what happened to him!" Felix stood from the couch and started pacing around the room.

"Well, pacing around isn't going to help the situation either, is it?" Felix wanted to argue, but he knew that Changbin was right; he just needed to be patient.

"What a way to start a relationship, right?" Changbin chuckled but stopped when he saw Felix's glare.

Felix sighed and sat down next to Changbin. He grasped Changbin's hand and held it for comfort. Both of their hands were shaking.

"I'm just so scared, Bin. What happened to him out there?" Changbin pondered for a moment but couldn't think of anything to say. He honestly didn't know what happened to Jisung; all he knew was that it was worse than what the omegas had experienced during their first school day. Changbin watched the entire thing. He would never forgive himself for not interfering with the beating. Still, it was over and done before he could do anything. Lost in these thoughts, Felix tried prying again.

"You grabbed him first; what did he say to you?" Felix was so angry with himself because he had failed Jisung again. He was Jisung's protector forever and always, and he'd let his best friend get hurt for the second time. It seemed like this dark cloud was hanging over Jisung, something that wished ill on the boy.

"He didn't say anything; he was passed out when I picked him up off the ground." Changbin didn't technically lie, but it would complicate things if Changbin told Felix the real story. Changbin himself didn't even know the entire story. He and Minho had never gotten along up to this point, and Minho's wolf was hardly ever in control when the pack was around. It was strange; this was the first time Changbin had seen Minho out of control.

"Probably because he's de-escalating and going insane, kind of like me when you won't let me cuddle my baby!"

"I swear to god B, if you don't shut the hell up, I will shut you off completely." Changbin was in a heated argument with his wolf. Spear B was having an issue with being so close to Felix without doing anything to him or for him. Changbin had to do everything in his power to keep his wolf from taking control and scenting Felix to calm him down. Felix stated multiple times that he wanted to take things slow, and scenting him two hours after this conversation wasn't the greatest idea.

"Do you even know what de-escalating means?" Changbin's wolf chuckled.

"If you know, I know, dumbass." Changbin rolled his eyes as he watched Felix pace around the room while looking at Jisung.

"I just- how did he- why did he?" Felix gripped his hair harshly, trying to keep his tears at bay. Changbin shot up from his seat and grabbed Felix, hugging him into his embrace. Felix broke down and cried on Changbin's shoulder, with Changbin quietly shushing him as he cried.

"Well, well, well, how the turn tables." Changbin sighed at his wolf in his head as he looked down at the distraught Felix in his arms.

"Alright, that's enough of you." Changbin shut out Spear B and resumed caring for Felix. He tried everything he could think of, but Felix continued to cry hysterically in Changbin's arms.

"Hey, hey, calm down. Jisung's going to be fine, Felix. Look at me, look at me." They stood there for some time, looking into each other's eyes until Felix calmed himself down enough; there were only whimpers coming out of his mouth. Felix had stopped and pulled himself away from Changbin but didn't leave his arms. He wouldn't admit it, but Changbin's arms were heaven, and he didn't want to leave anytime soon.

"That's better, sunshine." Felix giggled at the name, then paused. He shook his head; he couldn't start to like this alpha. He wasn't to be trusted. He pushed out of Changbin's arms and returned to Jisung's side. He crouched down and started petting Jisung's hair as he smiled lovingly at the shorter boy.

His hands became sticky from the blood and mud in Jisungs hair. The usually vibrant platinum blond of Jisungs hair was now a murky brown. His chubby cheeks were covered in bruises, and his left eye was swollen. His left arm had minor cuts going from his wrists to his shoulder. His right arm had one long gash from his forearm to his elbow. Felix knew what the tiny cuts were from, but the long cuts were new. Both wrists were covered in bruises. There didn't seem to be any significant injuries on Jisung, just many cuts, and bruises. Felix just prayed there weren't any internal injuries. Felix started tearing up again as he laid his head down on the bed.

"I'm sorry, Sungie, I failed you again." Felix softly said as he continued to pet Jisung's hair.

"Come, Felix, let him sleep." Changbin scooped up Felix in his arms as Felix started crying again. He clung to Changbin's shirt as Changbin pushed open the door to the bedroom and lay Felix down on the bed.

"It's time for you to sleep too, pup." Felix's cheeks heated from the nickname but didn't object to sleep. Changbin covered Felix in blankets and laughed at all the stuffed animals on his bed. He picked up what looked like a chicken plushie and looked at Felix questionably.

"What?" Felix asked

"Do I want to know why you have a chicken plushie?" Changbin chuckled as he placed the plushie in Felix's arms as he waited for an explanation.

"It's nothing. Well, it's not nothing, but you're probably going to make fun of me if I actually told you. Then again, it's not really weird to have plushies, but it seems like you're judging me, but I can't really tell and...." Changbin placed his finger on Felix's lips to shush him. He was rambling nonsense, and even though Changbin was enjoying it, he figured the boy had been embarrassed enough for one night and needed sleep.

"Okay, calm down. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Once you're more comfortable, I want to learn everything about you, including your weird plushies and your habit of rambling when you're embarrassed." Felix smiled softly as Changbin caressed his hair. 

"We can talk more in the morning, Sunshine, but it's time to get some rest, okay?"

"Are you going to stay with us?" Felix's voice was shaking as he asked the question. He feared that whoever attacked Jisung would come to the dorm and assault them both. 

"I'm not leaving, I promise. Get some rest, pup."

Changbin watched as Felix fell asleep and left the boy to sleep in peace as he left for Jisung's room. He opened the door slowly and peeked into the room. Luckily, Jisung was still sleeping. 

He looked peaceful, almost angelic.

"He's beautiful, isn't he." Changbin turned around in surprise.



Hi, lovelies! This is just a short changlix filler chapter, but we'll be back to Minsung in no time, don't worry. I'm officially done with school for the summer! So expect chapters much more frequently from now on. I want to continue expressing my joy and gratitude to all of you who continue to read my story with the slow updates. I'm pretty new to writing, but as long as you all keep enjoying the story, the more I will write! Stay happy and healthy. Goodbye, my lovelies!

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