Chapter 16

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A/N: Sorry this is out late, I had a few bad days. I'm doing a double update today and then back to normal on Sunday!

After food the three moved to the sofa, Maggie armed with a notebook, spare paper and a lot of colourful pens.

"Remember what I said Alex, you have done nothing bad or wrong, you are not in trouble" Maggie had noticed Alex's anxious behaviour and was trying to soothe the big little.

Alex nodded, pulling Teggs close and looking at Danni for some extra reassurance before they started.

"Now, after all the fun we had earlier, I think we should play a game" Maggie momentarily left the room and came back with a beanie hat full of folded pieces of paper.

"What we're going to do is pick a question from that hat, and we can ask anyone for their answer. You cannot lie or ask someone else to answer for you, okay?" Maggie explained, raising an eyebrow at Danni, who had a history of trying to find loopholes in-game rules.

"Yes!" Alex said happily, thankful that this wasn't going to be a serious sit-down conversation.

"Alex, you can go first!"

Alex put her hand in the beanie and rooted around before pulling out a piece of paper, opening it, and reading aloud.

"W-what is your fav-our-ite colour?" She asked, speaking slowly and stumbling over some of the words.

"Danni answers!" Alex was quick to choose her person, hoping to skim over the bit where she messed up asking the question.

"Hmm" Danni pretended to think for a moment before answering, "my favourite colour!" She exclaimed, pointing at her eyes.

"Mine's blue!" Alex piped up, something Maggie was quick to write down in the notebook.

"Baby, your turn" Maggie said, gesturing to the hat.

Danni soon had a piece of paper in her hand.

"Baby, what was your most embarrassing moment?" Danni asked, not asking the question that was on the paper in favour of a funnier one.

"Oh god," Maggie cried, holding her head in her hands, "do I have to say?"

"Your rules my darling" Danni grinned, surreptitiously putting the real question back in the hat. Danni knew exactly what moment Maggie was thinking of and she knew that Alex was going to enjoy it. Maggie took a deep breath then began to answer.

"So it was Christmas last year, we were out, we had just been to a nice restaurant and now we were wandering around the shops, having a look. Danni left me for a minute because she had seen something she wanted to buy. I had just bought a thing for her, so I was now trying to find her. I saw her, went up to her, everything was fine, until I slapped her on ass, in a friendly way." Maggie paused and looked at Danni and Alex, one of whom was already giggling, and the other was wearing a shit-eating grin.

"As I slapped her, the person turns around. It was not Danni, it was a middle-aged woman that just happened to be dressed like her." Maggie felt mortified, and Alex and Danni burst out laughing.

"And in case the wasn't enough, Danni then came up behind me and slapped my ass instead! I couldn't stop apologising to this poor woman, I felt so bad. And then this one wouldn't stop teasing me about it the entire way home, and the woman took the same bus as us!" Maggie finished explaining, letting Alex and Danni enjoy her embarrassment.

That wasn't the last time Danni put Maggie on the spot by asking different questions, but it gave them all some laughs, and plenty of time to find out about each other.

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