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"Would you believe me if I told you I loved you?"

Minho watched Changbin as he walked back towards the red-haired omega's bedroom, leaving Minho alone with the sleeping blond behind him. His stomach crawled, disdain running through him as he slowly walked back into the boy's bedroom.

Luckily, Jisung was still asleep, and Minho noticed the boy's face was scrunched up as if he was having a disturbing dream.  The alpha took a seat in the chair across the room, next to the window, in case he had to make a mad dash out of the window once the boy woke up.

"You know you can't leave."

"I'm aware of that Puff." Minho sarcastically remarked to his wolf.

"I know this day was rough on you, Minho, but it's your job to protect him, even if you feel it's killing you." Minho felt uncomfortable at Puff complementing him, especially since their relationship hasn't always been the nicest.

"Sure thing, Puff. I'll make sure to give him all of the love and affection he deserves. We can live happily ever after." Puff was annoyed at Minho's blatant sarcastic tone but knew it would take more than one day for them to understand one another.

"I'm serious, Minho. You have said over and over again that you refuse the mate bond. Although you don't want it, you have helped your mate. You care for him, deep down. You have layers of hatred built on top of that." Minho scoffed at Puff's attempt to make him feel sympathy. He didn't love this boy next to him or even care for him. He didn't even understand why he was watching over the boy as it was. He has no obligation besides being the boy's mate, which he denies at every opportunity.

"Shut the fuck up, Puff. I'm never going to love or care about this thing. I will do everything in my power to make sure I can make this omega's life a living hell as long as I'm around him. If I'm going to live in a hellish land where an omega is my mate, he gets to enjoy this torment as well." Minho's frustration was apparent to Puff, but still, he wouldn't give up on Minho this easily. Not when the Moon Goddess has so much planned for these two.

"Whatever, Minho. Just know that you will love him as much as I do one day. You will love him to the point where you would die for him, and if you keep treating him as you do, the pain will kill you before you even get the chance to love him like he deserves." Minho rolled his eyes at his wolf but didn't respond. He didn't want to fight anymore. This argument had no winner; neither one would ever change their mind.

Just as Minho gets settled back in his chair, he sees a slight movement out of the corner of his eye. The boy is stirring slightly, getting more agitated in his dream. Minho watches the boy, noticing how his nose scrunches up occasionally and how his hands are curled around his pillow, cuddling it for comfort. He also sees how the boy mumbles in his sleep, but the words are too slurred for Minho to understand. Minho continues to stare at the boy, noticing small details that he didn't notice before.

"Are you ever gonna stop staring at him?" Lee Know asked in a teasing tone, startling Minho slightly. Minho yells at his wolf for the unwanted commentary and looks out the window, wishing for this night to move faster.

The night was moving ever slowly. From the position of the moon, Minho guessed it was about 3 am, which meant he still had another 4 hours until Hyunjin showed up. The campus was dead, as one would expect. You could see the odd person out for a midnight stroll or the random alpha returning to their dorm drunk. Minho was idly glancing out the window when something caught his eye.

There was a small, thin shadow near the base of Jisung's dorm, about 50 meters down. Minho couldn't look at the figure well, but this didn't worry him. Many people waited outside of an omegas dorm, waiting for their mates to go out for the night to be alone. He made a mental note to check on the figure occasionally, just to make sure they left.

Ashes and Roses {Minsung}Where stories live. Discover now