Chapter 8

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A/N Because it's half term, here's an extra chapter. There'll probably be a few more over the next week, so I hope you enjoy them.

Jane was everything Mr Witherstone wasn't, she was kind, patient, understanding and compassionate. Alex never once cried through the questions, and Maggie and Danni were allowed to stay with the small girl at all times. The house inspection proved that Maggie and Danni had a home fit for littles (even if they hadn't planned for it) and Jane was satisfied that Alex was in the best home for her.

"That's everything!" Jane smiled, closing her clipboard folder happily.

"You mean, no more questions?" Danni asked cautiously. Neither Maggie nor Danni were aware yet of how much getting the LPS approval meant to them, they still thought (expected) that Alex would only be with them short-term.

"No more questions! I am satisfied that a certain young dinosaur will receive all the love and care that they would need here" Jane was speaking directly to Alex at that point, who was busy explaining to Teggs exactly how dinosaurs were meant to roar.

"I 'inosaur" Alex proclaimed proudly, pointing at herself and then Teggs.

"That's right, you are a little dinosaur" Jane cooed, ruffling Alex's hair and smiling.

"Now, I have a very important task for Teggs" Jane bent down slightly until she was at eye-level with Alex, Teggs held up to Alex's face.

"Teggs, you must promise to look out for Alex and keep an eye on all humans. You must keep Alex safe, keep her happy, and make sure that Danni and Maggie spoil her rotten!"

Alex giggled at that, using one hand to make Teggs nod his head at Jane's request.

"Good, I think we're all done then!" Jane stood up straight and smiled at Maggie and Danni who was anxiously waiting behind Alex.

"We can keep her?" Maggie asked, still unsure of the final result.

"Alex will remain in your care temporarily, until we can find a suitable long-term option for her" Jane explained, missing the sad looks on the adult's faces.

"Oh," Danni said stiffly, not missing the "temporary" aspect to Alex's care.

"I'm sure you both have work to do, and Alex and Teggs have adventures to create, I'll phone when a long-term carer has been found."

With that Jane left, leaving a happy Alex, and a surprisingly unhappy Maggie and Danni.

"Hey baby" Maggie crouched down to meet Alex, "can you and Teggs choose a movie for us to watch?" She asked, pushing Alex gently back towards the living room.

"Temporary, long-term option" Danni was fuming at Jane's choice of words.

"Babe, we can always request to keep her, nothing is saying we can't" Maggie attempted to soothe her girlfriend, mindful of the little in the next room.

"They can't just take her from us" Danni seethed, "we found her, I played dinosaurs with her, she cuddled with us during the storm, we can't just let her leave!"

"I know", Danni had been getting louder and louder and Maggie was sure Alex could hear them clearly, "let's not focus on that right now. Let's show Alex love, care, and compassion, starting with watching her film!"

With that Maggie pushed Danni into the living room, choosing to sit right next to Alex so cuddles could be offered. As soon as Maggie opened her arms, Alex jumped right in, practically fitting her whole body and Maggie's chest with Teggs carefully held in her arms.

"What, no cuddles for me?" Danni teased, her previous anger removed by the adorable sight in front of her.

"I give cuggles!" Alex exclaimed. Her mispronunciation was only made cuter by her grabbing Danni's arm and pulling her onto the sofa next to her, making sure to give each woman enough attention.

"Cuggles," Alex said proudly, shuffling so that she was equally on top of both women.

Maggie started the film (The Incredibles) and sighed, the day had been long and stressful for all. She slinked an arm around Alex and to Danni's shoulders, pulling both her girls. Wait. Her girls. Girls. Plural. Pulling both her girls towards her.


Once The Incredibles and the Incredibles 2 had finished, it was dinner time, though Alex was fast asleep and Maggie was about to be.

"I don't want to cook" Danni mumbled to herself, removing herself from the snuggle pile and reaching for her mobile. She ordered pizza, one large cheese for the three to share as she imagined that Alex wouldn't eat much. Danni was wrong. Danni was very very wrong.

"'Izza!" Alex shouted over and over again once the delivery man appeared, jumping on the sofa as she watched the pizza enter the house and be carried to the kitchen.

"'Izza" Alex was still shouting as Maggie attempted to portion the slices, not wanting to give Alex too many and make her sick, especially as Alex was still very small.

"I know baby, it's pizza. Now how about you help Danni set the table and I'll bring it through"

There was an evil grin on Maggie's face, having now passed the hyperactive little on to her girlfriend.

She could hear Alex babbling to Danni about something, but wasn't close enough to make it out. Unfortunately, Danni had managed to calm Alex, strapping Alex to a dining seat with bungee cords while she desperately tried to wiggle away.

"Why?" Alex was pouting now, unhappy to be restrained.

"Because you're little baby, and we can't have little girls falling out of chairs" Danni explained softly as Maggie brought the pizza in.

"I s'ill fall" Alex challenged, leaning in her seat away from both women. Just as she was about to fall off Danni caught her, which led to more pouting.

"Cheeky monkey" Danni rubbed her nose against Alex's, causing a fit of giggles.

"I 'eeky" Alex agreed.

"Would the monkey like some pizza?" Maggie asked, waving a slice in front of them both.

'Es p'ease!" Alex had remembered her manners and was soon rewarded with pizza.

Alex ate a lot of pizza. Probably more than Maggie and she has a BIG appetite. Neither women were ready for the little's appetite, but there it was, eating up most of the pizza they had ordered. Eventually, the pizza was gone, and all that was left were remnants on Alex's face, clothes, hands, and somehow hair.

"I think it's bath time little lady" Maggie cooed, unstrapping and picking up a grinning Alex.

"Baf" Alex agreed, pulling a piece of cheese out of her hair as Maggie led her to the stairs.

"You bath her, I'll clear up down here and get some hot chocolate going!" Danni called to her girlfriend, already picking up the plates from the messy evening.

In all honestly, Danni was glad that she didn't have to wash the little, if she could make that much mess just eating, who knew what she could do to a bath. Especially now she was awake.

A/N I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. The next few will involve shopping, plenty of cute moments, and potential some small drama. Thank you to everyone who reads/comments/votes, I appreciate you all so much.

Have a great weekend!

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