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"Please don't stop."

"Binnie, slow down! Just because you're short doesn't mean you need to walk twice as fast!" Felix called out of breath. The group was walking back into the forest, and Changbin was in quite a hurry. Felix was far behind the two, huffing, trying to keep up with Changbin's pace.

"What did you say to me, pup?" Changbin asked in a harsh yet playful tone. He wasn't upset at the comment, but he wanted to rile Felix up. He was tired of taking things slowly and waiting for Felix to make every decision. It was time for a bit of fun. Changbin turned around and waited for the boy to catch up with a glare on his face.

"You wanna repeat that for me?" As Felix approached, his sassy demeanor changed. Walking up to Changbin, he noticed the glare on Changbin's face and froze. It was a look that Changbin gave rarely, but it always turned Felix's stomach queasy. Changbin just looked so hot when he was angry. Not that Felix found Changbin attractive, just that Changbin eyes always had a soft fiery glint when annoyed. Felix also noticed how the fiery gleam became stronger when Changbin was angry. Felix refused to look Changbin in the eye, instead deciding to stare at his shoes, trying to get his brain to start working correctly.

"No, I don't. Just k-keep walking, don't wake Jisung up!" Felix was flustered but tried his best to conceal it. He didn't want Changbin to know the effect he had. Changbin smirked at the red-headed boy but said nothing as he looked back to look for Minho.

"Minho! Keep up, will ya?" Changbin had to yell loudly for the other alpha to hear; he was nearly half a mile behind. Minho was walking at a snail's pace and seemed to be arguing with his wolf, as his head jerked around every so often. He looked up, flipping Changbin off but picking up his pace nonetheless.

Changbin just shook his head as the group continued through the forest. The rest of the group was mingling with each other nicely. Jeongin and Seungmin were being chatted up by Hyunjin, who kept trying to snake his hands around Seungmin's waist from time to time. Felix was walking directly beside Changbin, making small conversation but mainly looking at the forest floor, hoping not to trip on a branch. Jisung was stirring, mumbling "mate" every so often. Felix just looked back at the boy, shushing him and giving him pats to keep the small omega asleep.

"Ah, the clearing; we should stop here to catch our breaths, everyone okay with that?" Changbin smiled as he saw the group eagerly nod their heads. They excitedly walked towards the small patch of trees separating the rest of the woods from the clearing. Felix was a little anxious seeing the clearing in front of him. Still, Changbin seemed confident and relaxed walking towards it, so Felix assumed it was safe. He grabbed Changbin's elbow as the group walked further into the clearing near a patch of trees, something Changbin noted in his brain but didn't care to comment on.

"Wow! This place is amazing!" Jeongin commented as he sat between two plum trees on a clear patch of grass.

"Yeah, how did we not see this on our way in?" Seungmin said as he sat down next to Jeongin, with Hyunjin not far behind. Changbin slowly let Jisung off his back and laid him down on Felix's lap, having the red-haired boy play with Jisung's hair to keep him contented. Minho arrived in the clearing last, not bothering to join the group at their grass plot, and instead stood leaned up against a tree about 20 meters away from the group, observing.

Changbin thought about calling Minho to join the group but didn't want the headache, so instead, he joined Felix on the ground. He wrapped his arms around the red-head shoulders as Felix continued caressing Jisung's head, albeit slightly startled by Changbin's blatant affection. Minho observed the couple in disgust but kept his eyes on the sleeping omega, wondering when he was going to wake up.

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