S1 Ep9

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"What's more disturbing than sneaking into your bedroom window at night, hoping no one will see you but then the lamp beside your bed turns on and your butler is standing there with his arms crossed and with an angry expression on his face? So this happened to me last night. I forgot to tell someone in my family that I was going to hang out with Kaldur. So I get home and Alfred's there and says, "Miss Gale, where have you been?" My response? "Out with a friend turned boyfriend." He says, "You should have been here sooner. Everyone is at the hospital." I'm like, "What?! Who died?!" He says, "Your mother is having another child." Why today have to be the day she went into labor?! More importantly, why didn't she say anything?!"

*Que theme song and intro video*

*Scene opens with the kids all sitting in the waiting room. Jason, Tim, Rudy, and Damian are reading a book, Bree, Barbara and Dick are visiting Cass. Other strangers sit in the waiting room as well, for their own reasons.*

"I can't believe Mom didn't tell us she was expecting! Like, who does that?!" Tim broke the silence.

"I suppose she wanted it to be a surprise." Rudy answered.

"What if she didn't know that she was pregnant? Then is is like those stories where ladies just gave birth and they weren't expecting it." Jason mumbled.

"I don't believe those stories are true. How can a woman give birth without knowing she was pregnant? Or she wasn't pregnant and didn't do anything to get pregnant, but she gives birth. How is that possible? You need a man in order for that to happen." Damian said. 

"This is just as crazy as a man becoming pregnant. How can a dude give birth to a baby?" Jason said.

This got some stares from the other people. The boys ignored them.

"But you're not denying it can't happen." Rudy said.

"But can men get pregnant? Can ladies give birth without being pregnant?" Tim asked.

"Just ask Google and shut up." One man sitting near them said.

"Hey Google! Is it possible for a man to get pregnant?" Tim asked his phone.

"Male pregnancy is the incubation of one or more embryos or fetuses by male members of some species."

"Well that didn't answer our question!" Jason said as he sat up and closed his book.

"Or did it? Do we actually know what it's talking about?" Tim asked.

"I don't and I don't want to know." Rudy said.

"I'll ask the next question. Hey Google, can a woman give birth without being pregnant?" Jason asked Tim's phone.

"Aw, come on! We have to read different articles to learn the answer to this stupid question!?" Damian cried.

"It's been done in shows so maybe it's true." Rudy said. 

"You guys are dumb. You couldn't even see the signs. I told you Mom was pregnant but did you believe me? No, you didn't. You thought I was joking. But I'm not." Gale appeared out of nowhere.

"We're not dumb! We just didn't see the signs." Tim argued.

"So you are dumb. I wish I were home talking with Kal instead of here. When the baby arrives, I'm keeping it way away from you. Wait till Mom finds out that four of five of her current sons are dumb." Gale said.

"I believe that would be best, Miss Gale. Now come. All of you. I have been informed that Mistress Diana now has a surprise in her arms." Alfred said, appearing out nowhere.

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