Chapter 33

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A/N: Thank you for your patience, I hope this is worth it. If not, don't worry, there'll be another chapter (without the delays) on Sunday.

Alex fell asleep as soon as the car engine turned on again, her head lolling against the side headrest on her car seat. The drive home was quiet save for Alex's snoring, Maggie and Danni were quiet in the front, each going back over the day. Maggie was focused on the stress of Alex going missing, mumbling to herself about a bell, hand-holding and a giant neon sign among other things. Danni was mulling over the conversation she had had with Charlotte and Lydia, how it fitted with Alex's story but not quite how she ended up in an alleyway in a thunderstorm.

It was only Alex's soft snores that kept the pair grounded as they neared their home; the human brain can be terrifying if left unattended.

Eventually, the small family reached home, Danni opening the front door and getting the bed ready while Maggie collected Alex from the back. As Maggie scooped Alex out of the seat and into her lap, she could hear Alex muttering to herself.

"Mommy, no go," the little said quietly.

As she said that, Alex grabbed a handful of Maggie's jacket in a vice-like grip, pushing her face into Maggie's shoulder and settling herself on Maggie's hip.

"I'm not going anywhere sweetheart" Maggie cooed, rubbing a hand on the small of Alex's back to help reinforce her sentence.

Carefully, Maggie climbed the stairs, ignoring Alex's room and taking her straight to the couple's, as she rightly assumed that they would be napping together. Alex began tearing up when Maggie set her on the bed, her chin wobbling as she came close to crying before Danni rushed in and held her hands.

"Oh, little one, you're alright. We're just going to change you and put you in some comfy nap clothes, that's all. We're not leaving you, my darling, not for anything in the world," Danni whispered.

Danni held Alex's hands in one of hers, the other smoothing hair of the sleeping little's face and providing reassuring touch as Alex became anxious.

"I'm back baby, I've got a pull-up and an elephant onesie," Maggie added.

At the sound of their voices together, Alex's body began to relax again. The creases in her forehead disappeared, her shoulders eased down and she unwound herself from her curl like a hedgehog.

"Good girl Alex, I'm going to change you now baby" Maggie praised Alex carefully, and though she wasn't sure that Alex was awake, she thought it would be better if she explained what was happening.

Once Alex was changed (there was a small grumble when Danni had to let go so her onesie could go on), she was swaddled in her blanket while Maggie and Danni changed into pyjamas, but quickly she was unwrapped and under the duvet.

The scene was as cute as it could get, Maggie and Danni were on either side of Alex, curled up and hugging her between them. Alex was far enough down that only some unruly hair could be seen above the duvet and blanket. Maggie and Danni were picture perfect in their sleep.


It was nearly three hours before any of them woke up, and it was Alex first.

Though disorientated at first (she last remembered the coffee shop), she was quick to realise that she was safe at home with her mummies and that the bed was warm and comfortable.Just as Alex fell asleep again, Danni woke. Unlike Alex, Danni chose to get out of bed, heading to the kitchen for coffee and Alex's poster of their rules.

"Shit," she hissed, there was no rule against wandering away from Maggie and Danni.

As Danni tried to figure out how to deal with their situation, Maggie was enjoying some awake time with her baby. Normally toddlers have plenty of energy and can't sit still, but right now Alex was happy to be curled up into Maggie, mumbling about dinosaur and space facts and occasionally getting the two muddled.

"An' 'upiter is the bi'est dinosaur, it's huge and full of gas," Alex explained, not even noticing the mistake.

"That's fascinating munchkin, do you think Jupiter has as much gas as Mama?" Maggie joked, bopping Alex on the nose.

Alex giggled in response, trying to go cross-eyed to see Maggie's finger tap her nose.

"Es," Alex grinned, nodding her head into Maggie's chest.

It became much funnier to Alex when Danni walked in at that moment, a half-finished cup of coffee in hand.

"Mama gas," Alex pointed at Danni, chuckling to herself as Maggie tried to keep a straight and innocent face.

Danni attempted to reason with the little who was now chanting "Mama gas" but quickly gave up, shaking her head and shrugging at her girlfriend.

"I'm not even going to ask," Danni sighed.

"Babe, wandering off isn't on the munchkin's list of rules. How do we deal with earlier?" She continued, hoping Maggie would have some idea.

"I think we need to talk to her, give her a chance to explain and then collectively decide on the new rule. If we say no treats for two days as a punishment, it gives her time to understand why she shouldn't do it, and us time to figure out other things which aren't in the rules," Maggie explained.

Danni sighed in relief; as always, Maggie had had an answer.

"That sounds good babe, thank you." Danni came over to kiss Maggie gently, hoping to share a sweet moment with her girlfriend while Alex was still half-asleep.


A/N: Thank you to everyone for your patience with me! I found the laptop and the wifi is hanging on just long enough for me to publish this.

I have had a very hectic week, but we should be back to normal updates on Sunday evenings now with any luck.

I've planned out most of the rest of this book, I promise it ends happy!!

Two questions, don't answer if you don't want to:

1. Out of curiosity, do any of you age regress or have a littlespace? I'm wondering who reads these because they interested in littlespace and age regression, who has a littlespace and who just enjoys this type of book...

2. I'm planning the new book, and written about half of chapter 1, would anyone be interesting in a teaser?

As always, any suggestions, ideas or questions, leave them here.

Thank you for all the reads, comments and votes, I can't believe this little book is at 90k reads now!!

Have a great rest of your week and I'll see you Sunday!

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