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"What are you doing to me?"

"Open the fucking door, Chan!" Changbin continued to bang on the door with Jisung still on his back. It's not like Changbin was impatient, but his back was getting tired.

"All right, damn. Don't break my goddamn door." Chan glared at Changbin as he scanned the group.

"So I know Felix and Jisung, but who are the other two?" Chan gestured to the other two guests.

"The tall brown-haired kid is Seungmin; the foxy-looking one is Jeongin." Chan nodded his head as he let the group into his tiny cabin. On one side of the cabin was a bed beside a window looking out over the wooden landscape. There was a small space for a kitchen, while the rest of the cabin was taken up by a living room. It was small but worked well for someone living on their own.

"Nice to meet all of you." As Chan closed the door, tension could be felt throughout the room. Changbin tightened his grip on Jisung as he scanned the room. The five boys sat down near the living room window as another group, all alphas, sat around the kitchen. Changbin set Jisung on the couch to continue sleeping; Felix sat next to Jisung as the other boys stood behind the sofa.

"Are you gonna wake him or?" A tall brown-haired boy asked, which made Felix uncomfortable.

"Umm, who are you?" Felix asked kind of menacingly.

"Oh, sorry," Chan interrupted.

"I'll introduce everyone: I'm Chan, the tall brown-haired one is Hyunjin, and the one who looks like he's going to kill everyone is Minho." Hyunjin waved and winked at Seungmin, who just rolled his eyes, and Minho just stood there, trying his best not to throw up at the sight of so many omegas.

"Okay, not going to touch the grouchy one, so does everyone know why we're here?" Chan asked. The only ones to really know the plan was Chan and Changbin, but the rest should know the gist of the situation.

"Now I know not everyone here wants to be included," Chan and Changbin slightly glared at Minho as the alpha glared right back at them, "But this is important. Changbin has filled me in on the issues, and any conflicts with my friend's loved ones are a conflict with me. It's also a conflict with Minho." All the wolves in the room turned to look at Minho, who was increasingly agitated by the second.

"Stop staring at me!" Chan walked over to an agitated Minho and placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Remember our deal Minho, you promised me." Minho shook his head but decided to listen to his wolf.

"You don't have to love or even care for him; you just have to protect him." Lee Know was trying to keep Minho calm, even if it didn't work the way intended.

"Anyway, we all know we're here for Jisung, " Chan started, "There seems to be an alpha trying to "claim" Jisung as his own and has even assaulted him." Everyone looked over at the sleeping omega, even Minho. There was a consensus of tragedy around Jisung's situation. Even though Minho hated omegas, Jisung didn't deserve this type of torture. Lee Know growled slightly at the thought of Jisung in constant pain, and Chan looked over at him surprisingly.

"What?" Minho asked with gritted teeth. Chan just raised his arms defensively and went back to the conversation.

"Now, to protect Jisung from this man, we're going to be taking shifts watching both Felix and Jisung since the two are never apart. The alphas can go alone but can also go into pairs if they want to." Changbin agreed to be alone, Hyunjin went near Seungmin, and Jeongin, not wanting to be left alone, went to stand near Chan.

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