S1 Ep7

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"Why can't my kids act like normal kids? Do they have to be causing trouble everywhere they go? Most importantly, do they really need to start a prank war at the mountain? I get that they're kids but still when they're in uniform, it's not the time to start prank wars."

*Gale walks in and sits beside Bruce.*

"Dad, just let us have our prank war. I'm only going to be a kid for a year longer. Then I'll be twenty and off to college. And when I start acting like an adult, you'll be sorry that you didn't let have the prank war when I was still eighteen."

*Que intro video and song.*

"Ugh why do I have to be the one to tell the boys this?" Bree groaned.

"You were the one to suggest this prank on them." Karen stated.

"When I get back, all of your heads will be hung as decorations on my wall." Bree muttered.

She walked over the the gym, where she thought the boys would be. She was right. All of them were shirtless and sweating like crazy.

"Ahem." Bree coughed. The boys turned around.

"Soooooooo, I hate to say this but the girls and I, well excluding Cass, painted your suits pink and purple. Like every girl here that you have a crush on. Painted your suits. Okay! That's all I had to say, so bye!" Bree ran out of there.

"Wait, what!? It can't be true!" Dick cried.

"I swear if this is true!" Wally said.

"I'm betting it's a prank." Conner added.

"Well, good luck on missions with girl colored suits, everyone. I'm going to take a nap." Damian responded.

"You get back here, Demon! They probably did it to you too!" Tim screamed after him.

"Can't be true. They said they painted their crushes' suits. My girl doesn't even know I exist. She lives in France and is a fictional character on a t.v. show." Damian said and left.

"We need to make sure this isn't a prank. Let's go talk to the girls." Kaldur replied calmly.

They reached the living room where the girls had gathered.

"Does anyone want to tell me why they painted our suits?" Kaldur asked.

"It's Zee's fault! She said a spell to make us paint them!" M'gann shared. Zee glared at her.

"Zee, you did this? Why? I'm not going on a mission with a girl colored suit!" Dick said. The boys heard giggling. It came from Cass.

"What's so funny, Cass?" Conner asked, slightly suspicious.  Cass glanced at Gale, who nodded her head.

"We prank you!" Cass squealed with laughter. The other girls soon followed suit.

"Wait this was a prank?" Conner grunted. The girls nodded

"Shucks guys. You may have won this round but we will get you next time. I declare a prank war!" Jason announced. 

"Oh dang! We have to start drawing up plans!" Bree exclaimed. 

*Camera focuses on the girls. Some of the girls are drawing up plans for their next prank. Gale is staring out the window of her room, not taking part in the planning.*

"So how about we come up with one really big prank to scare them senseless?" Bree suggested. They all agreed.

"You guys can plan it. I'm going home. I want to be safe from our brothers when they find out we actually painted their suits." Gale announced. 

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