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" You think your special?"

"Come dannnnccceee with meeeeeeee!" Felix felt like he was on cloud-9. He didn't feel guilty or bothered. All he felt was bliss from the alcohol coursing through his veins. Dragging Jisung onto the dance floor, Felix and the rest of the gang started dancing and grinding up against each other. Felix was trying to get Jisung to loosen up a little bit, slowly jumping up and down with him and saying random jokes that turned into jibberish the more Felix drank. Jisung seemed to relax after a while, and Felix was starting to get seriously drunk, like blackout drunk. 

Felix kept dancing, eyes closed, assuming that Jisung was right in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, Jisung was gone. But Felix didn't worry about Jisung that much; he just guessed that Jisung went to the bathroom or left to the kitchen, even though the best friends PROMISED each other to keep at least one eye on everyone in the party group during the party. It looks like Felix failed that mission. 

With Felixs' tequila-clouded mind, he forgot about Jisung within a few seconds and kept dancing. Just as he was going to get another drink from the kitchen, a slow sensual song started up, and the mob of drunk wolves got closer together, if that was even possible, and started grinding on each other more. Felix was into it and felt himself grinding up against a wolf that he assumed was an alpha. 

"Hello, gorgeous." The alpha was tall, broad, and had his hands wrapped around Felixs' waist, slowly grinding up against him as they swayed to the music. Felix went along with him, too drunk to care about who he was dancing with.

"Hello stranger~," Felix said in a drunk but flirty tone. 

"How about we take this party elsewhere, huh?" Even though Felix was drunk off his ass, he wasn't stupid. He knew if he went with this alpha, the results wouldn't be good. Felix just gave the alpha a flirty smile.

"No thanks, sweetie, I'm fine staying right here~." He tried letting the alpha down gently, but someone as good-looking as Felix was going to attract a lot of attention and fast. 

"I said, let's take this party elsewhere." The tall boy said sternly as he gripped Felixs' arm and started dragging him towards the stairs. People watched but didn't want to get involved in the conflict. They made it to the bottom of the stairs, Felix getting more annoyed as they shifted away from the party. 

"I said NO!" Felix ripped his arm away and ran up the stairs towards the bathroom. The upstairs of the frat house had two bathrooms, four rooms, and a long corridor that led in a circle that led back to the stairs. It was a weird floor plan for a house. The first bathroom is right at the top of the stairs. Felix tried opening the door, but it was locked. The second bathroom was at the end of the hallway and was blocked by a large mattress blocking the corridor. Felix looked towards the staircase and saw the alpha at the top of the stairs looking at him. 

"Frat parties are weird, and so are horny alphas," Felix said, exacerbated as he gave up on searching for an open bathroom and turned his attention to the four rooms upstairs. But the mattress blocked off the two doors near the end of the corridor, the first door was locked, and Felix was starting to get worried. 

"Dear Moon Goddess, please don't let me die today." Felix sprinted towards the second door; he jiggled the handle and forced his way into the room. Once inside the room, he turned and locked the door, hoping the alpha would leave in time. Felix ended up leaning against the door for a good 10 minutes until he was sure the alpha had left. Taking a long, deep breath, he sank back against the door and slid to the ground in tears. He was scared, to be honest. He felt small, helpless, and fragile that he couldn't protect himself and had to hide. He looked up to survey the room, knowing he'd probably be in there for a while. Standing up, his eyes immediately went towards the bed. It was a good queen size bed with gray sheets. It would probably be an incredibly comfortable bed if there weren't already a body sleeping on it.

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