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Hello, sun. Hello, trees. Hello, little squirrel running down the path with acorns stuffed into its cheeks.

"Sungie?" Ah, I didn't know squirrels could talk so loudly. He isn't even turned in my direction.

"Sungie?" He sounds like he's getting agitated. What did I do to him? Did I steal one of his acorns?

"Jisung, hey bub, snap out of it." Felix stood in front of Jisung, calmly shaking him out of the little trance Jisung seemed to put himself in.

"Huh?" Jisung focused his gaze on Felix, who seemed to be concerned, but also used to this behavior. After all, Jisung has been "spacey" ever since the incident. Jisung looked past Felix to Changbin, who was sniffing the air and looking around for the nearest dorm building.

"Sorry, Lixie, I'll pay attention, promise. Are we still going to get Seungmin and Innie?" Jisung started playing with his shirt sleeve for comfort; he was beginning to miss his safe bedroom.

"We are, bub, but I just need you focused until we find them. You can get a piggyback ride from Innie after we find them, okay?" Felix caressed Jisung's hair as he spoke, trying to keep the boy calm while Changbin attempted to find the other two boys.

"Sure thing, Lixie, I'm ready." Felix smiled at the small boy as he turned his attention to Changbin.

"I think they live near the library, on the second floor of the main building." Changbin nodded his head silently as he grabbed Felix's hand to guide them toward the middle of campus.

Lunar University wasn't a large campus, but it was somewhat confusing to navigate around. Since the college was built around the forest it inhabited, some paths swung back to the building you were coming from. Other routes brought you to the other side of campus. The building the group was headed to was in the middle of campus, surrounded by four different buildings: the library, the main hall, the dormitory, and the prof offices. The library was just that, a library. It was six floors high, and each floor had masses of different books. Most on wolf legends and jobs within your rank. There were also little study rooms and corners, but all were usually taken up by alphas; either making a mess or having sex. Both were possible and happened often.

The main hall was the central hub for information and food on campus. All different ranks were allowed on the food floor in the basement. Still, it was wise for omegas to venture out later in the day, as alphas tended to eat during the midday. The upper floors were informational hubs, with help with studying, tours, or wellness areas. You could also report certain crimes on the upper floors, but it was doubtful any good would come of it. Next door was prof offices. All professors on campus had an office in this building, but besides classwork, they were little help.

Lastly was the dormitory. This area was designated for all ranks on campus. It was unusual for all ranks to be placed in one dormitory. Still, this building prioritized safety for all ranks, even if that rule wasn't implemented. As much as Felix and Jisung were having issues outside of their dorms, their actual dorm hall was relatively quiet and safe. The same couldn't be said about Seungmin and Jeongin's dorm hall.

"We're here, Sungie," Felix said softly as he grabbed Jisung by the hand.

"Do you want to stay out here with me, or are you willing to venture inside to get Seungmin and Jeongin?" Jisung started trembling a little at the thought of walking into an unknown building where more alphas resided. He didn't want to be attacked anymore; he needed safety, and this wasn't safety.

"I'm not ready, I c-can't go-" Felix wrapped Jisung in a hug to comfort the boy. Changbin turned from in front of Felix and wrapped his arms around the two boys in comfort.

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