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"WAKE UP BITCH ITS OUR FIRST DAY!" Felix said jumping up and down on Jisung's bed.

"For fucks sake Felix, it's 4 am. Classes don't start for another 5 hours."

"Trust me, with your ugly ass, you need all the time you can get". Felix said getting up and going to take a shower. 

Jisung silently cursed sitting up in his bed questioning why he decided to have the loudest omega as a roommate. 

Jisung and Felix had been best friends since they were 4 and had been inseparable since. Both of the boys had grown up together in an orphanage because their parents decided male omegas were useless. They were bounced around from place to place , it was hell, but both boys had each other. Felix was always the one to protect Jisung, leaving Jisung with his innocence, and Felix with trauma. But Felix would never admit it, as long as Felix had Jisung, Felix could keep going. They managed to leave when they both turned 18. Finding 

They decided to apply for college at Lunar University, one of the top universities in their area. Shockingly, both were accepted. They were also pleasantly surprised that freshmen can choose their roommates if they want, as long as they are the same rank. Keeping an omega in the alpha dorm is very risky, so the college made rules to keep everyone as safe as possible. 

This brings us to the present, with Felix choosing between 16 outfits and Jisung trying his best not to strangle the freckled boy. Felix seemed a little too excited to start school. Don't get him wrong, Jisung was excited as well, but he also likes his sleep. Either way, we hasn't going back to sleep with Felix like this, so he decided to start getting ready. 

Around 7:30, both boys were ready. Felix overdoing himself, was in tight black ripped jeans with fishnets underneath, with a small sweater on top. He topped it off with black boots and a black choker. Jisung didn't look bad himself. He had on white converse with mom jeans and a large t-shirt that he tucked in, topped off with a pink chocker. 

"Damn Felix, this on the first day?!" Jisung exclaimed, he really couldn't believe his best friend.

"What? I look hot as hell." Felix asked smirking

Felix knew that he wanted some action now that they were in college. Their orphanage wasn't really keen on sexual activities for the children they took care of, so now that both the boys were out and on their own, he was going to have fun. Jisung on the other hand, just was excited to be with other people besides children who are depressed and scarred. It sounds selfish, but Jisung just wanted to forget those memories.

Except college was still a thing, and even though they got up at 4 am, they were about to be late. Their walk was about 30 mins from the college, it was 8:40.

"Shit Felix, we need to run!" Jisung said, but Felix was already out the door, leaving Jisung to lock up. 

"I swear if I live with him any longer I'm going to kill him" Jisung sighed and ran to catch up with Felix. 

Both boys were lucky enough to make it at the entrance of the college........at 8:58. They both panicked, still not knowing where their first period was, they had the same schedule, being freshmen and not having a specific major, they were put in basic classes to try and find what they were interested in. Many people looked at them, mainly other omegas. It was usual for omegas to keep their heads low as not to disturb other alphas. It's just how it was. This caused many other alphas to look at the two boys. Many just annoyed, others looking.....hungry. 

 Unfortunately, these two idiots weren't paying enough attention to their surroundings, running into an alpha. It's surprising it took this long for both of them to actually run into someone.  "Woah, slow down you two, what's the problem?"

Both look down as Felix answers the alpha. "We're l-looking for room 216, d-do you know where that is?"

"Ah, run down the hall and turn left, it should be the first classroom on the right".

"T-thank you.....?" Jisung said

"Ah, my name is Bang Chan, I'm a senior so if you have questions, come and ask me. Now run before you two are late!"

Felix and Jisung thank the older and sprint to their classroom, luckily the professor was late, and they made it in on time. This day was not starting the way Jisung wanted.......


Thats chapter one! I want a friend like Felix........

I hope you enjoyed and please tell me if there are any editing mistakes!

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