Chapter 27

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The day had arrived, it was time for Alex to have grandparents.

Alex woke to fingers being gently run through her hair, Danni singing the lullaby song again. As she opened her eyes, she focused immediately on the singing woman, quietly enjoying the peace of being cuddled and soothed.

"Good morning my darling" Danni cooed, noticing Alex's big blue eyes watching her.

"Mo'nin'" Alex smiled up at her, snuggling further into Danni and rocking her body until Danni got the idea and began rocking them both.

"You're just a sleepy one today huh?" Danni asked, returning to the song.

"We see 'Lara" today?" Alex mumbled into Danni.

Alex had positioned herself so that she had one ear against Danni's chest, listening to her heartbeat as she sang. The slight rocking was helping her stay calm considering the day's activities, and the song, the song was the best thing she had ever heard.

"Yeah baby, you're so clever for remembering!" Danni praised, booping Alex on the nose.

Alex wrinkled her nose at the endearment, pushing her face until her nose could no longer be reached.

"We're going to see Clara, my dad Marco, Maggie's mum Tonya and her dad Giuseppe," Danni explained.

"'Dey nice?"

Despite the conversation they had had last night, Alex was still scared of new people, especially men, and she was very scared of having two new men in the house and that Maggie and Danni would leave her.

Danni watched as her baby's brow became creased with worry. She was desperate for Alex to learn that not all new people are bad, and she needed today to go well for everyone so that Alex could begin to take that step.

"They're very nice, a little birdie even told me that they might have presents for you!" Danni smiled, running a thumb over Alex's forehead to ease the tension.

At the word "presents" Alex eagerly began paying attention, she had already built the puzzles she had got from Clara twice and was desperate to get more fun things.

"P'esents?" Alex giggled, sitting up straighter and pulling Danni along with her.

"Yeah, baby, presents for being such a cute girl!" Danni enthused, now seriously hoping that all the presents lived up to Alex's expectations.

As Alex was about to start bouncing around, excited from presents, Maggie appeared in their doorway.

"I thought I heard happy voices, what are we so happy about?"

"Ma-'anni says I get p'esents f'om 'Lara an' 'Arco an' 'Onya an' Giuseppe!" Alex shouted, not noticing the near slip.

Maggie and Danni noticed the slip.

"Of course she can say Giuseppe but not any other word properly" Maggie laughed, jumping on the bed to bounce with Alex while Danni desperately attempted to not get jumped on.

"Alright my happy bunnies, it is time for breakfast so we can get ready!" Maggie clapped her hands together and jumped off the bed, turning quickly to catch Alex in case she decided to jump.

Alex did decide to jump, just not off the bed. She decided to make the most of poor Danni still lying on the bed, and instead jumped and slammed into her. Giggling like a madman, Alex attempted to fend off Danni's tickle response but had no success.

Eventually, Danni relented, but only when Alex admitted defeat. Then Alex was slightly unceremoniously thrown over Danni's shoulder and carried down the stairs in a fit of giggles.With Maggie being the only person acting like an adult, she was quick to dish up the pancakes and have the table set so Alex could be put straight into her highchair, where the kitchen was 

safe from her energy.


A short while later and Alex, Maggie and Danni were covered in pieces of pancake, banana and strawberry. Alex and Danni were not in Maggie's good books.

Quick to unbuckle Alex, Maggie set her in a kitchen corner, making sure she was facing the wall.

"Babe, corner" Maggie ordered, pointing at one away from Danni.

"I-I" Danni stuttered. Her girlfriend couldn't be putting her in a time out, that wasn't happening.

"Daniela Carmen Sofia Smith, get yourself into the corner now!" Maggie barked, pointing again.

At that point, Danni's brain short-circuited and she found her feet leading her to the corner. Maggie had never full-named her, it could only mean she was in real shit.

"You will both face the corner until I saw otherwise, do not talk to each other, do not talk to me, do not move," Maggie told them, taking a moment to sigh and look at her previously pristine kitchen.

As Maggie began to clean the table of food, Alex turned to stare at Danni. Once she had Danni's attention, she slowly stuck her tongue out at the woman.

"Loser" Alex mouthed, sticking her tongue out again.

"Shut up" Danni hissed back, holding her breath until she knew Maggie hadn't heard her.

Maggie didn't let them out of the corners until her kitchen was back to it's clean and orderly way, not a speck of evidence of the food fight anywhere.

"Right, Danni, you are going to shower, clean all the food off you, and then get the house ready for our parents. Alex munchkin, I am going to give you a bath and then we'll read a book until she's done." Maggie explained, gesturing for Danni to leave and shower.

"How come I have to tidy and the munchkin get's read a book!" Danni asked in indignation.

"She's the child, you're the adult, you're meant to know better!" Maggie shot back, picking Alex up and settling her on her hip.

Danni couldn't respond to that without looking like a child, so she stomped up the stairs and slammed the bathroom door like a teenager instead.

"Your ma-, I mean, your Danni's a silly one isn't she" Maggie cooed, bouncing Alex on her hip as they moved to the other bathroom.

Alex was distracted by choosing her bath toys, so she hadn't noticed the slip Maggie had made. None of them could help it, it has been nearly two weeks since Alex had joined them, and the family was feeling fulfilled.

A/N: I'm back! Sorry for the delay, I've sprained my wrist.

There will be another chapter out tomorrow (Sunday) night as usual, but I thought you guys deserved this after being so patient with me.

Any questions or suggestions, put them here.

As always, have a good week, and I'll see you soon!

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