Chapter 22

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A/N: And I'm back. I know this is a few days late, but I didn't want to write and upload on my birthday. 

Nearly 35k reads and I've reached number 1 in cgl, thank you all so much!! I appreciate every read, comment and vote, so thank you all and enjoy the chapter!

Also before reading this chapter, I know it may seem like I'm throwing drama left and right, but it's important to remember that Alex hasn't experienced a good home before, so she's gonna freak, and cry, and get upset over everything because it's all new.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter and tomorrow I'll upload again and hopefully begin to answer and few of your questions.

After Alex's bath, she was fitted with a new pull-up, a yellow, black and white striped t-shirt (it made her look like a bumblebee) and what were quickly becoming Alex's favourite dungarees. They were dark blue denim, with a stegosaurus patched onto the front pocket, all the fastenings were buttons, not the metal clips, something Maggie and Danni were very grateful for considering small wandering fingers. The stegosaurus had been named "mini Teggs", a substitute for any time Alex couldn't have Teggs with her (no situations had presented themselves yet, but Maggie and Danni wanted Alex to be prepared).

"Alright baby girl, it's time for socks!" Maggie exclaimed, waving them about in Alex's face.

Alex pouted.

"'o 'ocks" Alex grumbled, still pouting at Maggie.

"But if you don't wear your socks, you can't wear your boots, and if you don't wear your boots, we can't go on a picnic!" Maggie explained, waving Teggs in Alex's face to try and make her smile again.

"O'ay" Alex sighed, sticking a foot out at Maggie.

"Oh, I see, I do all the hard work?" Maggie joked, quickly getting the fox-themed sock on her foot.


Downstairs Danni was preparing sandwiches and snacks for the picnic, plain cheese for Alex and something complicated and unnecessary for her and Maggie. As she bagged the sandwiches and labelled them to prevent confusion she heard the sound of quick footsteps down the stairs.

"I better not be hearing a little one running down the stairs" She called out.

The footsteps stopped, there was a loud sigh, and then they restarted, albeit slower than before.

The footsteps continued until they were at the door of the kitchen.

"Hey baby" Danni turned around to see Alex stood nervously in the doorway, Teggs clutched up to her face.

"Nic-nic?" Alex asked carefully.

After Maggie had sent her downstairs her brain had been overthinking like crazy, and now she thought that Maggie and Danni were playing a trick on her.

"Yes darling, picnic. We're going to take all this food to the forest and eat it on a comfy blanket. Does that sound good to you?" Danni asked, crouching slightly so they were eye-level.

Alex began to chew on one of Tegg's scales nervously, not able to look at Danni.
"Lexi," Danni said quietly, regaining the attention of the anxious little.

"In this house, we do not lie and we do not hurt, physically or mentally. We make promises, and we stick to them. I promise you that we are going on a picnic, that you get to eat all the food you can, and that you-"

Danni was momentarily interrupted by Alex shaking Teggs at her.

"That you, and Teggs, are safe, okay?"

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